FREE Miracle Energetic Allergy Healing to Begin Releasing Your Allergies to ALL GRAINS and DAIRY
+ SUGARS and YEASTS (Even if You’ve Been Struggling for Years!)

Receive an incredibly powerful and effective 6-minute audio healing plus an informative 15-minute video on how to use this healing to release your allergies and calm down inflammatory patterns associated with these allergies.

Just enter your name and best email address and receive FREE, instant access to your Miracle Energetic Allergy Healing Foods Clearing A audio to eliminate your allergies and related to symptoms to ALL GRAINS, including wheat, rice, corn, rye, oats, spelt, barley, hops and starches. And also clear all allergies related to Dairy, including all things milk…cows milk, goats milk, sheep’s milk, milk sugars, milk.

This healing is also working to  release your allergies and related symptoms to ALL YEASTS (including Candida Albicans) and ALL SUGARS, including table sugar, honey, maple syrup, molasses, and even coconut sugar as well as clearing allergies to the organs and body tissues that make up the digestive system!

These Allergy Healings Could Change Your Life…

When you download and listen to your Miracle Allergy Healing audio you will:

Experience release of allergies to GRAINS and DAIRY, SUGARS, and YEASTS.

Begin to free yourself from the discomfort, inflammation, low energy and other distressing symptoms you’ve been experiencing because of these allergies

Open the door to deep healing as you allow your body to return to a natural state of vibrant health, energy and wellbeing

Feel strong and centered emotionally, spiritually, energetically and physically. Allergy healing is inextricably connected to blocked energy and emotions…when you heal your allergies, you heal your life!

Experience your cravings for sugars dramatically reduce over the following weeks, often within days. Begin bringing yeast back into balance in your body


Hi! I’m Kimberlie Carlson and I’m the Creator and Founder of Energetic Allergy Healing. This is the ONLY healing method of its kind in the world …you won’t find this anywhere else!

Miracle Energetic Allergy Healing arose from my knowledge and experience with nutrition, homeopathy and vitamins/supplements as well as years of intensive, hands on experience with ThetaHealing, Instant Miracle, and other methods of spiritual healing that are simply part of my Soul Blueprint. I also received direct, intuitive downloads and guidance from Creator as I was putting together this incredible healing modality.

I first created Energetic Allergy Healing to free myself and my children from numerous conditions including chronic ear infections, sinus infections, bladder infections, digestive problems, acne, eczema and other frustrating skin conditions… and so much more (yes, we struggled with a LOT of health issues!)

Since then, I’ve freed thousands of people from countless allergies and other health conditions including cravings, addictions, and weight loss, so I know you’re going to love your free audio. I can’t wait for you to experience the magic of Miracle Allergy Healings!

Success Stories from Happy Clients

“Now I can eat anything I want.......and I feel better than I can ever remember feeling."

Working with Kim has truly changed my life! Before she helped me I was very allergic to “all things cow,” as I used to say it. I couldn’t eat anything with gluten in it without experiencing inflamed joints and GI problems. I had seasonal allergies that required medication all year round…you get the picture! Now I can eat anything I want! I no longer take allergy medicine, and I feel better than I can ever remember feeling. Thank you Kim!

~ Karen J. Fox

“Even being in the same room as gluten could set off horrible, day-long reactions. But Kim changed all of that.”

Four and a half years ago, I was diagnosed with celiac ( an autoimmune disorder), as well as many severe food allergies. I had frequent debilitating migraines, stomach aches, and near constant brain fog. Almost everything I ate made me sick. I sometimes went days eating only apples – pretty much the only thing my body could tolerate. Even being in the same room as gluten could set off horrible, day-long reactions. But Kim changed all of that. I no longer have to live with perpetual food anxiety. I haven’t gotten a migraine in over a year. The dark circles under my eyes that I thought I was doomed to live with forever…vanished. I can think clearly and stay alert all day long. I can actually go out to restaurants and be completely okay. Thanks to Kim, I’m now able to eat pretty much everything! And honestly, it’s nothing short of life changing.

~ Sabrina Rose Nelson

“No more food allergies, I eat what I want."

My life has taken such an upward swing thanks to Kimberlie’ s unique approach to healing. I’ve been around the block a few times trying to deal with multiple health challenges….No more food allergies, I eat what I want. I can enjoy the garden now too instead of hiding in the house with the windows closed because of allergies, along with a number of other serious and painful conditions that are now gone or greatly improved. Thank You Kim. I’m grateful every day!

Shauna Peterson

“Kimberlie Carlson healed my allergies....Now I eat what I want."

Star Light here 🙂 extraordinary medicine woman and when I was stumped with my own case, Kimberlie Carlson healed my allergies.

I was truly “allergic to food.” I could only eat from a list of 20 foods (like some seaweeds)…I spent 90 minutes with Kimberlie Carlson and I could eat foods I’d been allergic to all my life.  One month later I knew it was safe to eat anything. A year later all signs of the trauma are gone from my body. Now I eat what I want. 

~ Starlight

“I have so much more energy, have little to no inflammation issues…”

‎I highly recommend Kimberlie’s Miracle Energetic Allergy Healing Program to anyone suffering from allergies, fatigue or overall feelings of poor health. After going through her Program I have so much more energy, have little to no inflammation issues, and feel so much better! Kimberlie is patient, kind and an exceptional practitioner who is so very knowledgeable. I am so very grateful for her!

~ Bailey Sprow

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