
Are You Ready to Heal Pain and Struggle so You Can Finally Live with Joy, Freedom, Energy, and Vitality?

The Ultimate Miracle Healing Experience to Release Allergies, Addictions, Hidden Trauma (& So Much More!)

Unlock Radiant Health, Vibrant Energy & Holistic Wellbeing Even if You’ve Been Struggling with Allergies, Health & Emotional Challenges Your Whole Life

Do you fight against bone-deep fatigue day after day? Maybe you have allergies or health issues that hold you back from living full on and full out?

Or it might be that you struggle with addictions to substances like alcohol, pain medication, caffeine, food or sugar… and your addiction keeps coming back ( no matter how many times you think you’ve quit for good!)

How about your emotions? With everything that’s going on in the world, all the shifts and changes that can trigger anxiety, uncertainty, doubt and fear…

Most people feel like they’re riding a massive emotional rollercoaster where they’re totally calm one minute and then stressed, angry, disappointed, and frustrated the next.

And the truth is you’re SO tired of it all! You’re ready for a change. You want a permanent shift. A transformation. You want vibrant energy, radiant health… a deep sense of wellbeing.

You want to release those allergies, sensitivities and all other physical and emotional conditions that come with it like…  

You want them all gone... for good! Poof!

But it feels like that will never happen because you’ve tried just about everything you can think of… prescription drugs, medications, natural remedies, diets and on and on.

No matter what you try and how hard you try, nothing changes. At least not for long.

It feels like you’re trapped, stuck and there’s no way out… but what if that’s just not true?

What if there’s a path, a unique method, a powerful healing experience that gives you the keys to…

Amazing health, deep inner calm, focus and creativity, freedom from cravings and addictions and youthful energy (no matter what your physical age happens to be)

Introducing the ONLY Allergy Healing Program of it’s Kind in the World

Welcome to the life-changing healing experience
that creates lasting health on the cellular and energetic levels

Miracle Healing: The Energetic Allergy Healing Program

The Miracle Healing program creates deep healing so you can be free from countless allergies as well as the allergic symptoms and related health conditions.

You’ll also free yourself from cravings and addictions while releasing stored trauma, limiting beliefs and emotions that do not serve you.

Some of the allergies that you release center around vital nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fats and proteins…

And this may surprise or shock you but almost everyone is allergic to the very nutrients and elements that your body needs to function flawlessly and at optimum health.

Just A Few of the Hundreds of Allergen Groups Covered in The Miracle Healing Program...

With The Miracle Healing Program You Will Also Experience Deep Healing Around...

And that’s just the beginning! We will also be doing a lot of the belief and emotion work each week and here’s why…

Emotions, Beliefs And Trauma Are The Root Cause Behind Allergies, Allergic Symptoms & Just About Every Allergy-Related Health Condition…

…. including things like asthma, thyroid problems, hypertension and so many more.

This is where learning and using the Sacred Light Heartbreath Meditation and powerful breathing technique, inside the Miracle Healing program can help create radical, positive transformations on a deep level.

You will begin to naturally optimize the internal healing environment of your body as you balance and create lasting inner wellness.

The Sacred Light Heartbreath Meditation is deeply grounding and connects you to your Higher Self and to Divine Universal Intelligence through your heart.

When we make these connections through the heart we bring through powerful, palpable, positive emotions that encourage extensive healing such as feelings of safety, trust, courage, deep compassion and care for yourself and for all beings.

It generates restorative energy frequencies for greater healing shifts to occur at every level.

If you are struggling with a very weak immune system or if you are especially “allergy challenged” learning this simple Sacred Light Heartbreath Meditation and heart-based breathing technique will assist you to rise to higher states of emotions and consciousness where disease cannot exist.

The combined power of the meditation and breathing technique allow self-regulation and self-growth that reaches beyond allergy healing. The benefits are infinite!

The Unspoken Truth About Allergies & What Makes Miracle Healing One of the Most Powerful & Effective Allergy Healing Programs on the Planet

A big reason why the Miracle Healing program is so powerful — even miraculous — is because of something called the Allergy Healing Kit.

Allergy Healing Kits are essentially an incredibly detailed and thorough compilation of allergens. As you can imagine, these Kits literally took YEARS to create (you won’t find them anywhere else… and they’re priceless!)

Miracle Healing: The Energetic Healing program is designed around these Kits which collectively cover over 8000+ allergens.

What this means is you’re NOT just clearing allergies that are known to you but also the ones that you are not “testing positive” to.

Most people don’t realize it but we each have thousands of unknown allergies in our system.

These include hidden allergies to our environment, to people and other living beings such as pets and plants, and even to inanimate objects such as the furniture in your home.

While part of the root cause of allergies are emotions, lots of people even have allergic reactions to the emotions themselves.

This includes allergies to positive emotions such as joy, compassion and love, which creates blocks to healing, receiving and experiencing powerful positive life experiences.

So you might be wondering… how is that even possible?

Well, in its essence, an allergy is simply disharmony in your energetic relationship with living beings, environmental elements, objects, thoughts, beliefs, emotions and more.

With the healings in the Miracle Healing program, you’ll start to release all known and unknown allergies as you move into deeper harmony with everything and everyone in your life including your own inner world of emotions.

You will quickly begin to function at an exponentially higher vibrational level as you bring your entire physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects into full alignment…

And that’s when you’ll see the magic of Miracle Healing at work as your life starts to flow with health, joy, vitality, and ease.


Meet World-Class Spiritual Healer, Teacher, and Creator of the Astonishingly Powerful Energetic Allergy Healing Modality

Hi there! I’m Kimberlie Carlson, Founder and Creator of Energetic Allergy Healing.

My passion – my life’s work – is about supporting and guiding people to shift out of pain and illness and into beautiful health, harmony and wellbeing so they can finally live their dreams.

With over 25 years of healing experience around allergies, inflammation, disease and pain in the body, I have had the honor of witnessing the miraculous healing of countless people! (best Job EVER! 🙂)

A little bit more about me…

I spent my entire childhood and half my adult life in pain and deep discomfort and I was immersed in hopelessness…

Through the years, I’ve struggled with chronic ear infections, sinus infections, yeast infections and bladder infections that reached my kidneys, not once but 4 times.

I’ve battled with chronic fatigue, hay fever, brain fog, food allergies, skin problems and digestive problems.

During my high school years, I was hit with such a severe case of Epstein Barr Virus or “mono” that I failed my classes because I couldn’t get out of bed in the mornings. I needed a tutor just to get through the 9th grade.

But when I speak or think of those years now, it feels like a bad dream…

My health issues are in the past and they haven’t emerged for years now. I can’t even remember the last time I struggled with any of it.

After years of trial and error, working on myself, after hundreds and hundreds of hours of study, I FINALLY discovered a healing modality that worked to free me from the pain and the hopeless emotional desperation that I felt when I was in the grip of so many conditions and health issues for years and years…

It is the only healing modality that has worked. The only method that has brought lasting healing and health.

I first began to use this technique on just myself but I eventually began working with family and friends… and then clients.

The results have been nothing short of amazing…even miraculous!

My modality freed people from the pain, heartache and deprivation that arises from living with poor health and struggling with trauma, cravings and addictions…

It’s the modality that gave me my life back. It has given so many the freedom they were looking for…

I’m now a healthy, happy mom and entrepreneur. I feel so blessed to be able to say that I truly love my life!

Here’s Just Some of the Life-Changing Learnings & Results You Can You Look Forward to With the Miracle Healing Program

Heal inflammation and power up your immune system for health and youthful energy

Strengthen and power up your immune system so you can drastically reduce the effects of inflammation and stress on your body so you can avoid becoming afflicted with contagious conditions and allergies

See significant, positive changes in your health and energy levels long after the program is over

Do you know we all have a complete set of new cells every 12 weeks? You are going to notice a major shift in your energy and in your overall health as the months go by (you can look forward to continued improvement in your health and energy levels over the next 3 to 6 months after the program!)

Release beliefs, emotions and trauma that cause physical, mental and emotional pain and struggle

Misaligned beliefs, emotions and trauma are the root cause for just about every single mental, emotional and physical challenge. You’ll unhook and fully heal from the beliefs, emotions and conscious and unconscious trauma that are holding you back (even if you have no idea what they are!).

Start enjoying powerful, positive changes not just in your health but in all aspects of your life

Reach an incredibly enhanced level of health and well-being through high vibrational emotional states and this opens the door to endless goodness in your life like true, lifelong love, amazing income, beautiful relationships with friends and family… and so much more!

Feel safe, secure and completely empowered in your body and across all areas of your life

Start to feel safe, strong and secure in your inner world -- your body -- maybe for the first time in your life and then see this strength and safety reflected in the outer world as you become empowered to live your life in line with your highest purpose.

Receive an extraordinary boost in your Life Force Energy or Chi to amplify and accelerate healing on all levels

Feel the transformational power of activated, elevated Life Force Energy or Chi as you amplify your healing and even activate hidden or unknown healing skills and abilities!

Experience the kind of deep, authentic self-love & self-empowerment that can change your whole life

You’ll begin to fall in love with yourself, your body, your relationship with others and with life itself… and it will happen in ways that you can’t even imagine right now! You’ll be empowered to fully take charge of your life and your destiny as you make ideal decisions so you can start living in joy, love, freedom and creativity.

… and much MUCH More!

What’s Inside Miracle Healing: The Energetic Allergy Healing Program

13 life-changing sessions that can take you from mental, emotional, and physical pain, allergies, and addictions, to empowered health, deep wellbeing, and complete emotional freedom.

This is the only allergy healing program that lets you release inflammation, boost your immune system, and clear allergies, addictions, and hidden emotional trauma in 12 transformational sessions. This is a life-changing healing experience!

Sessions 1 through 5​

Powering Up Your Immune System With The Fundamentals

The brain recognizes an allergy as anything that causes an immune reaction and inflammation in the body and this is the reaction that over-stresses and drains you of life force energy. A strong immune system is the solution as it protects you and drastically reduces allergies. During these first sessions, the focus is on strengthening and powering up your immune system.

You will start to clear allergies to vitamins, minerals, proteins, salts, sugars, yeasts, molds, fungus, and parasites, from hundreds of parts of the body.

You will begin to absorb and utilize vital nutrients to nourish your cells, glands, organs, and tissues to literally begin building a new, high-functioning immune system!

You’ll release emotions and beliefs that are keeping you trapped in poor health. You will also experience transformational Feeling Downloads and Activations so you’re ready to receive the full power of the healings throughout the course of this program.

You’ll be clearing out programming and trauma around not feeling safe in your body, not feeling safe on this planet, not feeling or being safe to shine your light, and so much more with specific belief work and focused healing activations.

You will learn and practice a unique technique to create a powerful healing environment in your cells, your DNA….in your, unique, one-of-a-kind body! This is the Sacred Light Heartbreath Meditation to connect with your heart, ground and connect you with the earth and connect you to Source for deep healing.

You’ll also naturally and easily start to run more Life Force Energy in your body and activate your own healing abilities, heal on deeper levels, and experience more energy, and new levels of well being.

Session 6

Miracle Healing - Food & Nutrition

Imagine fearlessly enjoying a delicious scoop of butter pecan ice-cream on a hot summer’s day… and all because you no longer experience adverse reactions to dairy?

In session 6 you will go deep into allergy healing as well as additional belief work and trauma clearing around foods, eating, nourishment, and self love.

You’ll begin saying goodbye to the days of strict diet rules and saying no to foods you love (in some cases, you might start to see this happen as early as session 2!)

You’ll experience healing around an incredibly extensive range of foods — everything from seafood and fats, nuts, seeds, legumes, dairy, grains, spices, nightshade vegetables to beverages like chocolate, coffee, and alcohol.

You’ll also heal and clear allergies to food chemicals, dyes, and preservatives.

Session 7

Miracle Healing - Chemicals, Toxic Substances & Agents

No more incessant sneezing. No more floundering blindly through a room as your nose and eyes drain uncontrollably because of a little dust!

You’ll experience healing and allergy releases around all types of radiation, plastics, dust, pollution, smoke, industrial toxins, insecticides, fungicides, food and water chemicals and additives, detergents, cosmetics, adhesives and more

You’ll experience the power of allergy healing partnered with specific belief and trauma clearing work to completely release stored toxins from your body. This means you’ll be unblocking your “detox pathways” and releasing toxins that have been stuck in the body for months, years or even decades (maybe even from the day you were born!).

Session 8

Miracle Healing - Environmental Factors & Agents

If you feel discomfort when you are in certain locations — maybe even your own home — you could be allergic to hidden substances in the floor, the carpet or the walls. This will become a problem of the past with the healings in session 8

You’ll heal and release allergies around environmental agents and chemicals in the home like insulation, drywall, carpet, heating and cooling systems, your mattress, bedding, fabrics and materials, fragrances and perfumes, and more.

You’ll also release allergies to pollen, trees, weeds, flowers, different types of grass (no more antihistamines or hiding indoors when nature is in bloom!)

Session 9

Miracle Healing - Prescription Medication & Drugs

Are you experiencing physical reactions such as inflammation to medications that you need, to control certain conditions?

In session 9, you will clear any and all allergies related to medications and drugs, immunizations, anesthesia, antibiotics, including narcotic/recreational drugs.

You’ll release and clear allergies to the most common insects, pets, and other animals (mosquitos don’t pay any attention to me anymore and they’ll probably ignore you too!)

You’ll release your allergies to animal fur and dander. So if you’ve always wanted a dog or a cat but felt you couldn’t have one because of allergies, you will start the work that will finally set you free to enjoy the companionship of a furry friend!

Sessions 10,11, and 12

Miracle Healing - Viruses and bacteria, Blocked Emotions & Negative Beliefs

Do you know viruses and bacteria carry belief systems and negative emotional energy just like us? Health issues arise when we share the same beliefs and emotional patterns that they do.

These last few sessions are dedicated to clearing all allergies related to viruses and bacteria.

You’ll receive healing plus belief and emotion work, to release your energetic connections that contribute to repeated illnesses caused by viruses and bacteria.

Bacterias and viruses can be involved with many of the inflammation and pain patterns you experience. You can hold many of these pathogens in your bodies and you probably began collecting these from the time we are born.

Clearing them as allergies can release you from recurring infection patterns as well as resolve pain and dysfunction in our bodies.

Lifetime Access To Powerful Healing Recordings

You will receive lifetime access to recordings of 12 incredible allergy healing sessions. This means you can listen to these recordings, again and again, to deepen your healing whenever you feel you need a quick boost to increase your energy or strengthen your immune system.

Heartbreath Practice And Sacred Light Heartbreath Meditation

This is an amazing part of the Miracle Energetic Allergy Healing Program. Doing the Sacred Light Heartbreath Meditation and learning the ancient practice of breathing with your heart, brings more chi (life force energy), and more light into your body so that you can heal on deeper levels, creating even more amazing transformations to your own DNA. This is healing like you’ve never experienced before!

Sacred Light Technologies To Filter Out Harmful Or Unwanted Energies

Install and activate a set of 11th Dimensional Spiritual Technologies Kim calls the Sacred Light Filters. These extraordinarily high-frequency light tools filter out and protect you from specific negative energies and attune it out of your systems, and field.

They work to block specific pathogens as well as environmental agents, and other overwhelming energies that weaken immune health like radiation or even the energy of specific people.

48x Energetic Allergy Healing Activations & Attunements

What are Energetic Allergy Healing or EAH Activations and Attunements? These are powerful healing energies, Kim co-created through Divine Guidance with a specific healing focus to activate DNA, dissolve hundreds of negative programs, trauma, and other limiting energies that can keep you stuck in unhealthy patterns.

The Activations & Attunements bring in new high-frequency energies, light codes, sacred geometries that heal, spiritually evolve, and bring in new positive programming, creating powerful shifts in your body and in your life.

Here are details of some of the EAH Activations (so you can get a feel for what to expect):

Spiritual Boundaries

This Activation brings in energetic structures to strengthen boundaries, or even to create new ones you didn’t have before. You’ll experience a new level of discernment so that you aren't easily tricked. You easily see through the pretty sparkle of lies, untruths, to make choices that are healthy and for the highest and best good for yourself, in alignment with the truth of who you really are.

Breaking the Chains of Karma

This Activation opens the path to breaking free from Karma and Karmic debt cycles and patterns. This lets you shift out of 3D where you will shed your old ways of learning and evolving through pain and trauma. The Activation anchors you into the 5th Dimensional Grid System where you’ll learn and evolve from love, compassion, kindness, joy and more. The Activation also brings in powerful supportive Feeling Downloads to support your transition into 5D, assisting you in connecting into and receiving light from higher dimensions… even beyond 5D!

Inner Child Allergy Release

This Activation clears trauma at specific ages. All ages where trauma is trapped/stuck are accurately identified and trauma and programming from those experiences are pulled. The Activation also heals allergies to yourself at those ages. Brings in integration of the inner child to create wholeness.

Heart-Brain Activation

This Activation energizes the 40,000 neurons in the heart that “think” independently of the brain. Rather than thoughts, these neurons think in positive emotional states such as complete knowing (highest levels of intuition), self confidence, positive self image, compassion, gratitude and self and other love. There is no negative self talk or negative self image. All possibility exists in this space with access to the same level of knowledge as Creator and your Higher Self.

Deep Release - Guilt, Shame, Unworthiness

This Activation releases oaths, vows and contracts to be stuck in these patterns and energies, giving you permission to move out of emotional experiences and move into higher vibrational emotional states. It dissolves oaths, vows and contracts to take them on these patterns for others that you are connected to. This Activation also includes Energetic Allergy Healing for collective guilt, condemnation, unworthiness, self criticism, self punishment and shame.

Here’s the full list of the rest of the Activations and Attunements in the program:

Miracle Healing: The Energetic Healing Program Includes Deep, Transformative Releases and Healing Sessions

Here’s How It Works

13 x Transformational Recorded Teaching Sessions (Value Over $1,500)

Each week you will receive an easy-to-follow, recorded video teaching session where you will be guided through powerful meditations, deep healings, and teachings to awaken new insights and awarenesses that take you into a deeper, more loving relationship with a very important, unique, and special person — YOU!

And don’t worry…  you will receive the FULL healing benefits through the video and audio recordings (these healings are not in any way diminished, constrained, or restricted by time and space)

Lifetime Access To Powerful Healing Recordings

You will receive lifetime access to recordings of 13 incredible allergy healing sessions. This means you can listen to these recordings, again and again, to deepen your healing whenever you feel you need a quick boost to increase your energy or strengthen your immune system.

Sacred Light Heartbreath Meditation

This is an amazing part of the Miracle Energetic Allergy Healing Program. Doing the Sacred Light Heartbreath Meditation and learning the ancient practice of breathing with your heart, brings more chi (life force energy), and more light into your body so that you can heal on deeper levels, creating even more amazing transformations to your own DNA. This is healing like you’ve never experienced before!

You’ll Also Get Access to Powerful Bonuses + Extras Specially Designed to Support & Deepen Your Healing Journey

FREE Bonus Gift #1
Sacred Healing Intentions Mini Masterclass

This is a deeply supportive pre-recorded mini masterclass designed to assist you in creating an ideal foundation for success, as you embark on your life-changing Miracle Healing journey. Kim will guide you through a unique and magical path as you set intentions for transformational healings and changes you want to receive in this program. She’ll share a special healing experience where you’ll create your own sacred container as you anchor and amplify your intentions.

FREE Bonus Gift #2
Deep Relationship Trauma Release Healing Tool

Relationships are our biggest mirrors… and our biggest triggers! The Relationship Trauma Release is a unique, recorded audio healing tool that completely heals and clears trauma from ALL of your core relationships. This potent audio recording is short and sweet and it’s easy to listen to every day but make no mistake… it’s super powerful! The recording contains multiple healing spiritual and energetic layers and elements that will bring in healthy boundaries in your relationships as it clears abuse, loss, abandonment, rejection, and other relationship pain patterns across all of time, all lifetimes, realities, dimensions with the people we travel lifetimes with, including soul groups. The Relationship Trauma Release tool also resolves and dissolves unhealthy contracts, oaths, vows, and obligations with romantic partners, children, siblings, and parents, as it cuts hooks, cords, attachments, and entanglement that drain your energy, cause negative emotional responses like confusion doubt and fear, and trigger inflammation in the body.

FREE Bonus Gift #3
Transmuting Emotions & Detox Symptoms Support Healing Tool

This recorded audio healing tool assists in flushing toxins that arise in the body, during and after deep healing experiences. This tool also rebalances all of your body systems and nurtures inner harmony on a cellular level. This tool also has the power to help you quickly and safely transmute negative, stressful emotions. This means difficult emotions that come up for you during and after this program can be gently and easily released.

FREE Bonus Gift #4
Life-Changing Feelings Download Audio Recordings

You will experience over 200 + “Feelings Downloads” in a recording that you can listen to at any time. Feeling Downloads are transformational guided phrases to release negative beliefs and emotions such as guilt and shame so you can heal faster and more effectively.


“Give yourself the gift of working with Kimberlie and unleash the greatness within yourself.”

Working with Kimberlie has been an experience that I will always look upon as transformational. She listened, understood and foremost held a very safe space for me to heal Multiple Chemical Sensitivities. Kimberlie was so effective and efficient in unlocking the chains that have held me captive to this illness and my negative reactive emotions to them. I will be forever grateful to Kimberlie. I encourage all to give yourself the gift of working with Kimberlie and unleash the greatness within yourself
Bernie Bowman
“I am so thankful for this work that I became a practitioner of it!!!! I highly recommend her energetic allergy healing group program!!!!”

Just want to thank Kimberlie for her work! I had worked so hard to heal my food allergies and autoimmune digestive disorder with so many healers and healing techniques that I learned. It wasn’t until her energetic allergy healing program with the allergy healing and deep belief work that I can finally eat dairy, cheese, wheat, gluten, grains and stay healthy!! I had to retrain my brain to be in balance and harmony with these items and many more!! I am so thankful for this work that I became a practitioner of it!!!! I highly recommend her energetic allergy healing group program!!!! Thank you to Kimberlie Carlso and Energetic Allergy Healing that shifted my life and health tremendously!! So blessed to have you as a teacher!
Kristi Olander

You Have an Important Choice Ahead of You...

Right this instant, as you read these words, it probably feels like you’re never going to live that life, the life you’ve been dreaming of, the one that you hold close to your heart.

A life where you feel hope come alive in you, for the first time in a long time (maybe ever!)

A life where you open your eyes each morning and feel that beautiful rush of vibrant, youthful energy flood through you …

A life where radiant health and vitality are a natural part of who you are and how you experience the world…

It’s a level of health that inspires that rare, precious feeling. You’ve felt it before, even if it was just for a moment… it’s that feeling of near invincibility. 

The feeling that arises when you know you can do anything you set your mind to because you have the strength and stamina to live from your highest and best self…

This is true freedom. This level of freedom is expansive, and it’s all-encompassing.

It’s freedom from physical pain and emotional depletion. Freedom from the unending exhaustion that you grapple with right now.

Maybe you’re seeking freedom from cravings that fill you with guilt and regret each time you reach for salty, sugary fatty foods…

Maybe you’re seeking freedom from an addiction that binds you to pain and heartbreak and that leaves you feeling broken, empty and so alone…

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve struggled (maybe your whole life) or how many times you’ve failed to find health and healing…

Wherever you are right now, Miracle Healing: The Energetic Allergy Healing Program will meet you there and take you on a journey that leads to REAL, lasting healing, love, freedom, and MORE.

Are You Ready to Heal From Allergies, Health Conditions, Craving, Addictions, Trauma & More?

Are You Ready to Experience Your Miracle Healing?

Get Instant Access!

Miracle Healing: The Energetic Allergy Healing program is Now Just $797 (Value Over $1,800)


$ 797
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$ 438
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$ 292
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Miracle Healing: The Energetic Allergy Healing Program is Perfect for You if You Long To…

Miracle Healing: The Energetic Allergy Healing Program is NOT for You If You Are...


“Now I can eat anything I want. I no longer take allergy medicine, and I feel better than I can ever remember feeling!”

Working with Kim has truly changed my life! Before she helped me I was very allergic to “all things cow,” as I used to say. I couldn’t eat anything with gluten in it without experiencing inflamed joints and GI problems. I had seasonal allergies that required medication all year round… You get the picture! Now I can eat anything I want. I no longer take allergy medicine, and I feel better than I can ever remember feeling! Thank you Kim!

Karen J. Fox


A Love Note from Kim

This is The ONLY Allergy Healing Program of Its Kind in The World…

… and I don’t know ANYONE else who is doing this work! The best part is that since the allergy healing is performed on an energetic level, it is outside the confines of space and time. 

This can be done for anyone, anywhere in the world so you can do it from the comfort of your own home. 

I know because I’ve experienced this journey myself along with HUNDREDS of Miracle Healing Program students and Energetic Allergy Healing modality practitioners from around the world 

There is nothing to avoid, count, restrict or change in your life.

There is nothing special you need to do except follow the program as I have designed it and be open to receive the immense, lasting, life-changing healing that will come to you.

The value of this program is well over $1,800 but my desire is to make this available and affordable to as many people as possible…

This is why I’m offering it for a fraction of the full value for a limited time…

Are You Ready to Heal From Allergies, Health Conditions, Craving, Addictions, Trauma & More?

Are You Ready to Experience Your Miracle Healing?

Get Instant Access!

Miracle Healing: The Energetic Allergy Healing program is Now Just $797 (Value Over $1,800)


$ 797
  • One-time payment
Best Value


$ 438
  • 2x payments billed monthly


$ 292
  • 3x payments billed monthly
Credit Cards       30 Datys Money Back Gurantee       Secure Checkout

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FREE Webinar: Living Allergy and
Inflammation Free

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Are you a practitioner or lightworker?

Energetic Allergy Healing + HeartMath: Compassion Meditation

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The Magic of Allergy Healing: Become your own Master Allergy and Inflammation Healer

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FREE Masterclass: Healing the Thyroid, Adrenals and Endocrine System

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FREE Webinar:
CoCreating Sacred Union in 2019

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FREE Webinar: Creating your energetic foundation so that You Can Have It All

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