The Self-Healer's Journey

An 8-Week Multidimensional Self-Healing Modality

Release Unconscious Inner Resistance, Toxic Negative Programming & Deeply Embedded Trauma So You Can Heal Yourself from Allergies, Inflammation, Trauma and Pain…

… Even if You’ve Never Worked with Energy Before!

We begin June 6th!

Learn to masterfully apply over 50 potent multidimensional Energetic Allergy Healing Tools and techniques to permanently clear dense, heavy energies that block your bodies natural ability to heal

Think of a time when you felt strong, serene, and profoundly happy and at peace at every level of your being…

A time when it felt like everything was right with the world.

Maybe it was the moment you fell in love with your high school sweetheart, or that time you enjoyed a dream vacation you’d been looking forward to for years?

Maybe you felt a flow of deep joy when you held your newborn in your arms for the first time?

Unfortunately, most people can barely remember feeling good in their body, mind and spirit.

Trauma from our past and endless, fast-paced change and uncertainty in the world, personal challenges in our finances, health, relationships and more contribute to ongoing stress.

And so we find ourselves battling intense, hard to handle emotions like anxiety, fear, frustration, rage, grief almost every day. The truth is…

Most People Are Constantly Struggling With Destructive Painful Emotions, Trauma and Stress That Can Cause Serious Problems

Over months and years, these painful feelings and stress transform into severe mental and
emotional issues…

As well as illnesses and chronic physical conditions such as recurring allergies, intolerable cravings, addictions and more.

The worst part is that just about every remedy, healing method and treatment is focused on improving symptoms of a condition, illness or disease.

But here’s the thing…

Complete and permanent healing from mental, emotional, physical and spiritual challenges has almost nothing to do with symptoms and everything to do with unconscious resistance.

The Unexpected Truth About Healing from Allergies and Hundreds of Chronic Conditions and Diseases

Allergies are generally defined as hypersensitive physical responses to specific substances in the environment but there’s much more to it than that!

An allergy is also an energetic message. 

It lets us know that there is unconscious inner resistance created by negative programming and belief systems, embedded trauma and low vibrational emotions like fear, guilt, shame, anger, and resentment. 

When you are in a state of inner resistance you literally absorb it into your body and it turns into illnesses and diseases like:

Brain fog, ADHD, all kinds of food, environmental, medical-based allergies, digestive and gastrointestinal problems, recurring infections, skin issues, heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, PCOS and more!

But when you can unhook, unravel and dissolve this resistance, and heal negative programming and trauma you are resolving the root causes of all these issues. 

The result? 

You’ll reach a state of harmony and you will no longer be affected by the allergies, chronic conditions and other physical, mental and emotional challenges you’ve been struggling with for years.

Energetic Allergy Healing Presents

The Self-Healer’s Journey

An 8-Week Multidimensional Self-Healing Modality

The ONLY Multidimensional Self-Healing Modality That Heals the Root Cause So You Can Free Yourself from Allergies, Inflammation Trauma, Pain and More

Energetic Allergy Healing: The Self-Healer’s Journey is a blended self-paced video training and live program where you’ll discover how to do high level effective healing for yourself and your loved ones, as you gain over 50 Healing Tools and training to masterfully apply the unique Energetic Allergy Healing modality to safely release inner resistance, embedded trauma, negative programming and dense, heavy energies and emotions.

Over the course of 8 weeks, you’ll learn how to recover and restore balance across your energetic system for lasting health and harmony even if you’ve been struggling with chronic physical, mental, andemotional conditions for years!

Meet Kimberlie Carlson, Multidimensional
Teacher, Healer and Mentor to Hundreds
of Healers Around the World

Kimberlie Carlson is the creator of Energetic Allergy Healing — the world’s first and only energy-based allergy healing modality.

Energetic Allergy Healing is the culmination of over 30 years of study research and hands-on healing experience. This potent modality encompasses Kim’s vast and in-depth experience in healing past lives, ancestral and childhood traumas, conscious and subconscious patterns and beliefs, and even cellular memories to release layer upon layer of trauma, pain and disease for lasting results.

Kim has already helped thousands of people around the world release physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual pain using her unique, multidimensional pathway plus exclusive tools and techniques that create real results.

Kim is passionate about both energetic and physical healing and when it comes to creating radiant health throughout our life, she has seen again and again how healing on the energetic level first can deepen and accelerate healing in the physical body.

Whether you’re dealing with exhausting allergies, an autoimmune condition, recurring negative experiences in your life or something else entirely, Kim will meet you exactly where you’re at, ready to go all in, healing on all parts and aspects of you.

A Snapshot of the 8-Week Transformative Results You Can Look Forward to with Energetic Allergy Healing: The Self-Healer’s Journey

Feel authentically empowered and confident in healing yourself and loved ones using potent multidimensional tools and techniques to restore happiness and harmony in the body mind and spirit

Take charge of your health and well-being as you overcome a vast spectrum of allergies, inflammation, and pain as well as chronic mental, emotional and physical issues you’ve been struggling with for years (and maybe even all your life!)

Reclaim your inborn right to heal yourself and your loved ones even if you’ve never worked with energy or experienced energetic healing before

Become attuned to work with over 50 multidimensional EAH healing tools to clear allergies and inflammation, turn on/off genes, activate DNA, dissolve hundreds of negative programs, low vibrational emotions, contracts, oaths, vows and many other dense or limiting energies held in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies

Receive positive feeling downloads and programming, high frequency energies, light codes, and sacred geometries that heal, spiritually evolve, and create powerful shifts so you can be in the energy of receiving, healing, joy, harmony, freedom, balance, abundance and more.

Experience deep emotional healing that allows you to safely and completely let go of old, outdated, conscious and unconscious trauma plus painful emotions such as Unforgiveness, Remorse, Feeling Alone, Heartbreak, Hatred, and Loss to invite lasting healing on every level of your being

Heal your relationship with your body including the organs, glands and body tissues that make up the 12 main body systems to clear distorted inflammatory energy patterns to easily connect and be in the body, which is essential for proper grounding, for restoring health, feeling vibrant, and becoming more intuitive as you harness unlimited creative and healing skills.

Receive deep healing, attunements and activations to elevate and enhance your energy system on every level so you can easily work with the Energetic Allergy Healing modality for optimal healing

Connect with Divine SourceCreator so you can receive intuitive information, wisdom and knowledgethat is for the highest good of all

Master muscle testing which is a phenomenally effective healer’s tool and learn to confidently work with the pendulum so you can easily and accurately validate the wisdom and intuitive knowledge you receive in your healing journey…and MUCH more

Love & Praise from Kim’s Happy Clients & Students

Kerry Chun
I’ve been using the EAH healings almost every time I do work on myself or others! I am so thankful for this sharing of these tools! I’ve been doing similar work in the past but not as efficiently. I’m still in the process of making my business official but would like permission to use your logo when I do. Thanks for everything! I also want to give appreciation for the integrity and non judgement you bring to this course and our classes. I’ve studied energy work for almost 30 years and this hasn’t always been my experience.
~ Kimberley Ingram Castillo
I met Kimberlie two years ago, I had an iodine allergy for 10 years, and I listened to the radio show that she was speaking on and immediately knew I had to have it. I purchased her Live Allergy Free Program, I went it twice. It was working for me, it changed everything, especially spiritually for me, it just got rid of all the junk I was carrying.....not having the confidence to do what I wanted to do. And that's what she healed for me. AND, I can eat iodine now. So it's all gone.

I don't have any food allergies anymore. I'd like to use this healing work with animals.

With all of the EAH Tools (across both of your courses), I'm coming up with all kinds of ideas for healing packages for animals.

Thank you for everything you do.
~ Misae Jennings
Stacy Edland
Thank you for these amazing tools, I cannot tell you how much they have benefited my life and all the plants, animals and peoples lives I've used them on
~ Rebecca Burton
I love this modality and thank you so much for all the teachings, wisdom and support you shared.

So blessed to have these healing tools wow
~ Saraha Dewey

What’s Inside Energetic Allergy Healing:
The Self-Healer’s Journey

Your 8-Week Journey Overview


Elevating Your Energy for Optimal Healing,
Clearing and Release

Experience deep trauma clearing plus belief work, positive feelings downloads, activations and foundational allergy healing so you can work with the Energetic Allergy Healing modality with confidence, ease, grace and integrity.

Learn to create a safe, high vibrational space for healing where you will be able to connect deeply with the energetic magic you'll be diving into, over the course of this life-changing program.

Understand the energetic and spiritual guidelines that govern this work and you will learn to apply the tools and spiritual technologies in this modality to Create a Sacred Container for all that you will be bringing through in this course.

Complete this first week knowing exactly how to use this work for the highest good and move forward with confidence and peace of mind.

Live 90-minute Q and A call for additional support plus answers to any questions you may have on the training, learning material and tools

Week 1: Healings, Attunements & Activations

Sacred Light Technology Tuneup Attunement

A powerful attunement that will upgrade your entire system. It will dissolve and unwind discordant energies that have come through spiritual tools, teachers, healers or “activators” from your past. The attunement runs deep, formatting DNA to match higher frequencies, creating the support necessary for you to hold and anchor into updated healing structures and technologies and the higher energies needed to operate them.This Attunement also dissolves outdated Sacred Light Technologies. It repairs and upgrades all Sacred Light Technologies and Structures that you currently have that are in resonance with you and that are serving your highest and best good.


The left side of the body is the divine feminine and it is our receiver. When we have issues, we may notice or experience physical symptoms in the left side of our body. “Receiving” activates receiving points in your cells and in your energy bodies, resolving and dissolving, limiting programming around receiving, bringing in the worthiness of receiving so you can receive love, joy and all high frequency states of consciousness without guilt, shame or punishment.

Reclaiming My Heart 

Reclaiming My Heart allows you to call back all parts of your heart from experiences where you have given your heart to someone or something that no longer serves you, or you allowed someone to take your heart and never retrieved it. This healing calls back all tethers or cords that you need back to be perfect, whole and complete and to be the total owner of your own heart so your heart is yours to command. You’ll release all attachments, hooks, cords to any energies or beings that have attached themselves or hooked into your heart, high heart & emotional body that are wrestling with you for control of your own heart, high heart & emotional body.

Reclaiming My Inner Healer

This healing activation lets you reclaim the Healer Aspect of Self while resolving and clearing trauma from times when you were fragmented and disconnected from this powerful and essential part of yourself. Reclaiming My Inner Healer dissolves distortion in your healer Self Aspect, reconnecting you with knowledge, cellular memories and abilities that have been honed and fine-tuned through lifetimes, bringing this aspect forward for full re-integration.

The Energetic Allergy Healing Heart Series

This is a potent series of healings to assist you in connecting with your true heart, your True Self, and to reclaim your heart, and bring emotional healing to your heart so you can create the health you truly desire and deserve. To be able to anchor into the high frequency healing energies of the 5th dimension and beyond we need to relearn how to live from our heart, and know that it is safe to connect to our hearts as we have forgotten due to trauma and other low vibrational programming, emotions, and other energies we hold from past experiences. The more we heal, the more we can do this and the more of everything we truly desire can be created, including a healthy body! 


Activating and Expanding Your Healing Skills

Learn all about the heart, grounding, and why these are so vital to our health and happiness

Receive an incredibly effective and powerful 10-minute meditation process called the HeartBreath Connection Meditation to use for yourself your loved ones so you can get truly in your heart, in your body, grounded and connected to your higher guidance systems

Receive potent healing with multiple allergy healing tools to build off of the healing work from Week 1

Receive powerful, essential healing and activations to prepare you to effectively and confidently work with the healing tools of Energetic Allergy Healing

Activate and expand your healing skills and abilities including the Healings, Attunements and Activations you’ll experience this week

Live 90-minute Q and A call for additional support plus answers to any questions you may have on the video training, learning material and tools

Week 2: Healings, Attunements & Activations

The Divine Trinity Attunement

This Attunement amplifies your connection with as well as your understanding of the Sacred Trinity of CoCreation to ensure the energy you are working from and with is Pure Source Energy. It is through this Sacred Trinity Connection that you are able to harness and bring through Sacred Light for miraculous healing.

Divine Discernment and Integrity

To do high-level work in the world requires discernment, integrity, wisdom, and the qualities of a balanced and mature healer. Divine Discernment and Integrity bring in a higher level of discernment, wisdom, kindness, truth, tolerance, strength, and compassion connecting you with your Divine Aspect and activating God Consciousness on a new level. This healing activation downloads frequencies to dissolve blocks standing in your way and opens a clear path to living with and from these qualities and virtues.

The Golden Harmonic of the OneHeart

The Golden Harmonic of the OneHeart activates your power, awakens new information that exists within you, and allows you to create and move through the world from a place of deeper intuitive wisdom, while also connecting you to how much you are loved and supported.

This healing also activates the cellular memory of our own ancient wisdom from Aspects of Self that we haven’t been ready to access and reconnect with until recently.

Becoming Attuned to the Energies of Energetic Allergy Healing

This attunement will bring in and activate the codes and information you need to really connect with the energies of this modality so you can effectively run the healing tools that you will be recieving in this course for yourself and your loved ones.

Week 2 Bonus Training + Live Q&A

The Art and Mastery of Muscle Testing and
Working with The Pendulum

Muscle Testing and the Pendulum are phenomenal tools in identifying allergies that are creating struggles in your life, specific trauma that needs to be healed to improve your health and your life or asking just about anything when you are searching for information for yourself and/or for others. You can use these tools to confirm or validate the information that is coming through intuitively, bringing extra confidence to your self-healing work. 

During this class, you’ll receive foundational understanding and guidance as well as advanced skills, teachings, and healings to help you master muscle testing and pendulum work in the shortest possible time. This bonus training also includes a 90-minute Q&A call where you’ll get your questions answered and receive additional support to accelerate your ability to work with these powerful tools with confidence.


Becoming Deeply Connected and Attuned for Masterful Application of Energetic Allergy Healing Tools (Part 1)

You will be attuned to the first set tools in the Energetic Allergy Healing modality. You will be able to immediately use the following tools to release and clear blocks and create potent healing for yourself and your loved ones. Week 3 includes a live 90-minute Q and A call for additional support plus answers to any questions you may have on the video training, learning material and tools.

You Will Be Attuned to the Following Tools:

This healing grounds and anchors you instantly into our 5th Dimensional Earth, Gaia! This Healing Tool came in for Kim’s young son to help him get in his body and get grounded.

As this energy comes in, light begins to shoot directly from the heart down through the chakras, through the feet and into the Earth Star Chakra and as it does this, you may see your Earth Star appear like a big tree root ball that is platinum in color as light shoots out from it like a huge tree root system down into Gaia where it spreads out anchoring you into the 5th dimensional Gaia grid and deep into her heart Chakra.

This Healing Tool also clears fear and trauma around being human, of being in our body, and being on this planet so you can continue to get more and more grounded each time you run it!! 

It’s clearing the following beliefs:

I hate, reject, abandon, disconnect/separate from, fragment off from my heart, my brain, my body, my light, my energy bodies, my vertical pillar of light, my bio field, this planet, this earth, Gaia, Creator, God, my SELF, and/or my Sacred/Divine/Sovereign power.

My heart, my brain, my body, my light, my energy bodies, my vertical pillar of light, my bio field, this planet, this earth, Gaia, Creator, God, my SELF, my Sacred/Divine/Sovereign power, 

this planet, this earth are dangerous, are a threat to me, hurt/destroy me, make me sick, are my enemy, are evil, bad, wrong, and/or are broken

And bringing in the following downloads:

I am worth of Gaia’s love and support and safe to receive Gaia’s golden love light, love and support, and healing

I know how to be in a loving, peaceful, harmonious and balanced relationship with Gaia without taking on her pain, suffering, trauma, entities, or any energy pattern that is vibrating at a frequency that is less than love

It is easy for me to get grounded and stay grounded, and I can do this even when others and/or the world around me are in chaos, pain, or suffering, or cannot do this for themselves at this time.

The Deep Relationship Healing is included here for the individual receiving this healing and their own Divine aspects of SELF, their body (as a whole, not the body kits), their heart, their brain/mind, DNA/RNA, the Earth, with Gaia, with grounding/anchoring, and connecting to the 5th dimensional Gaia Grid, Heart Chakra of Gaia/Mother Earth, the Golden Love Light from the heart of Gaia, 3rd Dimension, their chakras, especially heart, root and earth star, their soul grid, and the 12-dimensional grid system.

Includes an allergy healing for: Many parts of the Body, Gaia, Mother Earth, grounding/anchoring, and connecting to the 5th dimensional Gaia Grid, the Heart Chakra of Gaia/Mother Earth, the Golden Love Light from the heart of Gaia, the 5th Dimension, the 3rd Dimension, the 12th dimensional grid system, your Soul Grid, reality, timelines, dimensions, your own multidimensionality, the multiverse, universe, the collective, humanity, Creation, God, Creator, Source, Source of Source, Iridescent Source Love Light, manifestation, your own sovereignty, yourself as Sovereign, your own Divine Aspect, Higher Self, I AM Presence, the Earth’s/Gaia’s Akash/Akasha, your Akash/Akasha, the below, your Shadow Self, Earth, the Earth element, mineral, and metals allergy kit, being in your body, your earth star chakra, root chakra, sacral chakra, navel chakra, solar plexus chakra, and heart chakra, high heart chakra, spiritual allergy kit, people, places and events kit, environmental factors kit, allergy combinations, emotions/feelings.

Activates an instant connection and flow of Source Love Light as you connect into Source, The Divine, Creator, Universal Consciousness, pure Creation energy, then taking you into an even deeper expansion into Source of Source! 

You may notice or sense a ball of light within your heart space that shoots up through your higher chakras, expanding you into your I AM/Higher Self and connecting and anchoring you into the piercing Iridescent light of Source. 

You may feel yourself expand even further as this energy is assisting you to expand even further into Source of Source.

This healing tool also dissolves some common fears that can hinder this connection. Fear of God, programming to fear God, trauma of abuse and suffering for God, in the name of God, religion, or other spiritual tradition, dissolving anywhere we are too lowly, imperfect, or unworthy of connecting to God, dissolving anger at God, blame and resentment towards God, guilt and shame from self-judgment of being unworthy of God’s love and care. 

This healing is also working on dissolving and healing God wound patterns. 

It’s clearing the following additional beliefs:

I hate, distrust, reject, abandon, disconnect, separate from, and/or fragment off from my heart, my brain, my body, my light, my energy bodies, my vertical pillar of light, my biofield, this planet, this earth, Gaia, Creator, God, Source, mySELF, my Sacred/Divine/Sovereign power, my Higher Self, my I AM Presence, my Divine Aspect

My heart, my brain, my body, my light, my energy bodies, my vertical pillar of light, biofield, this planet, this earth, Gaia, Creator, God, Source, my SELF, my Sacred/Divine/Sovereign power,  my Higher Self, my I AM Presence, my Divine Aspect are dangerous, a threat to me, hurt/destroy me, break me, make me sick, are my enemy, are evil, bad, wrong, broken/faulty.

I am unworthy of God’s/Creator/Source love and support

I am not allowed to be in a relationship with or connect with God’s/Creator/Source

I am not allowed to be in a relationship with or connect to my own Higher Guidance Systems, Divine Aspect, I AM Presence, Higher Self

And bringing in the additional downloads:

I am worthy of God’s/Creator/Source love and support and safe to receive God’s/Creator/Source Iridescent love light, love and support, and healing

I know how to be in a loving, peaceful, harmonious and balanced relationship with God/Creator/Source, my own Higher Guidance Systems, Divine Aspect, I AM Presence, Higher Self

I know how to listen to and trust my own Higher Guidance Systems, Divine Aspect, I AM Presence, Higher Self, God/Creator/Source.

It is easy for me to get connected and stay connected to my higher guidance systems, Higher Self, Divine Aspect, my own Sovereignty, Sacred Power, to God/Creator/Source, and I can do this even when others and/or the world around me are in chaos, pain, or suffering, or cannot do this for themselves at this time.

The Deep Relationship Healing is included here for the individual receiving this healing and all parts and aspects of God, The Divine, Source, Source of Source, Creator, Universal Consciousness, God Consciousness, God the Father, Your Self, all parts and aspects of you including your Divine Aspect, your I AM Presence, your Higher Self, love, your chakras, your soul grid/Akash/Akasha/Soul records, and the 12-dimensional grid system.

Includes an allergy healing for: all parts and aspects of God, The Divine, Source, Creator, Universal Consciousness, God Consciousness, God the Father, Your Self, all parts and aspects of you including your Divine Aspect, your I AM Presence, your Higher Self, love, connection, connecting, unworthiness, blame, shame, guilt, fear, anger, rage, resentment, God wound, spiritual kit, people, places and events kit, brain, nervous system, blood, skeletal system, cells/DNA/RNA, heart, environmental factors kit.

The left side, which is our feminine side, that divine feminine, is our receiver…when we have issues receiving we may notice or experience physical symptoms in the left side of our bodies. When we have trouble receiving we end up out of balance in our feminine and masculine. 

This imbalance is so important to work on as it is commonly at the root of autoimmune diseases and disorders as well as many of our more challenging life patterns.

This is bringing in deep healing for the Divine Feminine, bringing you into balance with your DF and DM, activating the receiving points in your cells and in your energy bodies, resolving and dissolving limiting programming around and with receiving…bringing in the worthiness of receiving so you can receive love, joy, abundance and all high-frequency states of consciousness, and your ability to do this without guilt, shame or punishment.

We are working with many Divine Energies, Technologies and Guides within this healing, as I have layered in the Sacred Light Healing Tools: Archangel Haniel & the Blue Orb of Healing Light activating the following energies of Joy, Divine Feminine, & Peace, Archangel Chamuel & The Flame of Adoration – Love, Adoration & Compassion, and Archangel Sandalphon & The Bubble of Protection – Mercy & Divine Masculine/Feminine Balance, the Merkaba Attunement, and the Sacred Light Intention Alignment Healing to heal, and balance your Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine.

The Deep Relationship healing is running here for: the individuals receiving this healing and the energy/frequency/feeling and experience of receiving, healing, joy, wealth, money, self-worth, respect, freedom, love, peace, harmony, balance, goodness, and abundance.

Includes Allergy Healing for: Cells, DNA/RNA, Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine, spiritual kit, emotions/feelings, people, events and places kit, the heart, brain, nervous system, receiving, love, wealth, freedom, respect, Self Worth, pleasure, joy, happiness, fulfillment, unworthiness, abundance, healing, the spiritual kit, the people, places and events kit, the environmental factors kit.

(This and the next 2 healing tools are a set of 3 Healing Tools that I created with Elysia Hartzell, creator of Sacred Soul Alignment that you will receive training for in a mini-recorded class taught by the 2 of us together)

The Sacred Light Purification is a true powerhouse! It goes extraordinarily deep into cleansing and purifying all aspects of your being AND your environment (including your home and all people or animals, and all objects in your home, your vehicles, and land)

It clears out energies that act as a point of attraction for entities, dark portals, implants, all different types of low vibrational energies, including trauma, oaths, vows, contracts, hooks, cords, and attachments, negative belief systems, thought forms, and dense emotions that are we are holding, and that are also in our environment, the objects in our homes and the land that we live on.

This healing goes deep into clearing all of these energies that we have been affected by, from all timelines, dimensions, and realities, from the DNA and Ancestry, from every cell of the body, from all parts and aspects of our Being; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

This healing not only cleanses and purifies us and our environment, it also brings in Divine protection and sacred technologies to assist us in keeping ourselves and our environment clean. Within this healing, you are working from a point of your own Sovereignty in collaboration with your Divine Team to create an impenetrable shield around yourself, your home and each member of your households, pets, yard, land, and vehicles that is impenetrable to all dark energies, yet flexible, allowing all Source energies in. This shield includes cloaking technology to protect from outside negative forces.

It brings in the vibration of unconditional love/ Source love to everything within your shield.

This highly versatile activation will quickly clear, dissolve and transmute disharmonious and discordant energies that are creating pain or other physical, mental and emotional disturbances. This healing came in to assist the body in the detoxing process that often comes with spiritual/energy healing work. It assists in detoxing emotions, and other limiting energies as well as physical toxins like metals, chemicals, and pathogens.

Clears out mental clutter and confusion energies. A great tool to have in your toolbox to reduce brain fog, calm down out-of-control thoughts, and to help you get “out of your head”. 

Clears out unnecessary thoughts and energies that are taking up your energy and time and causing stress. 

The Flush and the DeFrag are healing tools that we (Elysia Hartzell and I) have layered into many of the tools of Sacred Light Healing, Soul Alignment and Energetic Allergy Healing as they are so helpful in the processing, releasing, and integrating processes of healing work.

As this healing is running you can ask Archangel Michael to place his deep blue cloak of protection around you and surround you in the royal blue light of the blue ray of Creation. 

This activation brings through two angelic gifts for you!

AA Michael brings in and surrounds you with his Blue Cloak of Protection assisting you as you work with others in NOT taking on their lower vibrational energies. 

This is very helpful in cleaning your energy field, as well as to keep it clean when working with clients.

This powerful Archangel also activates and amplifies inner strength and courage as well as your ability to connect to the truth of your heart and speak it!

This healing is also healing and activating the Solar Plexus, Heart and High Heart Chakra, and throat chakra.

Run this healing tool to bring in protection and to call in and amplify the virtues/qualities of courage and strength and assist you in speaking your truth, and/or to cleanse and activate the chakras mentioned above.

Calling in Archangel Azriel and his twin flame Zarah to activate the golden white cocoon of angelic safety to wrap around you and hold you in what feels like a womb, providing a safe and protected container for you to release your grief, sorrow and sadness…

Unlocking the grief we’ve been protecting, or tamping down with anger, regret, resentment, shame and guilt. These powerful Light Beings lovingly lift and release those emotions to unlock the grief buried underneath for deep healing. Resolving the stories that grief is who you are, that grief is the story of life, that it is your story, they bring in the love, compassion, and forgiveness needed to heal the grief you have been holding. 

They gently stir these energies/emotions so that they can release as you are held in Azrael’s golden cocoon. 

Includes allergy healing for:

AA Azriel, his twin flame Zarah, and their golden white cocoon, the spiritual kit, people events and places kit, environmental factors kit, heart, brain, head kit, nervous system, DNA/RNA, grief, heartbreak,love, receiving,  heartache, sorrow, sadness, anger, rage, resentment, regret, confusion, emotions/feelings kit.

This healing is utilizing spiritual technologies to assist in flushing out the toxins that are being released from healing. 

You can use it to  transmute emotions, calm down detox symptoms, and rebalance all systems.

As the healing is running, think about or connect with the emotions, discomfort or pain you are experiencing that is overwhelming or challenging as you soak in the cleansing yet calming energies of this healing.

It includes the following downloads: I am allowed to be happy, I am allowed to feel good, I am allowed to heal, I love myself completely, I am allowed to have compassion and gratitude for myself, I accept myself. I heal my body and my life with ease, grace and joy. Healing is easy for me.

Includes allergy healing for:  emotions, feelings, heart, emotional heart, nervous system, brain, emotional body, spiritual kit, integrating, processing, detoxing, healing crisis, healing, the emotions and other energies that are leaving the body and energy bodies as this healing is running.

Release and healing for grief, sadness, fear, that is stored in the tissues, cells, and magnetic heart field, or heart energy center….so that you can live and love from deep in your heart- living a heart centered life with more ease and joy! 

Includes Allergy Healing for the heart, heart tissues, love, acceptance, joy, peace, grief, sorrow, sadness, terror, panic, fear, and the sacred/emotional heart.

This healing is part of a series created to bring in a high-energy level of support for your immune system/immune health in a specific way.

This healing tool accomplishes this in a few different ways. One is by downloading and activating the properties and frequencies of the vitamins that are necessary and supportive of your body, your immune health and function. 

Another is by activating and healing the whole body with pure compassion, Divine Creator/Source Love, and forgiveness.

And most important in healing the immune system: Healing allergies to those critical nutrients needed to create a healthy body (focusing on Vitamins A, B Complex, C, D, E, F and K here), and the parts of the body, emotions, and pathogens needed to accomplish this as well.

Energetic Allergy Healing is the best way I have found to assist the body with absorption of the nutrients our body depends on to create healthy cells and tissues and for optimal function. Most people are actually allergic to vital nutrients like minerals, vitamins, healthy fats, and proteins and just aren’t aware of it. 

But when we are, we are unable to use or absorb these nutrients and our immune health declines over time as it spirals from lack of proper nutritional support, often becoming severely deficient even when taking vitamin and mineral supplements.

The result is the ability to absorb and utilize vital nutrients and a body that begins to rebuild itself getting stronger and healthier day by day. This can especially be felt as the cells of our organs, glands and many of the body tissues renew every 3 months or so. People feel better and can experience a stronger body and increased energy over time.

Includes Allergy Healing for digestive enzymes, blood kit, skeletal system kit, brain, heart, nervous system, all organs and glands kits, inflammation kit, immune system kit, Vitamin A, Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Vitamin F, Vitamin E, the earth, grounding, the moon, moon radiation, sun, sun radiation, radiation kit, people, places and events kit, spiritual kit, emotions/feelings kit, and the environmental factors kit.

Includes the Deep Relationship Healing for you with Vitamin A, Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Vitamin F, Vitamin E, the earth, and grounding, UVA and UVB Light, All color/light spectrums and fields.

Relationship Healing is essential core work when we are serious about healing our bodies and our lives! 

This is the first in a succession of healing tools focused on healing specific relationships. 

This is a very thorough healing to utilize to clean up an incredible amount and variety of distorted energy patterns that we hold in our connections to others. 

If someone is new to this work, has chronic pain and compromised immune health, this may be the healing tool to use as even though it holds a lot of healing, it is a smaller package of energy to process than its successors – The Deep Relationship Healing Series.

Our relationships are our biggest mirrors and are where we experience our biggest triggers. 

This Healing Tool cleans up trauma we have experienced in our relationships. 

This healing tool is clearing abuse, loss, abandonment, rejection, and other relationship pain patterns across all time across all time, all lifetimes, realities, dimensions. Resolving and dissolving unhealthy contracts, oaths, vows, and obligations we have made to experience this with specific people, like our partners, our children, our siblings, our parents as well as any relationship you direct this healing to. It is dissolving hooks, cords and attachments that are creating entanglement, confusion, inflammation in the body, and draining our energy. 

But it goes even further than that! 

We are connected to everyone and everything through the field of connection, although this is a deep topic that is fascinating to explore, put simply and in a way that can help you understand the vast ways you can use this healing tool.….we are in a relationship with and to everyone and everything!

Run this healing to heal the relationship between two or more people, or between an individual and a part of the body (organ, gland, cell, etc), or between an individual and an object, food, or traumatic event, a pathogen…there are many uses for this potent healing tool!

This healing includes Sacred Light Healing Tools, Sacred Light Technologies, the whole Sacred Light Reclaiming Your Power Series (they may not all run at once, the priority, most optimal at the time of receiving will run) and Forgiveness; Forgiving the Unforgivable to dissolve those negative attachments, entanglements, and other distorted energies in our relationships AND to heal the parts of SELF that we’ve fragmented off from in our relationships, bringing us into wholeness, expanded personal sacred power, and bringing in deep forgiveness for all involved to powerfully heal our relationships!

Includes an Energetic Allergy Healing for: The Self, God, Mother, Father, husband, wife, lover, your Ex’s, boyfriend/girlfriend, your children, siblings, family, extended family members, relationships, love, trauma, loss, confusion, abandonment, rejection, heartbreak, grief, sorrow and sadness, shock, trauma, chaos, and drama, anger, hate, resentment, guilt, shame, unforgiveness, the heart, blood, DNA, RNA, brain, nervous system, people, events and places kit, spiritual kit, emotions/feelings kit.

It also brings in a Sacred Light Filter where needed which is attuned to the energies and frequencies of the person/place or thing this healing is focusing on to filter out any energies that vibrate at a frequency that is less than love.

An incredible, versatile tool that you will use again and again…..

This healing tool is complexly layered to bring deep healing to our relationships. Clearing many types of distorted patterns and energies that we are holding in our connections to others, patterns that we have taken on or are storing in our body and our energy bodies.

This includes resolving and dissolving hooks, cords, attachments, oaths, vows and contracts which create resistance, disconnection, and separation and keep us stuck in painful patterns within the relationship we direct this healing to. It’s clearing past life trauma, clearing out low vibrational stress, overwhelm, fear, anger, resentment, grief, and conflict patterns within the relationship, it’s clearing distorted love patterns, love patterns that are bound with conditions, with unhealthy expectations, limitations, and obligation.

It’s also bringing in healing for the thyroid gland and throat chakra, clearing trauma and other patterns within the relationship where we haven’t been able to speak our truth, voice our opinions, wants or needs, where we have been or felt repressed, suppressed and controlled.

This healing is also assisting us in RECLAIMING the parts of SELF that you have disconnected from, rejected, or abandoned in order to be in the relationships that you are directing the healing to as you receive it for increased Sacred Power and wholeness.


Becoming Deeply Connected and Attuned for Masterful Application of Energetic Allergy Healing Tools (Part 2)

You will be attuned to the second set of tools in the Energetic Allergy Healing modality and you will be able to immediately use the following tools to release and clear blocks and create potent healing for yourself and your loved ones. Week 4 includes a live 90-minute Q and A call for additional support plus answers to any questions you may have on the video training, learning  material, and tools 

You Will Be Attuned to the
Deep Emotional Pattern Healing Series:

These are powerful healing tools in the form of a short meditation-style journey to go deep into emotional pattern clearing and healing.

They consist of some of  the most common emotional patterns that have come up in private sessions with clients and are each working with specific groups of emotions and emotional patterns that bring complexity to the healing. 

I was shown through my Source Connection this specific “unwinding” process to clear and heal deeply buried and complex emotional patterns and connected trauma in a very effective and powerful way…they each work through deep layers and levels of challenging emotional patterns in just a few short minutes. Each section of the journey is encoded with many of the Sacred Light Technologies that I work with, along with allergy healing and other tools of this modality.

Each of these tools are also working to heal the parts and aspects of SELF we have fragmented off from due to the emotional patterns and all trauma we have incurred and are holding onto from them, bringing those parts and aspects of Self back in for full merge and integration. 

They are also healing your relationship with yourself as within each of these healing tools you are also receiving Deep Relationship Healing for you, your SELF for the times you made choices and decisions that brought these emotional patterns into your life experience and relationships.

So these tools are also bringing your power back and healing your relationship with SELF and others.

They are the following 11 healing tools:

  • Self Abandonment, Self Rejection, Abdication of Power
  • Disappointment and Heartbreak
  • Guilt, Shame, Humiliation, Embarrassment, Insecurity
  • Heartbreak, Grief, Sorrow, Sadness and Loss
  • Guilt, Unworthiness, Remorse, Regret
  • Anger, Rage, Hatred, and Unforgiveness
  • Confusion, Stress, Pressure and Overwhelm
  • Fear, Terror, Panic, Tension and Anxiety
  • Resentment, Repression, Suppression, Manipulation, and Control
  • Overwhelm, Burden, Pressure, Stress, and Responsibility
  • Alone, Unsupported

Special Note: The tools in the Deep Emotional Pattern Healing series are focused on healing specific emotions that are commonly found when doing allergy healing work for inflammation, pain, and disease. These tools can be run as a healing tool or as a meditation-style healing journey to go even deeper with these emotions when needed. 

You Will Also Be Attuned to the
Whole Body Detox Series 

General Description of this Series: I originally created this series to deeply support the healing of the endocrine system as one of the issues that is necessary to address for most people in healing the glands, organs and tissues that make up this system are toxins!

Toxins are being stored in these glands, organs and tissues and compromise their ability to function.

Even though I created this healing tool with the focus of supporting endocrine healing and function, the toxins we store affect all parts of our bodies, all organs, glands, tissues, cells and body systems so they are really important to work with to create vibrant health and wellbeing.

Right now there are 4 different Healing Tools that make up this series and they each have their own specific focus for allergies, healing, and detoxification, but they are all working on opening, healing and balancing the main organs and glands responsible for keeping our body clean, the body’s detoxification pathways so they can function properly with specific belief work, downloads, and allergy healing.

This healing is working with clearing allergies to ALL levels of your environment and atmosphere: spiritual environment and atmosphere, metal environment and atmosphere, emotional environment and atmosphere, and physical environment and atmosphere. Having all of this in a healing tool makes this a great tool to use when you are feeling out of balance, irritated, overly emotional, in addition to using it to heal hay fever, asthma, chemical sensitivities,  and other environmental allergies.

It goes deep into dissolving the toxic programming that we can be carrying that act as a magnet for attracting toxins into our body and storing them in our cells and tissues.  Along with clearing trauma from all lifetimes of illness, disease, pain and death from metal poisoning, chemical poisoning, radiation poisoning. 

Dissolving shock and trauma from all lifetimes, timelines, realities, and dimensions where we have died slow painful deaths from cancer, from radiation poisoning, from toxins, chemicals, fires/smoke.

This is clearing out the trauma from the times you have experienced these things yourself AND the trauma you are holding from seeing/witnessing others suffer from these types of experiences, and from losing ones you hold dear from these types of experiences.

Dissolving trauma we may be holding from others misuse and abuse of chemicals, metals, radiation or any other toxic substance that have hurt us and other people, the planet and life on it, or from anytime we have misused and abused those energies ourselves across all timelines, realities and dimensions. 

Bringing in powerful downloads to create new cell receptors and neural pathways to teach your brain and body how to release toxins including toxic emotions with ease and in ways that are harmless to the Self and others. Teaching you the difference between your thoughts, feelings and emotions and other peoples and how to release what isn’t yours. Teaching you and your physiology to manage and move through your emotions without getting stuck in them. Bringing in forgiveness for Self, God, and others. Teaching you what it feels like to live in peace, balance and harmony with and in this planet’s environment.

It is also bringing in the energy and frequency of forgiveness and pure Source Love into every cell, every part and aspect of each individual receiving this healing, transmuting, dissolving and/or transforming all toxic agents in each individual receiving this Healing into a harmless form that is easily released from the body.

The Deep Relationship Healing is running here for you with your liver, skin, kidneys, lymphatic system, lungs, and colon.

Includes allergy healing for: proteins, phenolics, earth elements, minerals, and metals, radiation, vitamin C, plastics, smoke kit, adhesives and glues, pollution, water and food chemicals, dust, water, EAH other environmental agents kit, the “air”, “atmosphere” and your “environment” and the emotions, unsupported, anger, rage, unforgiveness, love, supported, connected, grounded, spiritual kit, people, places and events kit, and the environmental factors kit, allergy combinations, Epstein Barr, Lyme Bacterias, and Candida Albicans. 

You are also receiving a Download and Activation of the properties and frequencies of the vitamins, minerals and homeopathics to support your body in its detox process for environmental agents like chemicals, metals, and radiation.

Epstein Barr Virus is one the most common underlying causes of fatigue. Studies show this virus affects more than 90% of the population in the USA as well as Canada, however, I find it over and over again when working with private clients all over the world to resolve fatigue, along with health challenges of all kinds. This healing gets this virus under control quickly when repeated daily until feeling better. Often in just a couple of days! 

EAH is incredibly powerful and the best way I know to not only deactivate Epstein Barr, all other Herpesviruses and releasing viruses, but to also calm down inflammation in the body that is caused by them, and to create protection or immunity for our body with Viruses.

This healing is focused on healing your relationship with Epstein Barr Virus along with the 7 other members of the herpesvirus family, and several other viruses I commonly find at the root of so many health issues, which now includes Coronaviruses. 

It is a BIG one, it goes deep dissolving negative programming commonly found as the magnetic or velcro for Epstein Barr Virus, the Herpes Virus family, and other fatigue-causing viruses.

It’s clearing programming like I am unforgivable, everything is always my fault, I am always to blame, Life is struggle, Life is pain, Life is exhausting, relationships are struggle and pain, emotions, mine and other peoples are painful and exhausting, and so much more!

This healing also goes into resolving and clearing oaths, vows and contracts we may be carrying to take on these viruses, the battles and illness for others, and brings through powerful new programming to help us to create healthier boundaries and have greater Self Love and permission to create joy and love in our lives.

Includes allergy healing for: Epstein Barr Virus, Epstein-Barr Virus antibodies including Antibody to Viral Capsid Antigen, IgM; Epstein-Barr Virus Antibody to Viral Capsid Antigen, IgG; Epstein-Barr Virus Antibody to Nuclear Antigen, IgG; Epstein-Barr Virus Antibody to Early D Antigen, IgG; Heterophile Antibodies, all trauma from Epstein Barr virus, all Herpes Viruses, Mononucleosis, Cytomegalovirus, Haemophilus Influenza, Coxsackievirus, Corona Viruses including Sars CoV2,  the emotions: stress, overwhelm, unworthy, unworthiness, worthy, boundaries, powerless, power, helplessness, hopelessness, depression, fatigue, shame, guilt, and many parts of the body where these viruses are most commonly stored, spiritual kit, people, places and events kit, environmental factors kit, and allergy combinations.

You are also receiving a Download and Activation of the properties and frequencies of the vitamins and minerals and potent homeopathics to support your immune function and shift of these Viral patterns quickly on all levels.

EAH is incredibly powerful and the best way I know to not only release bacteria, and bacteria related toxins from the body, but to also calm down inflammation in the body that is caused by them, and to create protection or immunity for our body with bacteria.

This healing tool has a range of focus, but it isn’t covering all bacteria that I have in the allergy kits that I work with, so it can be helpful to also still identify the specific bacteria needed for a person and their symptoms and do an allergy healing for those separately along with this healing, this is what I most often do.

This healing often gets infection and illness due to the bacteria this is working with,  under control quickly when repeated daily until feeling better. Often in just a day or 2! 

Some have reported feeling better in just minutes! It is also designed to give people powerful support for healing on all levels with Lyme disease bacteria, and has a preventative or immunity effect, helping us stay healthy when exposed to these bacteria in the future.

This healing goes deep to dissolve negative programming and emotions commonly found when we struggle with bacterial patterns…beliefs about being alone, that grief, anger, guilt, sadness, suffering or pain are our lot in life, are all we are worthy of, and much more.

With this healing we are also dissolving trauma from times we have been sick, devastated, wiped out, died from bacteria or witnessed our loved ones destroyed from them, or witnessed whole families, and communities devastated by bacteria or disease.

It dissolves programming that we have to heal others by taking on their bacteria, their illness, or disease, or their pain. Resolving all oaths, vows and contracts, and curses to heal others by taking on their bacteria.

Resolves and dissolves oaths, vows and contracts to take on your Mothers, your Fathers, your children’s guilt, your families, your spouses/partners shame, remorse, regret, hatred, anger, fear, to take on the fear, guilt, shame, anger, hatred, regret, remorse for the planet, for the collective, for those you love, your ancestral lineage. 

And this all only a part of what all is clearing from you with this healing that can be causing bacterial imbalances and struggles. 

Includes allergy healing for organs, glands kits, heart, brain, nervous system, blood/vascular system kit, body tissues, the head kit, skeletal system kit, Cells/DNA/RNA, immune system kit, tics, Lyme Disease, the following bacteria: Borriella Afzelii, Borrelia Garinii, Borrelia Hermsii, Borrelia Parkeri, Borrelia Miyamotoi, Borrelia Mayonii, Borrelia Burgdorferi, Borrelia Recurrentis, Bartonella Henselae, Rickettsia Typhi, Rickettsia Prowazeki, Borrelia Antibodies IgM (BORM), Borrelia Antibodies IgG/IgM (BORR), Borrelia Confirmation (Immunoblot) (BORC), OspA, OspC, BmpA, DbpA, p41, VlsE proteins, Spirochaetes, E-Coli Species Bacteria, Salmonella Species Bacteria, Staphylococcus Species Bacteria, Streptococcus Species Bacteria, Babesia, guilt, shame, remorse, regret, hatred, anger, fear, people, events and places kit, spiritual kit, emotions/feelings, Environmental Factors Kit, allergy combinations, detoxing, releasing, and detox pathways

EAH is incredibly powerful and the best way I know to not only assist the body in releasing pathogenic microorganisms like yeast, fungi and parasites and their related toxins from the body, but to also calm down inflammation in the body that is caused by them, and to create protection or immunity for our body with them, as well as to assist the body to come into harmony and balance with the microorganisms that are beneficial and necessary for our body to live and thrive.

This healing goes deep into dissolving negative programming, Oaths, Vows and Contracts and trauma that feed the feeling/emotion of resentment which is the frequency that harmful yeast and fungus resonate at. To permanently release our struggle with these microorganisms we need to focus healing on the causes of the resentment that is at the root of these yeast and fungal patterns. 

This, along with deep work on parasitical patterns which are connected to victim mentality/belief structures are the focus of this healing. Clearing out heavy vibrational energies that create patterns of being/feeling taken advantage of. Bringing in powerful downloads to shift you more and more into your power, and out of resentment patterns, activating your true power that is connected to your Sovereignty through your heart!

Bringing in downloads like:

I know how to live my life without resentment

I know how to forgive myself

I know how to forgive others

I know how to live without resenting my body

I know how to live without resenting my parents, my family

I know how to live without resenting my friends

I know how to live without resenting God

I know how to live without resenting my mate/partner

I know how to live without resenting my Ex’s

I know how to live without resenting others

I know how to live without resenting my job/work/coworkers/boss/managers

I know how to live without resenting school/classmates/peers/teachers

I know how to live without being sucked dry 

I know how, and when to say NO in the highest and best way

I am allowed to and am safe to say NO

I know what it feels like to live my life without allowing others to take my energy

Just to name a few.

Also bringing in the energy and frequency of forgiveness and pure Source/Creator Love into every cell, into every part and aspect of each individual receiving this healing AND all Yeast, Mold, Fungus, and Parasites that are in your body to assist in transforming these microorganisms into a harmless form for easy release, healing and our to bring them back into balance.

This healing includes the necessary allergy healing for: Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin F/Essential Fatty Acids, Zinc, Calcium Magnesium, Selenium, dust, proteins, many parts of the body, mold/fungus allergy kits, parasite allergy kits, Candida Albicans (yeast allergy kit), the emotions: resentment, regret, remorse, anger, hatred, procrastination, avoiding, hiding, grief, boundaries, victimhood, shame and more.

The Self Healers Journey

An 8-Week Multidimensional Self-Healing Modality


Healing Your Relationship With Your Body & Clearing Distorted Energy Patterns (Part 1)

In week 5 you’ll begin healing your relationship with your body including the 12 main body systems. You’ll begin with the glands, pancreas, ovaries and testes. You’ll also be clearing distorted energy patterns, like trauma, negative programming, stuck emotions, hooks, cords and attachments, oaths, vows and contracts that are creating resistance and disconnection between you and your own body for tangible shifts and healing for your health and your life.  

You will be able to immediately use these tools to release and clear blocks and create potent healing for yourself and your loved ones. Week 5 includes a live 90-minute Q and A call for additional support plus answers to any questions you may have on the video training, learning  material, and tools 

You Will Be Attuned to The Energetic Allergy Healing
Endocrine System Series: 

This series is part of my program “Healing the Thyroid and Endocrine System Program”. I was shown the need to work on the digestive system, to work with the detox pathways, and to clear allergies for a wide range of environmental agents, and some specific pathogens like Epstein Barr Virus, Lyme bacteria, Candida, and a wider range of pathogens in the area of molds, fungi, and parasites. 

So if you are working on healing this important and delicate system, make sure you are using the other healing tools that make up that EAH program: Digestive System Healing, the Whole Body Detox Series (4). You can go deeper on the digestive system with the Digestive System RX Healing, and the EAH Food Clearing Series, and you can go deeper on pathogens with a variety of EAH Tools, Deep Release: Guilt, Shame and Unworthiness, Breathe Easy Series, Epstein Barr Series, Self Punishment, Breaking Free from Viral and Bacterial Patterns, Shadow Fragments, etc (refer to your document “How to Work with Pathogens” for the full list.

You may also need to tune in and ask, “are there other pathogens that need to be identified and cleared, other toxins/allergens that need to be identified and cleared for your client?”, as they may still have some unique energies that are part of their specific endocrine health challenge.

I have added some Indications to help guide you for when these healings may be just what a client needs.

So many people were reporting amazing results from just doing an EAH allergy healing for the glands and hormones that make up the endocrine system, along with the Fundamentals, and a few other allergies that would vary from client to client, that I felt really guided to create a series of healing tools that would take them to the next level and help even more people as issues here are widespread and are behind so many of our health issues.

And that is what this series is all about. Each of these 5 healing tools contains allergy healing as it’s core for each of the endocrine glands and the hormones they produce and regulate, but they also each contain powerful belief, trauma, and emotional work and feeling downloads to accelerate the healing, to reprogram these glands and organs that make up the endocrine system so that proper function can be restored.

I have also brought in high-frequency energies from homeopathic, vitamins, and minerals that are necessary and helpful in supporting the health and function of this important system of the body and each gland and organ that is part of it.

The hypothalamus acts as a master clock in the human body. The master circadian clock that regulates 24-hour cycles throughout our body.  Its primary function is to maintain balance within the body system. 

The pituitary gland is sometimes called the “master” gland of the endocrine system because it controls the functions of many of the other endocrine glands.

The pineal gland produces a hormone called melatonin whose main function is the regulation of the wake-sleep cycle. This melatonin instructs the body to make adjustments in temperature, blood pressure, alertness and other biological processes to facilitate sleeping or waking. 

All of these glands are located in the brain and are considered the Master Controllers. Most of the time we need to start here for healing before we can properly heal and restore function for the other glands that make up the endocrine system. 

This healing goes deep into dissolving old buried trauma and negative emotions that we commonly hold in these Master Glands. Dissolving and transmuting negative programming around and with control, bringing in a new healthy understanding of control so we can live with proper perspective and relationship with this emotion/feeling. 

Bringing in new energies and advanced light structures so you can create homeostasis, balance and healthy rhythms in your body and life even when other people are out of balance, out of control. 

This healing goes way beyond just healing the master glands as it also contains a lot of healing for the brain itself and the nervous system. You can use this healing tool to bring the brain and brain chemicals into balance.

You are also receiving a LOT of healing here for your third eye chakra, crown chakra, and transpersonal chakras using EAH Tools as well as SL Practitioner tools as they are connected to these chakras.

One of the ways we are also accomplishing this is by working with a group of pathogens that commonly affect master gland function, brain function, and the nervous system, like Epstein Barr, Lyme bacteria, Mono, Candida, and other fungi.

This healing includes allergy healing for: glands/hormones, brain, the nervous system,  blood/vascular system, digestive enzymes, organs, immune system kit, the cellular memory and energetic signatures of trauma held in the hypothalamus, pineal, and pituitary, 3rd eye chakra, crown chakra, etheric body, and mental body, and the emotions: rage, hatred, anger, fear, depression, control, balance, homeostasis, motivation, deprivation, punishment, procrastination, confusion, emotions, feelings, avoiding, hiding, peace, balance, harmony, Vitamin D, Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin F, proteins and all amino acids, manganese, iron, minerals, selenium, zinc, Ashwagandha, Ginseng, Rhodiola, radiation, and more…..

This healing goes deep into dissolving trauma and negative emotions that we commonly hold in the thyroid gland or that are directly affecting the thyroid. Dissolving and transmuting negative programming, trauma, Oaths, Vows and Contracts around and with not being allowed to have, know, speak or express our own truth, thoughts, feelings, wants, needs, desires, heart, and opinions. 

Dissolving and resolving anywhere “I don’t count, I don’t matter, I don’t exist, I am not important, my opinions, thoughts, wants, needs, truths, feelings don’t matter, are unimportant, don’t count”.

Also clearing trauma, programming, OVC, entities, energetic implants and/or negative portal energies in the thyroid gland, throat or throat Chakra from being silenced in any way shape or form in this lifetime and all lifetimes.

Bringing in or “teaching” your thyroid how to heal itself and how to work and communicate in balance, peace and harmony with all of the glands and organs that make up the Endocrine System. We also begin working with the adrenals here too, so they are really ready for their Healing.

You are also receiving healing to connect your heart and throat so you can improve your ability to communicate your truth from the heart and to heal your relationship with your voice.

You are also receiving a LOT of healing here for your throat chakra using EAH Tools as well as Sacred Light Practitioner tools as they are connected to this gland.

This healing also contains Deep Relationship Healing for you with the priority people, situations and circumstances where you have or are experiencing communication trauma and Self expression trauma with. With those who have shut them down, who they are unable to speak their heart to and it’s causing distress and trauma as a result.

The Deep Relationship Healing is also running here for you with your thyroid gland, parathyroid, thyroid hormones, iodine, your throat chakra, throat, and your own voice 

Includes allergy healing for the emotions: anger, resentment, rage, shame, guilt, grief, sorrow, sadness, expression, confusion, criticism, contradictory, procrastination, disappointment, forgiveness, love, truth, self expression, deceit, lies, control, repression, suppression, manipulation, Self expression, your voice, your words, throat chakra, the thyroid, adrenals, and the hormones produced by these glands, the brain as a whole, the nervous system, your throat and the tissues found in the throat including your tonsils, iodine, thyroid medications, tyrosine, vitamin D, lecithin, vitamin E, vitamin A, Selenium, zinc, inflammation kit, and the following foods: leafy greens, vegetables, fruits, fish, shellfish, salt, radiation kit, Epstein Barr Virus, infectious mononucleosis, Borrelia’s, babesia, Candida, Streptococcal Bacteria, and more…

You are also receiving a download and activation of the properties and frequencies of vitamins, minerals and homeopathics to support the healing and function of your thyroid gland.

The thymus gland is part of the endocrine system, the lymphatic system and the immune system. It has a big job as it plays a vital role in all three of these body systems.

So to be most effective, this healing focuses on all of these body systems. It goes deep into dissolving trauma and negative emotions that we commonly hold in the thymus gland and lymphatic system.

Some people think that they are under attack all of the time. This can create immune diseases in the lymph system. 

When we have issues with the thymus gland, we more than likely have issues with confrontation and conflict.

This healing is dissolving conflict trauma as well as programming, oaths, vows and contracts to live this way, to have to learn, grow and evolve through confrontation, conflict and attack experiences and brings in energies to shift us into handling conflict in healthier ways, creating stronger boundaries, and dissolving programming and other negative energies to help us shift out of victimhood, battle and attack mode which often create inflammation in these parts of the body.

It is teaching your thymus gland and lymphatic system how to heal itself and how to work in balance, peace and harmony with all of the glands and organs that make up the endocrine system AND your lymphatic system through powerful downloads. 

You are also receiving a LOT of healing here for your physical heart, heart chakra and high heart chakra using EAH Tools as well as SL Practitioner tools as they are connected to the thymus gland.

This healing also contains Deep Relationship Healing work for those you are running it for and the priority person/s that they have experienced a lot of conflict, confrontation, and/or attack patterns with. 

You can allow this healing to run knowing it will clear and heal a person’s priority here OR you can run it and have your client hold someone specific in mind as it’s running and bring it into specific relationship healing work you are doing.

The Deep Relationship Healing is also running for you with your thymus gland, tonsils, spleen, lymph glands and lymphatic system, endocrine system, and immune system.

The Pathogen Cleanse is included here to work with the common pathogens that compromise Thymus gland and endocrine health like: Epstein Barr Virus, Herpesviruses, Coronaviruses, Infectious Mononucleosis, Borrelia’s, babesia, Candida Albicans, and Aspergillus SPP.

This healing includes allergy healing for: stress, overwhelm, confrontation, conflict, battle, attacked, all conflict, confrontation, and attack trauma, victimhood, resentment, guilt, shame, anger, rage, unforgiveness, acceptance, love, humility, compassion, the lymphatic system including the spleen and tonsils, glands/hormones, skeletal system, nervous system, blood/vascular system, brain, metabolic enzymes, digestive enzymes, cells/DNA/RNA, immune system, the heart, throat, head kit, zinc, selenium, vitamin B Complex, vitamin C, Vitamin A, and more…

This Healing goes deep into dissolving trauma and negative emotions that we commonly hold in the adrenal glands. Dissolving and transmuting negative programming, trauma, Oaths, Vows and Contracts around and with not being allowed or not having permission to rest, or having to work all the time, having to always be “ON” or hyper alert to be safe, that life is a battle, that I am under attack, dissolving anywhere it is our job to save the world or to make everyone happy. Clearing out emotions, programming and contracts of suppression, repression, manipulation and control. Bringing Joy, happiness, love, and forgiveness into the adrenal cells and tissues.

Bringing in or “teaching” your adrenal glands how to rest, heal themselves and how to work/function in balance, peace and harmony with all of the glands and organs that make up the endocrine system. Teaching your systems new healthier understanding and ways of managing stress.

You are also receiving a LOT of healing here for your Solar Plexus using EAH Tools as well as it is directly connected to this gland.

This healing also contains Deep Relationship Healing work for those you are running it for and the priority people and/or situations and circumstances that they have or are experiencing a lot of stress, overwhelm, and feeling drained by. 

You can allow this healing to run knowing it will clear and heal a person’s priority here OR you can run it and have your client hold someone specific in mind as it’s running and bring it into specific relationship healing work you are doing.

There is also deep relationship healing work here for you with your adrenal glands, adrenal hormones, endocrine system, with stress, overwhelm, and fear 

Includes allergy healing for the emotions:  stress, overwhelm, anxiety, worry, fear, decision making, terror, panic, overwhelm, pressure, adrenal glands, and the hormones produced by these glands, along with the kidneys, brain kit, nervous system, all trauma stored in the adrenals and kidneys, organs kits, heart kit, blood/vascular system, body tissues kit, cells/DNA/RNA, immune system kit, digestive enzymes, radiation kit, and nutrients: Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Selenium, Zinc, and more…..

A Sacred Light Filter is working here to filter out the emotions; stress, overwhelm, fear, as well as overabundant stress hormones.

This healing goes deep dissolving negative programming and trauma that we commonly carry for our Mother, female ancestral lineage, or for our Father, male ancestral lineage, belief systems that commonly block our ability to create the life our heart desires, to create the love and the joy in our lives that is our Divine right, along with programming and trauma from being or feeling defeated, unworthy and inadequate and brings in an extensive list of downloads to shift us into greater self love, strength and joy to calm down inflammation and restore harmony in these organs/glands.

Teaching your pancreas, ovaries, and testes how to heal themselves and how to work in balance, peace and harmony with all of the glands and organs that make up the endocrine system and the digestive system.

You are also receiving a LOT of healing here for your Navel, Sacral and Root Chakras using EAH Tools as well as SL Practitioner tools as they are connected to these glands and this organ.

This healing also contains Deep Relationship Healing work for those you are running it for and the priority people and/or situations and circumstances that have/are made them feel powerless, trapped, stuck, suppressed, repressed, or unable to change their lives, or unable to create a life of joy, love and beauty.

You can allow this healing to run knowing it will clear and heal a person’s priority here OR you can run it and have your client hold someone specific in mind as it’s running and bring it into specific relationship healing work you are doing.

The Deep Relationship Healing is also running for you with your ovaries, pancreas, pancreatic tissues and hormones, testes and all testicular tissues and hormones, and your womb.

Includes allergy healing for the emotions: Joy, life, living, love, peace, balance and harmony, bitterness, sweetness, disappointment, sadness, grief, sorrow, loss, abandonment, rejection, displacement, anger, resentment, rage, unforgiveness, confusion, criticism, procrastination, overwhelm, stress, anxiety, connection, intimacy, vulnerability, sex, sexual trauma,  divine feminine and divine masculine, solar plexus, heart chakra, sacral, root chakras, earth star chakra,  radiation, the pancreas, ovaries, testes, the hormones they produce, digestive enzymes, glands and hormones, organs kits, body tissues, brain, heart, nervous system, skeletal system, metabolic enzymes, digestive enzymes, blood/vascular system, cells/DNA/RNA, vitamin F, fats and oils kit, Zinc, sugars, insulin, insulin resistance and more…

You are also receiving a download and activation of the properties and frequencies of the vitamins, nutrients, and homeopathics essential and supportive for the function of these glands and organs.

You Will Also Be Attuned to The Following Tools: 

This healing resolves and dissolves trauma, shock, pain and suffering from sexual abuse on all levels, from the DNA, from all Parts and Aspects of the individual receiving this healing.

It also resolves oaths, vows, and contracts to learn, grow, or spiritually evolve from sexual abuse, collapsing the timelines where this has occurred, resolving the shame, guilt, unforgiveness, hatred, anger, resentment, regret, remorse, grief, sadness, sorrow, blame, heartbreak, confusion, dislike, unworthiness, depression, hopelessness, helplessness, and low self-worth, and all other low vibrational emotions and feelings the individual receiving this healing is holding from these experiences.

Resolving all oaths, vows, and contracts to take on, hold and process sexual abuse trauma for your mother and your female lineage, for your father and your male lineage, for the collective, for women as a group or as a whole, for men as a group or as whole, or for children as a group or as a whole.

This Healing Tool also provides Deep Relationship Healing with the individual/s receiving this healing with all Beings who have sexually abused the individual receiving this healing.

The Deep Relationship Healing is also included here for the individuals receiving this healing with their sexual aspects of self, their sexuality, sexual nature, their sexual organs, and the sexual organs of the opposite sex, so with the vagina, vaginal fluids, vaginal tissues, labia group, clitorus, uterus, ovaries, womb, fallopian tubes, breasts, mammary glands, anus, sigmoid colon, large intestine, testes kit, penis, scrotum, gonads, testicles, sperm, orgasm, ejaculation, sex

A Sacred Light Filter is brought in where needed to filter out the energies of the people/beings who sexually abused the individual receiving this healing.

Includes allergy healing for the Self, God, the abuser/s, sexual abuse, incuding rape trauma, molestation trauma, sexual slavery trauma, sexual entrapment trauma, prostitute/prostitution trauma, sexual manipulation trauma, sexual repression trauma, sexual suppresion trauma, sexual control trauma, sexual ownership trauma, sexual experimenation trauma, anger, rage, confusion, love, joy, humiliation, condemned, resentment, shame, guilt, unforgiveness, hatred, regret, remorse, grief, sadness, sorrow, blame, heartbreak, confusion, shame, guilt, dislike, unworthiness, depression, hopelessness, helplessness, and low self worth, sex, intertcouse, relations, ejaculation, pleasure, desire, fear, receiving, tension, anxiety, sexual tension, sexual frustration, sexual anxiety, sexual stress, sexual confusion, sexual overwhelm, sexual fear, sexual anger, body tissues kit, vagina, vaginal fluid, vaginal tissues, labia group, clitorus, womb, fallopian tubes, anus, sigmoid colon, large intestine, glands, organs, heart, brain, nervous system, skeletal system, vascular system, immune system and more…

There is so much here to heal emotional abuse patterns, emotional abuse trauma, along with programming, stuck emotions, entities, oaths, vows, and contracts, hooks, cords and attachments, and other low-frequency energies that have been created within you from emotional abuse experiences, not just in this lifetime, but in other lifetimes, timelines, realities and dimensions where you have had that experience.

So not only are we healing our body, relationships and life with these tools, we are also changing our relationship patterns themselves, changing our reality, creating and attracting healthier, more loving, supportive, and aligned relationships, and healing the most important relationship we have, our relationship with ourself!

Emotional abuse exists in many forms from:

  • Verbal abuse: yelling at you, insulting you or swearing at you.
  • Rejection: constantly rejecting your thoughts, ideas and opinions.
  • Gaslighting: making you doubt your own feelings and thoughts, and even your sanity, by manipulating the truth. 
  • Social abuse: seeking to harm your other relationships or reputation, sharing photos of you without permission, and monitoring your activities (both in person and online).
  • Put-downs: calling you names or telling you that you’re stupid, publicly embarrassing you, blaming you for everything. Public humiliation is also a form of social abuse.
  • Causing fear: making you feel afraid, intimidated or threatened.
  • Isolation: limiting your freedom of movement, stopping you from contacting other people (such as friends or family). It may also include stopping you from doing the things you normally do – social activities, sports, school or work. Isolating someone overlaps with social abuse.
  • Financial abuse: controlling or withholding your money, preventing you from working or studying, stealing from you. Financial abuse is another form of domestic violence.
  • Bullying and intimidation: purposely and repeatedly saying or doing things that are intended to hurt you.
  • Threatening to hurt you if you leave them

We are working with all of these forms of emotional abuse here and more.

It is designed to clear trauma and patterns from experiences where you have been emotionally abused, or emotionally traumatized, overwhelmed, and stressed in your current and past relationships, experiences where someone made you feel small, powerless, scared, confused made you not like or even hate yourself, and undermined your feelings of self-worth and independence. 

It is also honing in and clearing trauma patterns from being stuck in emotional pain for prolonged periods of time, and trauma from feeling and being trapped and tortured by your own emotional states.

It will clear your priority patterns each time you run it/receive it, and you can also work with it really intentionally by directing it to a specific person when you are doing relationship healing work.

Through belief work, downloads and powerful spiritual technologies, this healing is also aligning you with the experience of living and being in harmony, peace and balance with your own emotions, emotional states, your own heart, the emotion processing centers in your brain, with your emotional body, assisting you in becoming more emotionally resilient, strong, stable, and balanced, creating the ability to shift out of or move through emotional states that are painful, making you feel powerless, helpless, hopeless, depressed, stressed, and overwhelmed, that are creating chaos and drama in your life, that are creating allergies, inflammation, and disease in the body, and aligning you with coming into deeper Self-love, Self-compassion, and self-appreciation.

Other components of this healing tool are:

Healing Your Relationship with Your Home which is running here for you with the memories attached to your home, the objects in the home from someone who was or is in your home who has abused you emotionally, or overwhelmed you with emotional trauma, or emotionally traumatized you, assisting you in moving forward in your life with renewed hope and inspiration and to feel good and healthy in your home.

The Deep Relationship Healing 2 is at work here too, it is running for you with your physical heart, emotional heart, your emotional body, with your Mother, Father, and with the priority person/s that emotionally abused you, or that you intentionally directing it to.

This healing contains allergy for: emotional abuse trauma, emotional overwhelm, suffering, trauma from being cut off or disconnected from your heart/emotional heart, heart chakra, from your emotions, feelings, emotional states, and emotional body, from being emotionally trapped, stuck, blocked, confused, stressed, the heart, high heart and throat Chakra, your higher Self, Divine aspect, God/Creator/Source, emotional intuition, emotional knowing, stuck, trapped emotions in your body and energy bodies, your Mother, your Father, and the priority person/s that emotionally abused you, and/or that they experienced emotional trauma with, organs, glands/hormones, nervous system, skeletal system, metabolic/digestive enzymes, blood/vascular system, Cells/DNA/RNA, and more….

The Sacred Light Filter is also put to work here to resolve and dissolve emotional trauma and emotional abuse trauma energies/patterns.

Note: This is also a great tool to use to work on healing for the brain, mind, crown chakra, and mental body.

There is so much here to heal mental abuse patterns and mental abuse trauma, along with programming, stuck emotions, entities, oaths, vows, and contracts, hooks, cords and attachments, and other low frequency energies that have been created within you from mental abuse experiences, not just in this lifetime, but in other lifetimes, timelines, realities and dimensions where you have had that experience.

So not only are we healing our body, relationships and life with these tools, we are also changing our relationship patterns themselves, changing our reality, creating and attracting healthier, more loving, supportive, and aligned relationships, and healing the most important relationship we have, our relationship with ourself!

Mental abuse looks very similar to emotional abuse. Many of the same type of abuse experiences that affect us emotionally are affecting us mentally, so we are working with many of the same type of experiences covered in the emotional abuse healing here in this healing, but we are focusing on clearing what has formed within us as mental trauma, and even though it will clear from all parts of our body and energy bodies, it focuses on clearing these energies from our brain, nervous system, and mental body, and contains extra support and healing for these areas.

This healing is designed to clear trauma and patterns from experiences where you have been mentally abused, or mentally traumatized, overwhelmed, and stressed in your current and past relationships, experiences where someone made you feel inadequate, made you feel stupid, made you feel like you can’t trust your own thoughts, your own mind, can’t make your own decisions and choices, like you are crazy, small, powerless, scared, confused made you not like or even hate yourself and undermined your feelings of self-worth and independence. 

It is also honing in and clearing trauma patterns from being stuck in mental pain for prolonged periods of time, trauma from feeling and being trapped and tortured by your own mental states.

It will clear your priority patterns each time you run it/receive it, and you can also work with it really intentionally by directing it to a specific person when you are doing relationship healing work.

Through belief work, downloads and powerful spiritual technologies, this healing is also aligning you with the experience of living and being in harmony, peace and balance with your own thoughts, mental states, your own brain, mind, and mental body, assisting you in becoming more mentally resilient, strong, stable, and balanced, creating the ability to shift out of or move through mental states that are painful, making you feel powerless, helpless, hopeless, depressed, stressed, and overwhelmed, that are creating chaos and drama in your life, that are creating allergies, inflammation, and disease in the body, and aligning you with coming into deeper Self-love, Self-compassion, and Self-appreciation.

The Deep Relationship Healing 2 is running here for you with your brain, your mind, your mental body, crown chakra, third eye chakra, with your Mother, Father, and the priority person/s that mentally abused you, and/or that you experienced mental trauma with.

The Sacred Light Filter is at work here as well to assist in resolving and dissolving mental trauma, mental abuse trauma energies/patterns.

Allergies being cleared here are: mental abuse trauma, mental overwhelm, suffering, trauma from being cut off or disconnected from your mind/brain/parts of your brain/thoughts/beliefs, from being mentally trapped, stuck, blocked, confused, stressed, your mental body, your Crown Chakra, your transpersonal chakras, third eye chakra, your higher Self, Divine aspect,  God/Creator/Source, your inner sight, psychic sight, inner knowing, mental intuition, beliefs/systems, thoughts, programming, negative crystalized thought forms, your Mother, Father, and the priority person/s that mentally abused you, and/or that you experienced mental trauma with, organs, glands/hormones, nervous system, skeletal system, blood/vascular system, metabolic/digestive enzymes, Cells/DNA/RNA, and more…

Note: This is also a great tool to use to work on healing for your spiritual aspects of self, your higher self, Divine aspect, your Spiritual/Divine Body, your crown chakra, and transpersonal chakras. It is also a great tool to use to heal religious trauma.

There is so much here to heal spiritual abuse patterns and spiritual abuse trauma, along with programming, stuck emotions, entities, oaths, vows, and contracts, hooks, cords and attachments, and other low frequency energies that have been created within you from spiritual abuse experiences, not just in this lifetime, but in other lifetimes, timelines, realities and dimensions where you have had that experience.

So not only are we healing our body, relationships and life with these tools, we are also changing our relationship patterns themselves, changing our reality, creating and attracting healthier, more loving, supportive, and aligned relationships, and healing the most important relationship we have, our relationship with ourself!

Spiritual abuse can be many things, including some of the following:

  • Stopping you from practicing your religious or spiritual beliefs
  • Forcing you to raise your children according to spiritual beliefs you don’t agree with
  • Forcing you to participate in religious practices that you don’t want to participate in
  • Using religious or spiritual leaders or teachings to:
    • Force you to stay in a relationship or marriage
    • Excuse violence and abuse
    • Blame your for violence and abuse
    • Encourage you to accept violence and abuse
    • Stop you or your children from getting medical or health care
    • Force or pressure you into a marriage you don’t want
  • Stopping you from returning home to Country
  • Shaming or insulting your religious or spiritual beliefs.
  • Spiritual abuse can be a form of domestic and family violence. 

We are working with trauma from all of these types of experiences.

This healing tool is designed to clear trauma and patterns from experiences where you have been spiritually abused, or spiritually traumatized, overwhelmed, and stressed in your current and past relationships, experiences where someone controlled, coerced you, manipulated you, spiritually or through religion, with guilt, fear and shame, or stripped away your power, made you believe you can’t or it is wrong to discover yourself and know yourself spiritually, know and be in relationship with God, Creator, Source outside of their religious practice, beliefs, or organization, who made you believe you are not allowed to or it is wrong to think independently, or that you had to rely on them or the religion, or do specific acts to be saved,  made you feel or believe that you can’t trust your own thoughts, your own mind, your heart, your own knowing, and undermined your feelings of self-worth and independence. 

It is also honing in and clearing trauma patterns from being stuck in spiritual pain for prolonged periods of time, trauma from feeling and being trapped and tortured by your own spiritual states.

It will clear your priority patterns each time you run it/receive it, and you can also work with it really intentionally by directing it to a specific person when you are doing relationship healing work.

Through belief work, downloads and powerful spiritual technologies, this healing is also aligning you with the experience of living and being in harmony, peace and balance with your own thoughts, mental states, your own brain, mind, and mental body, assisting you in becoming more mentally resilient, strong, stable, and balanced, creating the ability to shift out of or move through mental states that are painful, making you feel powerless, helpless, hopeless, depressed, stressed, and overwhelmed, that are creating chaos and drama in your life, that are creating allergies, inflammation, and disease in the body, and aligning you with coming into deeper Self-love, Self-compassion, and Self-appreciation.

Other components of this healing tool are:

Healing Your Relationship with Your Home which is running here for you with the memories attached to your home, the objects in the home from someone who was or is in your home who has abused you spiritually, or overwhelmed you with spiritual trauma, assisting you in moving forward in your life with renewed hope and inspiration and to feel good and healthy in your home.

Other EAH Tools are also running here to bring in that Higher Perspective of the abusive individual and the situation so you can find real forgiveness which is essential for healing.

The Deep Relationship Healing 2 is running here for you with your Spiritual/Divine Body, your crown chakra, your transpersonal chakras, your higher Self, Divine aspect, God/Creator/Source, your life/soul purpose/s, with your Mother, your Father, and the priority person/s that spiritually abused you, and/or that you experienced spiritual trauma with, who spiritually traumatized you.

AND for you with any religion/cult/religious organization or sect that still has a hold (hooks, cords, attachments, hexes, entities, curses, OVC, shackles, traps, bindings)

on them in any way shape or form that they have left, or that they are holding/carrying from your ancestors, or for the collective, any Contracts of marriage to the God/Gods they serve/worship.

A Sacred Light Filter is at work here to assist in resolving and dissolving stuck spiritual abuse trauma energies/patterns you are holding.

Allergies being cleared here are: spiritual abuse trauma, spiritual overwhelm, suffering, trauma from being cut off or disconnected from your spiritual/higher/divine aspects, from God/Creator/Source, from being spiritually trapped, stuck, blocked, confused, stressed, your spiritual/Divine Body, your Crown Chakra, your transpersonal chakras, higher Self, Divine aspect, God/Creator/Source, your life/soul purpose/s, your Mother, Father, and the priority person/s that spiritually abused you, and/or that you experienced spiritual trauma with, organs, glands/hormones, nervous system, skeletal system, blood/vascular system, metabolic/digestive enzymes, Cells/DNA/RNA and more….

Note: This is a great tool to use to work on healing for the Navel, Sacral, Root and Earth Star Chakras, and the etheric body. And to heal trauma from experiencing intense or agonizing  physical pain.

There is so much here to heal physical abuse patterns and physical abuse trauma, along with programming, stuck emotions, entities, oaths, vows, and contracts, hooks, cords and attachments, and other low-frequency energies that have been created within you from physical abuse experiences, domestic violence, and other acts of physical violence, not just in this lifetime, but in other lifetimes, timelines, realities and dimensions where you have had that experience.

So not only are we healing our body, relationships and life with these tools, we are also changing our relationship patterns themselves, changing our reality, creating and attracting healthier, more loving, supportive, and aligned relationships, and healing the most important relationship we have, our relationship with ourself!

This healing tool is designed to clear trauma and patterns from experiences where you have been physically abused, or physically traumatized, overwhelmed, and stressed in your current and past relationships, experiences where someone controlled, coerced you, or manipulated you, with physical violence or threats of physical violence, from someone hitting/striking you, kicking you, punching you, pinning you down/restraining you, intentionally wounding or hurting you, throwing you, brutalizing you, physically bullying you, trapping or isolating you, or physically attacking or assaulting you in any way.

It is also honing in and clearing trauma and patterns from being physically disconnected, closed off, disconnected from your own body, your own physicality, from being stuck in physical pain for prolonged periods of time, trauma from feeling and being trapped and tortured by your own physical states.

It will clear your priority patterns each time you run it/receive it, and you can also work with it really intentionally by directing it to a specific person when you are doing relationship healing work.

Through belief work, downloads and powerful spiritual technologies, this healing is also aligning you with the experience of living and being in harmony, peace and balance with your physicality, your physical body, and etheric body, within yourself on the physical level. It’s working to align you with physical resilience, strength, stability, health, and vitality, as well as with a greater ability to connect with your body, listen to and understand it’s messages, be in your body and become more grounded.

Other components of this healing tool are:

Healing Your Relationship with Your Home which is running here for you with the memories attached to your home, the objects in the home from someone who was or is in your home who has abused you physically, or overwhelmed you with physical trauma, assisting you in moving forward in your life with renewed hope and inspiration and to feel good and healthy in your home.

Other EAH Healing Tools are also running here to bring in that Higher Perspective of the abusive individual and the situation so you can find real forgiveness which is essential for healing.

The Deep Relationship Healing 2 is running for you with your Navel, Sacral, Root and Earth Star Chakras, with their heart chakra, your etheric body, higher Self, Divine aspect, with God/Creator/Source, your body, with your physicality, your humanness, with your life/soul purpose, with your Mother, your Father, and the priority person/s that physically abused them, and/or that they experienced physical trauma with.

Other Tools included here are: Earth Trauma, Accident/Injury Trauma, Death Trauma, My Body as a Fine Tuned Instrument, Activate and Balance Your Meridians, Reclaiming Your Sacred Vessel, Healing Your Relationship with People, Womb Trauma, Birth Trauma

Allergies being cleared here are: physical abuse trauma, physical overwhelm, suffering, trauma from being cut off or disconnected from your spiritual/higher/divine aspects, from God/Creator/Source, from being physically trapped, stuck, blocked, confused, stressed, sick, ill, overwhelmed, your spiritual/Divine Body, your Crown Chakra, transpersonal chakras, your higher Self, Divine aspect, God/Creator/Source, trauma from being cut off or disconnected from your mind/brain/parts of your brain/thoughts/beliefs, being mentally trapped, stuck, blocked, confused, stressed, your mental body, trauma from being cut off or disconnected from your heart/emotional heart, heart chakra, from your emotions, feelings, emotional states, and emotional body, from being emotionally trapped, stuck, blocked, confused, stressed, your heart, high heart and throat Chakra, your life/soul purpose, your Mother, Father, and the priority person/s that physically abused you, and/or that you experienced physical trauma with, organs kits, glands/hormones, nervous system, skeletal system, blood/vascular system, metabolic/digestive enzymes, Cells/DNA/RNA, and more….

The Sacred Light Filter is at work here to assist in resolving and dissolving sticky, deeply rooted physical abuse trauma energies/patterns.


Healing Your Relationship With Your Body & Clearing Distorted Energy Patterns (Part 2)

In week 6 you’ll continue healing your relationship with your body, specifically your digestive system, nervous system and brain and your skeletal system. You’ll also be clearing distorted energy patterns, like trauma, negative programming, stuck emotions, hooks, cords and attachments, oaths, vows and contracts that are creating resistance and disconnection between you and your own body for tangible shifts and healing for your health and your life.  

You will be able to immediately use these tools to release and clear blocks and create potent healing for yourself and your loved ones. Week 6 includes a live 90-minute Q and A call for additional support plus answers to any questions you may have on the video training, learning material and tools.

You Will Be Attuned to The Following Tools: 

Overview Description of the series:

Your body is a universe in a microcosm. Great galaxies of microbes and shooting stars of neural signals live inside you. You are of miraculous construction and a thing of beauty and wonder.

General Series Description:

This series is designed to heal your relationship with your body as whole and with your 12 main body systems. With the organs, glands and body tissues that make up those 12 main body systems.

It is clearing distorted energy patterns, like trauma, programming, stuck emotions, hooks, cords and attachments, oaths, vows and contracts that are creating resistance and disconnection for you with your own body.

There is SO much healing layered into each of the healings that make up this series, each with allergy healing at their core for tangible shifts and healing for your health and your life. 

When we have multiple inflammatory patterns going on in our body, (which means we have a lot of trauma and other low vibrational energy patterns that we are holding in our body), it is difficult to connect to our body, to BE IN our body, which is essential for proper grounding, for restoring health, for feeling vibrant, for becoming more intuitive, for being more “present” and for harnessing our own creative abilities. 

When we work on healing our connection, or relationship with our own body we become healthier, happier, and more vibrant. It becomes easier to take care of ourselves and our own needs. 

We begin to align with people, things, and experiences that are for our highest good. 

We become more open to life, to love, and to our own special magic.

We become more aware of the messages our body is giving us so we can support our body easier and better.

And that is a short list of benefits! 

This is what this series is all about! 

It’s clearing allergies to ALL of my EAH Body allergy healing kits – almost 3000 detailed parts of the body!

This is a HUGE piece of the puzzle for healing allergy symptoms, pain and disease. 

The focus of each of the healings in this series can be found in the title of each one. Each of these healing tools are big on their own, and together they will bring much to you to transform your relationship with your body for healing and expanded spiritual growth and hugely increased ability to BE IN YOUR BODY – Embodiment!

This is the first healing in the body series.

This healing utilizes many spiritual technologies and other EAH and Sacred Light Healing Tools to clear trauma patterns from many different experiences we have had in this lifetime and past lifetimes with our bodies, from body shaming to disease, birth defects, deformities, physical pain, suffering, dysfunction, inflammation, infections, pathogen overload, physical injury to the body, systems of the body shutting down or breaking down, diminished body function, broken bones and more.

As well as to clear programming so many of us are running like:

I hate my body, hate humanity, hate the earth, distrust my body, humanity, and/or the earth.

I reject my body, reject humanity, reject life, reject the earth, anywhere I have to abandon myself, my body, humanity, or the earth to survive. 

My body is broken, faulty, disappointing and/or my body lets me down…

And to bring in powerful downloads like:

I know how to love my body

It is safe for me to connect to my own body, to know my own body, to reside within my own body.

I know how to connect with my body without fear of what I will find there.

I know how to heal my body

I know what it feels like to feel good, to feel safe, to be at peace, to be in harmony with my own body

I know how to forgive my body

I know how to support my body

My body gets stronger and stronger each day

I understand that body is Sacred just as I AM Sacred

I know how to see my body as beautiful, as whole, as healthy 

I trust my SELF, I trust my body

I totally and unconditionally accept and love my SELF

I AM worthy

And so many more!

The allergy healing you are receiving with this healing is focused on a broad clearing for all of the EAH Body Allergy Kits (roughly 3000 detailed parts of the body) to restore harmony and calm inflammation in the many cells and tissues that make up your body.

This healing utilizes many spiritual technologies and other EAH and Sacred Light Healing Tools to clear trauma patterns from many different experiences we have had in this lifetime and past lifetimes with our digestive system, gastrointestinal tract, and microbiome from times and experiences of disease, pain, suffering, dysfunction, inflammation, infections, pathogen overload, dysbiosis, from depression, anxiety and depressive-like behaviors/problems, autism, ADHD, ADD, and from physical injury to the digestive system, gastrointestinal tract, and microbiome…

It’s clearing and healing trauma from experiences where this system of the body shut or broke down. 

It’s also assisting your body in producing optimal amounts of gut microbiota, restoring harmony, balance and communication to your gut microbiota, to assist in restoring microbiome health and function.

It’s clearing the communication pathways between the gut and the brain, creating or healing and activating optimal neural networks for restored “gut brain axis” communication and health. 

The Pathogen Cleanse Healing Tool is also running within this healing to target, deactivate or neutralize and clear out pathogens that are creating inflammation in the digestive system and microbiome.

This healing also contains a long list of belief work, trauma clearing, feeling downloads and allergy healing to support you and your body in restoring and healing your digestive health and function.

This healing is utilizing many spiritual technologies and other EAH and Sacred Light Healing Tools to clear trauma patterns from many different experiences we have had in this lifetime and past lifetimes with our brain/mind, and nervous system, from disease, birth defects, pain, including mental anguish, suffering, dysfunction, inflammation, infections, pathogen overload, physical injury to the brain/mind, and/or my nervous system…Trauma from our brain and /or nervous system shutting down or breaking down. The trauma we may be holding from mind control, mental abuse, psychosis, depression, dementia, going crazy or feeling crazy, loss of mental control, feeling out of control, anxiety, nervousness, tension, worry. Trauma from sensory/social and/or behavioral health challenges.

From feeling like you don’t fit in because we “think” or “behave” differently than others. Clearing shame, guilt, anger, unworthiness, and other low vibrational emotions you may be holding due to these experiences.

This healing is assisting you in bringing your brain into balance, the left and right hemisphere’s and also the front and back hemispheres.

It’s also assists your body in producing optimal amounts of brain chemicals and neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and tryptamine and bringing them into balance.

There are generally many allergies behind depression, chronic anxiety, and diseases like  Alzheimer’s and dementia, behavioral health issues like ADD/ADHD, and other “spectrum or sensory issues” but this healing will be a foundational piece in working to heal these issues.

The Pathogen Cleanse Healing Tool is also running within this healing to target, deactivate or neutralize and clear out pathogens that are creating inflammation in the nervous system and brain.

This healing is clearing programming like:

I hate my brain, my mind, and/or my nervous system

I AM flawed, broken, faulty, my brain/mind, and/or nervous system are flawed, broken, faulty, or don’t work right.

I reject my brain, my mind, and/or my nervous system

Anywhere I have to abandon or disconnect from my brain, my mind, and/or my nervous system to survive, to stay sane, or to function. 

My brain, my mind, and/or my nervous system disappoint me and/or let me down, or betray me 

I have to forget to survive, to stay sane, to function, to feel ok, to be happy, and/or to heal 

Forgetting is the only way to forgive the past, forgive others, or myself

I am not smart enough, intelligent enough, or wise enough

I am an idiot, stupid, crazy, or unintelligent, clearing anywhere we’ve been told this and taken it on as our own truth

I  don’t fit in because I “think”, act  or “behave” differently than others

I am rejected, abandoned, abused or left out because I “think”, act  or “behave” differently than others

And to bring in powerful downloads like:

I know how to love my brain and nervous system

I love myself and my brain and nervous system more and more everyday

I know how to be in control of my brain and my thoughts, to be master of my brain, thoughts and nervous system

I know how to identify, release and clear negative thoughts, distorted thought patterns and programs from my brain, mind, mental body and nervous system and cells and I do this now with ease and joy.

I know how to easily identify thoughts, programming and other energy patterns that are in my brain and nervous system that are not mine and release and clear them with ease and in the highest and best way for all.

I know how to heal my brain and my nervous system.

My brain and nervous system know how to restore, repair, and heal themselves

My brain and nervous system get stronger, function better and get healthier everyday

I know how to live without feeling anxious and nervous

I know how to relax my body

I know how to restore my brain and nervous system

I know how to relax my brain and nervous system

I know how to rest my brain and nervous system

I have mental clarity, I can think clearly

I AM Smart, I AM genius, I AM creative, I AM a creative problem solver, I AM intelligent

I know myself as smart, creative, intelligent

I know how to feel relaxed, calm, peaceful, balanced, harmonious and abundant.

I am always taken care of

I know how to heal, to be happy, to have/feel inner peace, balance and harmony, to get well, to feel good in my body, and in my mind/brain, nervous system and life without having to forget my/the past

I know how to forgive myself, the past and others and I can do this without having to forget the past.

I know how to ask for what I need, to do what I need, to take care of my own needs, including having time for myself, time to rest, time to play without having to “check out mentally”, disconnect from my brain/mind/nervous system, or create disease or dysfunction in my brain/mind or nervous system.

I know how to release toxins; pathogens, pathogen byproducts and toxins, emotions, trauma, programming, entities and any energy pattern that is creating inflammation in my nervous system, nerve cells and fibers,  and brain and do this now in the most optimal way

And so many more!

This healing utilizes many spiritual technologies and other EAH and Sacred Light Healing Tools to clear trauma patterns from many different experiences we have had in this lifetime and past lifetimes with our skeletal and muscular systems, from disease, birth defects, pain, suffering, dysfunction, inflammation, infections, pathogen overload, physical injury to the skeletal and muscular systems. Trauma from physical injury to the skeletal and muscular systems, like broken or fractured bones, strains, sprains, bruises, and contusions.

As well as trauma we may be holding from physical abuse, injuries and accidents. 

The Pathogen Cleanse Healing Tool is also running within this healing to target, deactivate or neutralize and clear out pathogens that are creating inflammation in the skeletal system.

It’s also clearing programming like:

I create problems for my SELF

I punish my SELF

I judge my SELF

I am broken, I am weak, I am fragile

I am unsupported

I am alone

I can’t trust my own gut, my own intuition, my own higher guidance systems, Creator/Source

I have no structure

My structure is broken, fractured, damaged, is irreparable

I am paralyzed, stuck, trapped, frozen, can’t move

And to bring in powerful downloads like:

I trust my own intuition
I trust my SELF
I AM abundant

I am always abundantly supported

My bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, vertebrae, discs, cartilage, skeletal system support me

My body supports me

I have structure in body and in my life 

I am surrounded by love, friends, and people/beings who love me, and always have the best/highest intentions for me

I know how to live without the fear of going/moving forward

I know what the Creator’s love feels like.

I support and care for myself in loving ways

I AM well structured, strong, sound and balanced

Divine Spirit is the structure of my life 

I am safe, loved and totally supported

I breathe in life fully. I relax and trust the flow and the process of life.

I know how to create structure for myself and my life that supports me at all times

I know how to create and have a strong emotional, strong mental, strong spiritual and physical foundations and structures for my body, for myself, and in my life

I know how to live without feeling anxious, nervous, tense, tight, stiff

I know how to be flexible

I know how to relax, rest and restore my body

I know how to move forward in life with ease, joy, love, trust, hope, faith and confidence

My future is bright

I know how to create a beautiful, joyful, fun, harmonious, fulfilling future for myself and move forward trusting it is so

Everything is always working out for me

I know how to build, to create structure in my body and life that support my highest goals and potential

I AM stable

I AM strong

I AM resilient

I AM secure

I AM confident

I stand tall

I have strong healthy boundaries

I know how to be happy, to feel and create happiness

I know how to feel relaxed, calm, peaceful, balanced, harmonious and abundant in my bones, my skeletal system, muscular system, my body and my life.

I am always taken care of

I know what it feels like to be loved by the Creator

I know how to live without having to suffer

I know how to live without struggling to be close to the Creator

I know how to live without feeling rejected by the Creator

I know how to live without feeling my life has been stolen from me

I know how to live without carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders

I know how to live without feeling overburdened

I know what balance feels like

I know how to live without being a martyr

And many more!

The allergy healing you are receiving with this healing contains many of the EAH Body kits including of course the skeletal system/muscular system, earth elements, minerals, metals, calcium, iron, allergy combinations, environmental factors, spiritual kit, people, places and events, emotions/feelings, structure, unsupported/supported, resentment, unworthiness, vital skeletal system nutrients; Vitamin D, Proteins, Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin A, Vitamin K, radiation, calcium, magnesium, and zinc

You Will Also Be Attuned to The Following Tools: 

I created this healing to quickly clear allergies to pollen for those springtime allergies, but it is doing a lot more than that.

This healing contains many spiritual technologies, belief work and downloads and of course allergy healing to clear trauma, including cellular memories, conscious and unconscious trauma from this lifetime and all lifetimes, realities, timelines, and dimensions where you have experienced a histamine response/allergy/resistance/disharmony with the nature on our planet, with the pollens, the flora and vegetation on this planet. It will clear these allergies for you that are specific to what is growing and in the air where you live, which may be in your home, your yard, and/or the city/province you live in. 

It is also clearing allergies to Vitamin C, Proteins, Radiation and dust as I often find these necessary for many people to resolve allergies to pollens, flora, fruits and vegetables.

This means this healing is also going to help you with digestion and absorption of proteins and Vitamin C and help you to release toxins in the body from many forms of radiation exposure.  

The emotions/feelings irritation, annoyance, and aggravation are commonly a part of environmental allergies so we are working with those along with other emotions, so this is a good healing to utilize when you are feeling those feelings.

Note: You may need to listen to this healing when you travel to new places as the pollen, vegetation/flora, and even the dust  will be different depending on where you are.

Includes Allergy Healing for: flora and pollens kit, vegetables, fruits, spices and herbs, Vitamin C, proteins, earth element, mineral kit, spiritual kit, radiation kit, the body, allergy combinations, sugars, dust, environmental factors, irritated/irritation, aggravated/aggravation, annoyance/annoyed, anger, confusion, spiritual kit, people, places and events kit.

This is the perfect healing partner to Healing Your Relationship with Nature, Healing Your Relationship with Your Home, Healing Your Relationship with Water, and the Environmentals Detox Healing, as it clears common environmental allergies like molds, fungus, parasites, dust, detergents, fabrics and materials, fragrance and perfumes, pollution, plastics/plasticizers, PFA’s, radiation, and other hazardous substances found in our environment and in our body.

When we work with this modality to clear allergies to these substances, it calms down inflammation so the body can heal, it also allows the body to begin releasing stored toxins from our body which also calms down inflammation and allows the body to heal itself.

It’s also clearing allergies to vitamins and minerals that support cellular health and the elimination of toxins like Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and magnesium. This is so important, most people are allergic to these essential nutrients and when we are, we are unable to absorb them properly and we become deficient, often dangerously deficient. Vitamin and mineral levels improve with this work, another reason this modality reduces inflammation and heals diseases and dysfunction.

This healing is clearing commonly held beliefs and trauma connected to energies/things in our environment and bringing in powerful downloads to partner with the allergy healing to align you with the experience of living and being in harmony, peace and balance with your internal and external environment.

This modality is working with many Spiritual Technologies as well to bring deep healing and transformation to our body and life, one way they are doing is in this healing is by creating a filtering like action, filtering out low vibrational emotions like anger, rage, resentment, unforgiveness, shame, guilt, grief, and unworthiness, to negativity (negative frequencies and patterns) that are in your environment that are coming from sources outside of yourself, other people and objects that are in your environment that you have taken on or that have infiltrated your body and energy bodies.

All to bring you into greater harmony with your internal and external environment.

There are also many environmental allergies being cleared here, including the following:

Dust, proteins, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, magnesium, calcium, iron,molds/fungus, parasites, water, fabrics/materials, detergents, fragrance and perfumes, plastics/plasticisers, radiation, pollution, smoke, and more

This healing tool made me so happy when I created it as it made a lot of what I do for myself and others for clearing common (and not so common) allergies to things in the home so much easier and faster!

There are countless energies in our home environment that could be “throwing us off”, causing confusion, instability, and various health problems, so we need to do healing/clearing work here!

This healing does that in a big way as it brings in the power of the Sacred Light Purification Healing Tool which purifies and protects us and our homes and combines it with allergy healing for our home (my home allergy kit which contains many things found in our homes that people are commonly allergic to and are contributors to many health issues, like dust, flooring, heating and cooling systems, insulation, paints, roofing materials, radiation, and much more) and continues to go even deeper with specific belief work and downloads to bring you into harmony with your home and the land you live on. 

It utilizes many spiritual technologies to keep powerful protection in place for you in your home and that also act as “purifier” for our home environment,  working 24/7 to clear out unwanted energies from our home.

You can also use it for other places you stay or spend time in other than your home, like hotels, or relatives homes you visit, so it’s an extremely helpful tool to have on hand! To do this just hold the place you are staying in or that you want this healing to be directed to and it will do just that!


Healing Your Relationship With Your Body & Clearing Distorted Energy Patterns (Part 3)

In week 7 you’ll complete healing your relationship with your body as a whole with a special focus on the endocrine system, integumentary system, reproductive and circulatory systems and more. You’ll also be clearing distorted energy patterns, like trauma, negative programming, stuck emotions, hooks, cords and attachments, oaths, vows and contracts that are creating resistance and disconnection between you and your own body for tangible shifts and healing for your health and your life.  

You will be able to immediately use these tools to release and clear blocks and create potent healing for yourself and your loved ones. Week 7 includes a live 90-minute Q and A call for additional support plus answers to any questions you may have on the video training, learning material and tools.

This healing utilizes many spiritual technologies and other EAH along with Sacred Light Healing Tools to clear trauma patterns from many different experiences we have had in this lifetime and past lifetimes with our Endocrine System and the glands that make up this system of the body, from hormone imbalance related problems for women and men, to disease, pain, suffering, disfunction, inflammation, infections, pathogen overload, toxins, from depression, anxiety and depressive-like behaviors/problems, and from physical injury to this system of the body.

It’s clearing and healing trauma from experiences where these systems of the body shut or broke down. 

It’s also assisting your body in producing and regulating optimal amounts of hormones, restoring harmony, balance and communication within your endocrine system for restored health and function.

It clears the communication pathways between the Hypothalamus, Pituitary, and Adrenals (HPA Axis), creating or healing and activating optimal neural networks and hormones for  restored HPA Axis communication and health. 

The Pathogen Cleanse Healing Tool is also running within this healing to target, deactivate or neutralize and clear out pathogens that are creating inflammation in the endocrine system.

This healing also contains a long list of belief work, downloads and allergy healing to support you and your body in restoring and healing this system of the body.

Your integumentary system consists of your hair, skin, nails and exocrine glands. It’s your body’s outer layer and first line of defense against bacteria and injury.

The integumentary system includes the epidermis, dermis, hypodermis, associated glands (sweat glands, oil glands, tear ducts, salivary glands and mammary glands), hair, and nails. In addition to its barrier function, this system performs many intricate functions such as body temperature regulation, cell fluid maintenance, synthesis of Vitamin D, and detection of stimuli. The various components of this system work in conjunction to carry out these functions—for example, body temperature regulation occurs through thermoreceptors that lead to the adjustment of peripheral blood flow, degree of perspiration, and body hair.

We are also working with the organs that are part of the exocrine system, which are:

The pancreas, liver, stomach, duodenum (part of the small intestine), and breast.

Depending on the exocrine gland, they can function to regulate body temperature, lubricate, nurture newborns (lactation), aid in digestion, and aid in reproduction.

This system of the body is responsible for the following:

Physical protection: It’s your bodies first layer of defense 

Immunity: The skin is the body’s first line of defense as it acts as the physical barrier that prevents direct entry of pathogens. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) and lipids on the skin also act as a biomolecular barrier that disrupts bacterial membranes.

Wound healing: When our body undergoes trauma with a resulting injury, the integumentary system orchestrates the wound healing process through hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling.

Vitamin D synthesis:

The primary sources of vitamin D are sun exposure and oral intake. 

With ultraviolet sunlight exposure, 7-dehydrocholesterol converts to vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) in the skin, which is then hydroxylated in the liver, then the kidney where it is turned into its active metabolite form. This metabolite ultimately leads to increased calcium absorption in the gut and is crucial for bone health. 

Regulation of body temperature:

The skin has a large surface area that is highly vascularized, which allows it to conserve and release heat through vasoconstriction and vasodilation. The hair on the body also affects the regulation of body temperature as erect hair can trap a layer of heat close to the skin. Various inputs from central and skin thermoreceptors provide fine-tuning for this thermoregulatory system.   


Skin innervation is by various sensory nerve endings that discriminate pain, temperature, touch, and vibration. These receptors in the skin conduct a wide range of signals that can be integrated to create an understanding of the external environment and help the body to react appropriately. 

We are bringing healing to all of these parts and functions here.

This healing is layered with extensive belief, trauma, emotion clearing, downloads, and of course allergy healing to bring a high level of support and healing to these body systems.

You are receiving allergy healing for all of the cells and tissues that make up the integumentary system, as well as other parts of the body.

You are also receiving allergy healing for common pathogens that affect these systems like Streptococcus Pyogenes, Staphylococcus Aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and the fungus Malassezia.

As well as nutrients that are essential for the function and health of these systems which includes the following:

Vitamin A, Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc, Essential fatty acids (Vitamin F, fats and oils), and proteins.

Other allergies being cleared here that I have found often create inflammation in these systems of the body are the following: Fabrics and materials, clothing, detergents, skin care/cosmetics, water, environmental factors kit, allergy combinations, radiation, molds/fungus, touch, vibration, and feeling.

This is also delivers healing and support for the Sexual System and is for both women and for men

The reproductive system includes the following for women:

The organs of the female reproductive system that produce and sustain the female sex cells (egg cells or ova), which transport these cells to a site where they may be fertilized by sperm, provide a favorable environment for the developing fetus, move the fetus to the outside at the end of the development period, and produce the female sex hormones. The female reproductive system includes the ovaries, Fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina, accessory glands, and external genital organs.

  • Ovaries
  • Genital Tract
  • External Genitalia
  • Female Sexual Response and Hormonal Control
  • Mammary Glands

We are also working with the female reproductive endocrine systems which involves the hormonal interaction between the hypothalamus, anterior pituitary gland, and ovaries which regulates the female reproductive system.

The reproductive system includes the following for men:

A pair of testes and a network of excretory ducts (epididymis, ductus deferens (vas deferens), and ejaculatory ducts), seminal vesicles, the prostate, the bulbourethral glands, and the penis.

We are also working with the male reproductive endocrine system which involves the hormonal interaction between the hypothalamus, anterior pituitary gland and testes, which regulates the male reproductive system.

As you receive healing for these reproductive and sexual systems with the tools of this modality, you are also receiving healing for the Root and Sacral Chakras as they are connected to these body systems, organs and glands, so the energy patterns that we are clearing here are also clearing from these chakras. 

This is healing  also focuses on clearing sexual abuse trauma along with beliefs, emotions and other energy patterns that have been created from sexual abuse experiences we may have had in this lifetime as well as past incarnations, or that we have taken on for the collective, or for our ancestors. These energies can be root causes for allergies, inflammation, pain, dysfunction and disease in these areas of the body.

There is a lot included here to heal our relationship with our bodies, our sexuality…really to bring healing to our relationship with sex, our sexual organs, as well as with intimacy. 

To help us feel safe, secure, and comfortable with sexual intimacy, with sexual expression. 

A healthy, balanced libido is important! Our sexual health is connected to our emotional health, our mental health and our physical health…it is also connected to how alive we feel, motivated, passionate, and creative we feel…

When our sexual system isn’t functioning properly, our reproductive system isn’t functioning properly so we need to bring healing to this part of ourselves, this part of our bodies when we are looking to heal our reproductive system, this includes all diseases that are caused by hormone dysregulation and imbalance.

You are also receiving allergy healing for common pathogens that affect these systems like 

As well as nutrients that are essential for the function and health of these systems which includes the following for women:

Folic acid, Calcium, Iodine, Iron, Selenium, Zinc, Magnesium, β-carotene, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Vitamin B-12, essential fatty acids

And for men: Zinc, Folic Acid, Selenium, Manganese, B12, Vitamin E, and Vitamin C

Other allergies being cleared here that I have found often create inflammation in these systems of the body are the following: Pollution, radiation, toxic metals; arsenic, aluminum, mercury, lead, proteins, water, environmental factors kit, allergy combinations, chromatin, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), glucose metabolism, spiritual kit, people, places and events, emotions/feelings

The circulatory system consists of four major components:

  • heart
  • arteries
  • veins
  • blood

Blood has 4 main components:

Plasma, which is made up of 

  • water
  • salts
  • sugar
  • fat
  • protein

Red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets

There 3 types of circulation: Pulmonary, Systemic, and Coronary

This healing clears allergies to all of these parts of this system, right down to the cells.

It also contains a lot of belief work, and downloads, and is clearing trauma, emotions and other low vibrational energy patterns stuck in this system, as well as targeting common pathogens that commonly affect this system of the body.

It’s also clearing allergies to nutrients that are essential for a healthy high functioning circulatory system, like Vitamins C, E, Folic acid, B6, and B12, beta carotene, magnesium, and potassium so that your body can absorb and utilize them properly. 

Your circulatory system will literally begin to rebuild itself as the cells in this system are replaced and each time your cells are replaced they will be higher functioning, stronger and healthier. 

This healing is also bringing in a lot of tools and spiritual technologies to clear deeply seated grief, sorrow, sadness, heartbreak and disappointment from the heart, vascular system, heart chakra, emotional body.

We are also clearing beliefs about specific common cardiovascular system related diseases and trauma we are holding from having those experiences ourselves, witnessing others suffer from them, or that we may be holding in our DNA that is ancestral. 

The Pathogen Cleanse is part of this healing and is targeting several specific pathogens that commonly compromise cardiovascular health. 

Includes allergy Healing for: Most EAH Body kits, gravity, radiation, oxygen, salts, sugar, fats/oils, proteins, water, carbon dioxides, alcohol, Caffeine, Chocolate, coffee, tea kit, smoking/vaping, cigarettes/cigars/pipes/vape pens, tobacco, nicotine, cigarette chemicals, cigarette smoke, marijuana, marijuana smoke/vapor, cannabinoids, THC/CBD, Arsenic, Beryllium, Cadmium, Hexavalent Chromium, Lead, Mercury, Aluminum, Covid Vaccines, systemic cytokine release, tics, lice, rats, rat fleas, mites, mosquito’s, Aedes aegypti, and Candida Albicans

Along with bacteria that affect this system: Streptococcal Septicemia, Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Francisella tularensis, Yersinia pestis, Brucella abortus, B. suis, B. melitensis , and B. canis, Bacillus anthracis, Borrelia recurrentis, Borrelia burgdorferi, Rickettsia rickettsii, Rickettsia prowazekii, Rickettsia typhi, Rickettsia akari, Ehrlichia canis, 

Viruses that affect this system:  Yellow fever, Dengue fever, Infectious mononucleosis, Epstein-Barr virus, chronic fatigue syndrome, HI

Essential Nutrients:

vitamins C and E, beta carotene, and three B vitamins (folic acid, B6, and B12, Vitamin F, magnesium, Potassium, and CoQ10

The lymphatic system is part of our immune system, which helps protect against disease and infection. 

Parts of our lymphatic system include:

  • Lymph nodes
  • Plasma cells
  • Lymphatic vessels
  • The spleen (the organ just above the stomach’s left side that filters our blood)
  • Lymphokines (a chemical made from white cells)
  • Gastrointestinal (stomach and intestines) lymph areas
  • Bone marrow (the spongy center of the bones)
  • Immunoglobulins (proteins that help the body fight infection)

The immune system protects your body from outside invaders. These include germs such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi, and toxins (chemicals made by microbes). The immune system is made up of different organs, cells, and proteins that work together.

We have 2 parts to our immune system.

The innate immune system. This is your body’s rapid response system. It is the first to respond when it finds an invader. It is made up of the skin, the eye’s cornea, and the mucous membrane that lines the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and genitourinary tracts. These all create physical barriers to help protect your  body. 

And the acquired immune system.

The acquired immune system, with help from the innate system, makes special proteins (called antibodies) to protect your body from a specific invader. These antibodies are developed by cells called B lymphocytes after the body has been exposed to the invader. 

The antibodies stay in your body. It can take several days for antibodies to form. But after the first exposure, the immune system will recognize the invader and defend against it. The acquired immune system changes during your life. 

The cells of both parts of the immune system are made in different organs of the body, including:

  • Adenoids. Two glands located at the back of the nasal passage.
  • Bone marrow. The soft, spongy tissue found in bone cavities.
  • Lymph nodes. Small organs shaped like beans, which are located all over the body and connect via the lymphatic vessels.
  • Lymphatic vessels. A network of channels all over the body that carries lymphocytes to the lymphoid organs and bloodstream.
  • Peyer patches. Lymphoid tissue in the small intestine.
  • Spleen. A fist-sized organ located in the belly (abdominal) cavity.
  • Thymus. Two lobes that join in front of the windpipe (trachea) behind the breastbone.
  • Tonsils. Two oval masses in the back of the throat.

This healing clears allergies to these systems and all of their components right down to the cells. 

The Pathogen Cleanse is part of this healing and is targeting several specific pathogens that commonly compromise lymphatic and immune health. 

It is also assists your body to produce optimal quantities of white blood cells, and lymph, for restored immune and lymphatic function. 

We are also clearing beliefs about specific lymphatic and immune system-related diseases and trauma we are holding from having those experiences ourselves, witnessing others suffer from them, or that we may be holding in our DNA that is ancestral. 

Diseases like: Cancer, Autoimmune, Immunodeficiency (SCID), HIV, Asthma, Eczema, Allergic Rhinitis, Type 1 Diabetes, Rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, Crohn’s disease (inflammatory bowel disease), Lymphedema, Lymphadenitis, Lymphoma, Lymphangitis, Lymphangioma, Lymphocytosis, Lymphatic Filariasis, Castleman disease, Lymphangioleiomyomatosis, Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome and more.

Includes Allergy Healing for:

Most of the EAH Body Kits, including the Immune System kit, Lymphatic system kit (Lymph gland kit), antibodies kit, radiation, proteins, stress, overwhelm, disappointment, sadness, grief, sorrow, anger, rage, unforgiveness, resentment, regret, remorse, heartbreak, hopelessness, helplessness, conflict, conflict trauma, regret, Inflammation Kit,  A. aegypti and A. albopictus mosquitoes, rats, fleas, tics, mites, and Candida Albicans

The following essential nutrients for these systems: Vitamin A, C, E, and B-6, zinc, calcium, magnesium, selenium, common herbs that support these systems; goldenseal, echinacea, and poke root

The following Bacteria that commonly affect this system: Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae, Yersinia pestis, Streptococcal Septicemia, Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Francisella tularensis, Brucella abortus, B. suis, B. melitensis , and B. canis, Bacillus anthracis, Borrelia recurrentis, Borrelia burgdorferi, Rickettsia rickettsii, Rickettsia prowazekii, Rickettsia typhi, Rickettsia akari, Ehrlichia canis 

The following Viruses that affect this system:  Infectious mononucleosis, Epstein-Barr virus, Cytomegalovirus, HIV, HantaVirus, Ebolavirus, chikungunya virus,  arboviruses, yellow fever virus – of the genus Flavivirus, chikungunya virus (CHIKV)

It’s also going to be a tool that will either all together heal allergy and inflammation-based urinary conditions and diseases like chronic and acute urinary infections, interstitial cystitis, sexually transmitted diseases, or it will go a long way in getting you there, even if some additional allergy healing is required to fully release it. This will vary from person to person. 

This healing is also great support for kidney stones (this healing will calm down inflammation caused by the stones as well as assist in prevention of further kidney stone formation (people will generally need more allergy healing than what is in this tool for kidney stone prevention, how much more will vary from person to person), but again it will go a long way to getting you where you need to be for that.

Facts about the Urinary System

  • Two kidneys.  
  • Their function is to:
  • Remove waste products and medicines from the body
  • Balance the body’s fluids
  • Balance a variety of electrolytes
  • Release hormones to control blood pressure
  • Release a hormone to control red blood cell production
  • Help with bone health by controlling calcium and phosphorus
  • Two ureters
  • Bladder 
  • Two sphincter muscles
  • Nerves in the bladder
  • Urethra

Your Urinary System, like our other body systems, is a complex network of organs and tissues all working together and we can be allergic (in disharmony/resistance) to any of the organs, tissues and cells that make up this system of the body, including our own urine. And we are addressing all of this and more in this healing.

The Pathogen Cleanse is part of this healing and is targeting several specific pathogens along with the allergy healing that commonly compromise urinary health. 

This healing is also clears beliefs about specific urinary system-related diseases and trauma we are holding from having those experiences ourselves, witnessing others suffer from them, or that we may be holding in our DNA that is ancestral. 

And as urinary tract infections and other issues are often rooted in relationship stresses and patterns with our mates, and this could be present or past mates, and for women, it can also have roots in unresolved trauma or patterns with their Father. Interestingly I pretty quickly discovered that these issues can also be partly caused by allergies to Men and/or Women as a group or as a whole, so you are also receiving deep relationship healing work for you with your Mate, and Father and the allergy healing here includes men and women.

You are also receiving deep healing for the emotions that we commonly store in the bladder and urinary system that create allergies and inflammation. This includes anger, rage, frustration, resentment, unforgiveness, stress, irritation, fear, terror, and panic.

Another factor often a part of disease and dysfunction of this system is sexual abuse trauma, trauma in our sexual relationships, or even belief systems about sex, and you are receiving healing that is addressing a lot of that here as well. If you have a lot of sexual abuse trauma, you also may need additional EAH work to go deeper in that area, but there is a lot of clearing happening here for this type of trauma.

Incudes allergy healing for: Most of the EAH Body kits including the urinary system, EAH inflammation kit, your lover/sexual partners saliva, your sexual partners sweat, your sexual partners pheromones, your sexual partners DNA/RNA/genetic materials, your sexual partners body fluids/vaginal fluids, your sexual partners vagina, your sexual partners sperm/semen, your sexual partners penis/testes/scrotum, your mattress, your bed, all bedding, your bedroom, underwear, cotton panty liners, fabrics and materials, the home kit, toilet paper, paper kit, all feminine hygiene products; tampons, diva dups, menstrual pads, kotex, condoms, all forms of birth control, spermicides, birth control pills and shots, IUD/ Copper IUD’s, condoms, sponges, diaphragms, douches, sex toys/sensual lifestyle products, lubricants, laundry detergent, heat, men, women, Father, Mother, spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, partner, lover, Ex spouse, Ex boyfriend/girlfriend, Ex partner, Ex lover, sex/sexual trauma, kidney trauma, bladder trauma, vaginal trauma, penile trauma, sex, relations, intercourse, masterbation, sexual pleasure, sexual desire, pheromones, intimacy, vulnerability, anger, rage, pissed off, unforgiveness, love, forgiveness, shame, unworthiness, resentment, frustration, irritation, aggravation, guilt, heartbreak, disappointment, overwhelm, stress, fear, rejection, repression, suppression, control, jealousy, bacterial invasion trauma, viral invasion trauma, yeast invasion trauma, bacterial infection trauma, viral infection trauma, yeast infection trauma, urinary tract infection and disease trauma

Along with the following bacteria that can affect this system: E-Coli Species bacteria, Enterohemorrhagic E Coli, Enteroinvasive E-Coli, Enteropathogenic Escherichia Coli, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus Saprophyticus, Enterococcus faecalis, and Streptococcus Agalactiae. Klebsiella. Pneumonia, Bacteroides Gardnerella, Gardenerella Vaginosis, Klebsiella Pneumoniae, Enterobacter, Chlamydia Pneumoniae, Chlamydia Psittaci, Chlamydia Trachomatis, Chlamydophila Abortus, Chlamydophila Caviae, Chlamydophila Felis, Chlamydophila Pecorum, Mycoplasma Genitalium

And the following viruses that can affect this system: Herpes Simplex 1 and 2 

And the following fungi that can affect this system:  Aspergillus species, Candida species, Cryptococcus Neoformans

It’s also going to be a tool that will either all together heal allergy and inflammation-based respiratory conditions and diseases like asthma, chronic coughs, chronic congestion/mucus, sinus, and sore throats, or it will go a long way in getting you there, even if some additional allergy healing is required to fully release it. This will vary from person to person. 

Your respiratory system is the network of organs and tissues that help you breathe. This system helps your body absorb oxygen from the air so your organs can work. It also cleans waste gasses, such as carbon dioxide, from your blood. Common problems include allergies, diseases or infections.

Your Respiratory System, like our other body systems, is a complex network of organs and tissues all working together. This system:

  • Allows you to talk and to smell.
  • Warms air to match your body temperature and moisturizes it to the humidity level your body needs.
  • Delivers oxygen to the cells in your body.
  • Removes waste gasses, including carbon dioxide, from the body when you exhale.
  • Protects your airways from harmful substances and irritants.

It is made up of the following parts:

  • Mouth and nose: Openings that pull air from outside your body into your respiratory system.
  • Sinuses: Hollow areas between the bones in your head that help regulate the temperature and humidity of the air you inhale.
  • Pharynx (throat): Tube that delivers air from your mouth and nose to the trachea (windpipe).
  • Trachea: Passage connecting your throat and lungs.
  • Bronchial tubes: Tubes at the bottom of your windpipe that connect into each lung.
  • Lungs: Two organs that remove oxygen from the air and pass it into your blood.

From your lungs, your bloodstream delivers oxygen to all your organs and other tissues.

Muscles and bones help move the air you inhale into and out of your lungs. Some of the bones and muscles in the respiratory system include your:

  • Diaphragm: Muscle that helps your lungs pull in air and push it out.
  • Ribs: Bones that surround and protect your lungs and heart.

When you breathe out, your blood carries carbon dioxide and other waste out of the body. Other components that work with the lungs and blood vessels include:

  • Alveoli: Tiny air sacs in the lungs where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place.
  • Bronchioles: Small branches of the bronchial tubes that lead to the alveoli.
  • Capillaries: Blood vessels in the alveoli walls that move oxygen and carbon dioxide.
  • Lung lobes: Sections of the lungs — three lobes in the right lung and two in the left lung.
  • Pleura: Thin sacs that surround each lung lobe and separate your lungs from the chest wall.

Some of the other components of your respiratory system include:

  • Cilia: Tiny hairs that move in a wave-like motion to filter dust and other irritants out of your airways.
  • Epiglottis: Tissue flap at the entrance to the trachea that closes when you swallow to keep food and liquids out of your airway.
  • Larynx (voice box): Hollow organ that allows you to talk and make sounds when air moves in and out.

We can be allergic (in disharmony/resistance) to any of the organs, tissues and cells that make up this system of the body, including the very air we breathe. And we are addressing all of this and more in this healing.

Inhaling proteins, such as dust, mold, and pollen, cause respiratory allergies for many people. These proteins can cause inflammation in your airways, so we will be working with some of these environmental agents as well here.

The Pathogen Cleanse is part of this healing and targets several specific pathogens along with the allergy healing that commonly compromise respiratory health. 

This healing is also clears beliefs about specific respiratory system-related diseases and trauma we are holding from having those experiences ourselves, witnessing others suffer from them, or that we may be holding in our DNA that is ancestral. 

Diseases and conditions like: Asthma, hay fever, upper and lower respiratory infections, like Bronchitis, Pneumonia, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), Alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency, interstitial lung disease, emphysema, Cystic fibrosis, Mesothelioma, and more.

You are also receiving allergy healing for essential and supportive respiratory nutrients so that your body can absorb and utilize them…this will also allow you to begin correcting deficiencies where needed with these nutrients as well.

This healing is also delivers deep healing for emotions we commonly store in our lungs and respiratory system or that tend to compromise their function like: grief, sorrow, sadness and loss, heartbreak, disappointment, fear, terror, panic and anxiety, giving, receiving, and releasing/letting go.

And as lung issues like asthma are often rooted in either Co-dependant relationships with our Mothers, or trauma with our mothers that have made to feel neglected, unloved or unwanted by our Mothers, you are also receiving deep relationship healing work for you with your Mother as a part of this healing. 

Allergy healing included here from the EAH Allergy Kits are: Most of the EAH Body Kits, including the respiratory system, dust, mold/fungus, flora and pollens, proteins, smoking, cigarettes, cigarette smoke, other types of smoke, pollution, environmental agents (including asbestos), diacetyl, environmental factors, mechanical ventilators, the air in your lungs, your home, your environment, your car/vehicles, your school, classroom, workplace/office, oxygen, H2O, carbon dioxide, breathing, inhaling, exhaling, exhalation, the Breath of Life, living, Being, existing, Chi, Life force energy, your voice, speaking, singing, talking, receiving, and letting go/releasing

Along with the following bacteria that affect this system: Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Pseudomonas Cepacia, Pseudomonas Maltophilia, P Mallei, P Pseudomallei, Pertussis, Legionella, Mycobacterium Avium Complex (MAC). Mycobacterium Avium and Mycobacterium intracellulare, Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM), Klebsiella Pneumoniae, Legionella Pneumonia, Mycoplasma Pneumoniae, Pneumococcinum, Streptococcus Pneumoniae, Tuberculinum Avis, Tuberculinum Bovinum, and Tuberculinum Burnetii

The common viruses that affect this system: SARS and MERS-Coronavirus, Covid (SARS CoV2), Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), Hantaviruses, Human Metapneumovirus (hMPV), and Influenza Type A

Common fungus that affect this system: Aspergillus, Fungus Coccidioides, fungal spores from bird or rat droppings

And Parasites that affect this system:  Lung flukes, Toxoplasma Gondii, Leishmania Donovani, Entamoeba Histolytica, Ascariasis (Roundworms), Ascariasis Lumbricoides, Toxocara Catis, Toxocara Canis, Trichinella Spiralis, Paragonimus species, Schistosoma species, Echinococcus Granulosus, and Rhinosporidium Seeberi

Other EAH Kits included here are: emotions/feelings kit, spiritual kit, allergy combinations kit, people, places and events kit, and the environmental factors kit.


Receiving the Full Benefits of Self-Healing & How to Create Positive Results With Loved Ones

You’ll receive guidelines plus in-depth instructions on how to successfully implement and maximize the benefits of self-healing long after this program is over. You’ll also receive proven-to-work tips based on hundreds of hours of hands-on healing work, which you can implement to create positive results for yourself and your loved ones. 

The week’s  Q&A call includes a live demonstration of how to work with the tools you’ve been attuned to over the past weeks. You’ll also have the priceless opportunity for a practice session so you can develop authentic confidence in your ability to work with these tools to create deep healing and harmony in the body, mind, and spirit.

The Self-Healers Journey Experience

Here’s what you can expect during these transformational 8 weeks!

50 EAH Healing Tools to Reclaim Your Health on All Levels: Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual

  • Includes a live demonstration of how to work with the tools in this course
  • 11 healing tools to bring deep healing and support to all body systems
  • 4 healing tools to clear deeply embedded trauma from all forms of abuse
  • 11 healing tools to quickly clear, shift, and heal some of our most challenging emotions and emotional states
  • A proven meditation-style process to connect you with your heart, get you into your body, get you properly grounded and connected to your higher guidance systems to activate self-healing, and shift into more positive emotional and mental states
  • 4 healing tools focused on detox and environmental and pathogen allergies, such as toxic metals, water and food chemicals, dust, radiation, molds, fungi, parasites, EBV and herpes viruses, Lyme bacteria, Candida, and more.
  • Many tools to clear fundamental allergies like vitamins, minerals, proteins, salts, sugars, and parts of the body to reduce cellular inflammation and begin absorbing vital nutrients to rebuild your immune system.

Weekly In-Depth Q&A Calls

  • 8 90-minute to 2-hour Live Weekly Support Q&A Calls
  • Get your questions answered and receive personalized guidance
  • Experience live healings and attunements to accelerate your growth
  • Connect with a supportive community of like-minded individuals

Comprehensive Self-Paced Video Modules

  • Access easy-to-follow video teachings at your own pace
  • Dive deep into the Energetic Allergy Healing modality
  • Learn powerful tools and techniques you can apply immediately

Live Zoom Introduction and Connection Call

  • Set a strong foundation for your transformative journey
  • Connect with Kimberlie and your fellow participants
  • Align with the high-frequency energy of the program

Recordings of Live Healings, Attunements, and Activations

  • Relisten to deepen your personal healing and transformation
  • Experience belief work and allergy releases on demand
  • Reinforce the powerful shifts you'll undergo during the live calls

Exclusive Access to a Private Facebook Community

  • Receive ongoing support and encouragement from Kimberly and your peers
  • Share your experiences, insights, and breakthroughs
  • Celebrate your successes and navigate challenges together

Downloadable PDF Transcripts and Summaries

  • Review key concepts and techniques covered in each module
  • Reinforce your learning and understanding of the material
  • Easily reference important information as you progress

Lifetime Access to All Course Materials

  • Revisit the teachings and tools whenever you need a refresher
  • Continue your self-healing journey long after the program ends
  • Receive any future updates or additions to the course content


We will meet on Zoom each week, starting with an introduction and connection call to kick off our journey together. From there, we'll gather for weekly in-depth Q&A calls (with replays available) that include live healings and attunements. You'll also receive video modules each week, allowing you to explore the teachings at your own pace.


New video modules will be released every Friday throughout the 8-week program. Our live Q&A Zoom calls will take place each Thursday at 11:00am PDT / 2:00pm EDT.

I invite you to watch my most recent
3-day experiential masterclass series:

The Essentials of Body Energetics: 

"How to Harmonize Your Energies to Self-Heal
from Allergies, Inflammation, Pain, Trauma and More"

Day 1:

Here you will receive healing for heartbreak, grief, sorrow, sadness, and loss, for the heart, lungs, thymus gland, heart chakra, relationship trauma, and death trauma

Day 2:

Here you will receive healing for fear, terror, panic, tension and anxiety, for the kidneys, adrenal glands, sacral chakra, accident and injury trauma, battle and war trauma, and earth trauma

Day 3:

Here you will receive healing for anger, rage, hatred, and unforgiveness, for the liver and gallbladder, solar plexus chakra, and emotional abuse trauma 

Day 4:

Receive healing for deep emotional patterns such as resentment, guilt, shame, and unworthiness. Additionally, address allergies to pathogens like Candida, mold, and fungus, and get support for the respiratory system.

There is about 25 minutes of healing in each of these 3 days for you to experience. Each of these are powerful and go deep, so please allow yourself at least 24 hours between videos to process and integrate the
healing before moving on to the next video.

When You Join Energetic Allergy Healing: The Self-Healers Journey, You'll Get Immediate Access to the Following Special Bonus Gifts

Early Registration Bonus

Jump-Start Your Healing with "Releasing Pathogens and Pathogen Patterns" ($247 Value)

Offer Expires June 2

Those who register by midnight June 2nd will also have access to my popular healing program—Releasing Pathogens and Pathogen Patterns. (Value $247)

You will be able to dive into your own healing here as you wait for the course to begin!

This package contains 9 potent audios to work deeply with your body, your immune health and literally hundreds of pathogens across all pathogen groups: Viruses, including Epstein Barr & Covid, Bacteria, including Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Borrelia (Lyme), E-Coli, Salmonella, Pneumonia, & Turburculinum to name a few, Yeast including Candida, Mold/Fungus, and Parasites!

EAH is incredibly powerful and the best way I know to not only to clear and release pathogens from the body, but also to heal cellular inflammation, create protection or immunity against pathogens, and to recover faster from active infections.

The healing tools of this modality often get bacterial, virtual infections under control quickly, often in just a day or two! Some have reported feeling better in just minutes!

The healing tools that are part of this package are also focused on powerful support for healing on all levels with Lyme disease, Epstein Barr Virus, and other “chronic fatigue” viruses, all Herpes Viruses, food poisoning bacteria, respiratory disease and illnesses including asthma, ear infections, UTI’s, Strep and Staph infections, common colds and flus, and yes even Coronaviruses including Sars CoV2, all mutations of that virus, and much more.

Free Bonus Gift #1

My Breathe Easy with Energetic Healing Program

(first-time offering as a bonus and not available for purchase on my website)

This is a special healing package that contains 10 healing audios to clear seasonal allergies, pollen, dust, mold/fungi, and other environmental allergies and healing the respiratory system.

For clearing Hay Fever, Asthma, Respiratory Disease, Environmental Allergies, related pathogens, and more.

This healing series is the perfect next step from the EAH Detox Series (which are included in the Self Healers Journey course), they build off of those to go deeper into healing environmental allergies and specific pathogens that I have found are behind respiratory allergies and disease as well as many other symptoms in the body from deep fatigue, depression, lack of vital force energy, brain imbalances, ear, eye, nose, and throat infections and disease, an inability to utilize vitamin C properly, common flu and cold patterns, aches and general malaise in the body, and more.

This series is great to assist in healing, and restoring your health from smoking, as well as to assist in releasing the addiction to smoking.

This series is also working through complex combinations of allergies/energies from the EAH Allergy Kits to go into deeper areas of healing the body, to resolve environmental allergies and related diseases and infections that occur when pathogens in our body are activated while under immune-suppressing stress, pressure, anxiety and overwhelm.

Each of these healing tools are working to resolve complex allergies to proteins, and vitamin C, which are often at the root of immune health issues as well as environmental allergies.

This series is a progressive series, each of these tools is building off of the one before for the most part, each containing more allergy healing than the one before it.

Free Bonus Gift #2

3 Potent 90-Minute Healing Classes That Were Part of My Miracle Healing Sanctuary Last Year

The Sanctuary is a loving space designed to support you on your ongoing healing journey. A sacred community healing container where you receive information, guidance, and exclusive healing classes each month for 12 months.

The 3 Healing Classes You Will Receive Are:


In This Healing Class You Receive:

Focused healing for core childhood wounds and trauma, including birth trauma, and womb trauma.

Allergy healing for toxins you were exposed to as a child to calm down cellular inflammation like mercury, lead, arsenic, aluminum, vaccines, food and water chemicals, radiation and more…. to allow your body to begin releasing these toxins to heal the body.

Clearing abuse trauma experienced in childhood.

Deep emotional pattern healing for emotions that really affect our health and our ability to create joy in our lives, like disappointment, heartbreak, grief, sorrow, sadness, anger, guilt, shame, insecurity, alone, unsupported and more.
Deep relationship healing for you with your mother, father and other family members, and more.


In This Healing Class You Receive:

Clearing for many seasonal related allergies along with other things people commonly become allergic to that go with these seasons that drain your energy, create inflammation, compromise immune health, and make us sick, including:

  • 🌻Pollens, trees, weeds, grasses, and flowers
  • 🌻Perfumes and fragrances, sun tan lotions, and bug spray
  • 🌻Dust and Insects Water, bodies of water, and swimming pool chemicals
  • 🌻The sun, heat, and vitamin D
  • 🌻Farming chemicals that are elevated – fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides, fungicides
  • 🌻Even our own sweat, sweat glands, the oil glands in the skin and the oil they produce
  • and more so that you can get out there and enjoy what remains of your Spring and your Summer!

You will also receive my much-loved Travel Support Healing audio! Spring and Summer are also high travel/vacation time periods, so I do healing work in this class to clear allergies, emotions, and programming that can make a world of difference when you are traveling.


In This Healing Class You Receive:

Allergy Healing to dramatically reduce sugar cravings and assist you in sugar-related toxins from your body including Candida!

We clear allergies to the following: Sugars, artificial sweeteners, including stevia, xylitol and monk fruit, Candida Albicans and other yeast, molds, fungus and mycotoxins, chocolate, coffee, tea, grains, milk/dairy, alcohol, food and water chemicals, fruits, and more.

Free Bonus Gift #3

Downloadable Audio Healing Sessions
Deepen Your Healing Journey Anytime, Anywhere

When you register for this course, you will get access to the 20-minute audio healing MP3s from each of our 3 days together in this masterclass series so that you can repeat them easily. You can download them from there to any device for easy listening so you can take those powerfully focused healings deeper.

Join Energetic Allergy Healing:
The Self-Healer’s Journey

Become a Masterful Self-Healer & Set Yourself and Yourself and Your Loved Ones Free From Allergies, Inflammation, Pain & More!


$ 697
  • Regular $1,297
  • One-time Payment
Best Value


$ 384
  • Regular $714
  • 2 Monthly Payments


$ 128
  • Regular $237
  • 6 Monthly Payments
Credit Cards       30 Datys Money Back Gurantee       Secure Checkout

Love & Praise from Kim’s Happy Clients & Students

Celia Conrad
Taking classes with Kimberlie Carlson changed my life, but the cherry on the cake was how it changed my kid's life and my relationship with them. All by studying allergies
~ Star Light
Anya Rivas
I just need to let people know how wonderful this modality is. I come from the science background. I've worked in it for almost 14 years. So when I came into energy healing, I had no idea what it was about. And it's just phenomenal, what this can do. It's not just for allergies, which I initially thought.... And then my son gets multiple allergies and I reached out to Kimberlie and a few of her students and overnight his symptoms went away..... and I had chronic pain for years and I never ever thought this could help. Just a 20 minute session with Kimberlie and my life changed. My pain for nine years just kind of disappeared after one session.

And now I've been able to help a lot of people using this modality with allergies, with chronic pain, with diseases, people on medications having to reduce those or stop taking it altogether because things just shift and change for them...

What I love about this modality is you take your power back and empower others...not making them dependent on drugs, not making them dependent on us. It's their healing and they are in charge. So that's what I literally absolutely love about this.

Kimberlie is an amazing, amazing teacher. You'll learn lot more than just the energy healing part, because there's so much to it. She's generous and kind, and I'm very grateful."
~ Kajal Thaker
This modality really is life-changing! The quality of my life and that of my family and clients has improved immeasurably! Immense gratitude Kimberlie Carlson
~ Lynne Katz
I just wanted to thank you so much for this modality. It really is life-changing. I've struggled with auto-immune issues pretty much my entire life. And about six years ago, I had a more significant health challenge, which was really difficult for me.

I've been on this journey for the past six years. I started out as a health coach and I have other certifications, but I am also certified as an Energetic Allergy Healing practitioner and EAH Advanced practitioner. What I love so much about this is that I am able now to combine this work with other modalities and I noticed that the speed of the work is just astounding, it's just incredible! it's been life-changing for myself, like I said, and for my children, as well as for my clients. The healing goes deep and very profound in many ways.

For me, when I started a while back I still was dealing with allergies and some autoimmune issues and pretty much that has all been resolved now. So I'm able to walk down the detergent aisle and not have to cover my face because of the fumes and all of that. Anyone who is considering this course, I highly recommend it.

You're an extraordinary teacher, you give so much, and the depth of knowledge that you have that you pass on to everyone is really priceless. So thank you so much. I'm truly grateful."
~ Susan Mayes

Join Energetic Allergy Healing:
The Self-Healer’s Journey

Become a Masterful Self-Healer & Set Yourself and Yourself and Your Loved Ones Free From Allergies, Inflammation, Pain & More!


$ 697
  • Regular $1,297
  • One-time Payment
Best Value


$ 384
  • Regular $714
  • 2 Monthly Payments


$ 128
  • Regular $237
  • 6 Monthly Payments
Credit Cards       30 Datys Money Back Gurantee       Secure Checkout



Are you feeling an inner nudge to expand your self-healer’s journey? Do you secretly dream of becoming a gifted, abundant healer who has what it takes to guide others to profound healing and greater health and happiness?

The Energetic Allergy Healing Bundle is a unique 2-course package that gives you full access to the essential teachings and knowledge you’ll receive in the Energetic Allergy Healing Self-Healer’s Journey PLUS the incredible tools and in-depth training you’ll get with The Energetic Allergy Healing Certification Course.

The Certification Course includes my proprietary Allergy Kits (there’s nothing else like these Kits anywhere!), and I’ll show you how to use them to perform allergy healing at the highest level. You’ll learn to clear and release over 8000 allergies using the Kits, reverse inflammation, and dissolve physical and emotional pain and trauma not just for yourself and your loved ones but for healing clients.

With the Certification Course you’ll have everything you need to become a confident, in demand healer and if you’re already working with clients, the Energetic Allergy Healing modality is a valuable addition to your healing toolkit (in fact seasoned healers have told me that Energetic Allergy Healing is their #1 go-to healing modality!)

Click below to get access to the Energetic Allergy Healing Self-Healer’s Journey + Certification Course bundle (and save up to $1500 )


$ 2297
  • One-time Payment
  • Regular $3,594
Best Value


$ 842
  • 3 Monthly Payments
  • Regular $1318


$ 421
  • 6 Monthly Payments
  • Regular $659

Frequently Asked Questions

All of the live calls will be recorded and saved to Kajabi, your online course portal, so you can listen and re-listen anytime that you’d like. We also have a Facebook group where you can ask questions to get further support between calls and connect with community members.

Life can often distract us from pursuing what we truly desire. Remember, prioritizing our dreams and goals is essential, otherwise, they might never come to fruition. This is a crucial point where old patterns, fears, and resistances might emerge, potentially keeping us trapped in the same limiting cycles year after year.

It’s been over a year since I’ve been able to schedule this much loved, empowering class live, and to celebrate, I’m offering it at the absolute best price right now as I prepare to teach it live. Almost 50% off! 

So, if you feel drawn to this opportunity right now, I encourage you to embrace it and take the leapThis program is designed to work great for you as a self study program as well,  you’ll have forever access to the course in Kajabi, and can dive into it at any time. 

Absolutely! I include all the basic training, tools and information you will need to support you in having success with this program and creating a safe, solid foundation to explore this healing modality.

The Energetic Allergy Healing healing tools taught in this course are not only unique, they are tools everyone can benefit from. Energy tools are so needed as they offer incredible healing and support for the physical body.

Chances are if you are a healer, you are extra sensitive. This more often than not equates to allergies, a compromised immune system, and a slew of health problems. As sensitives, we NEED powerful tools to give our body the healing and support it needs. These are tools I use for myself, family, and friends ALL THE TIME! (for clients too of course, but this is a Self Healing course only, not a certification course to be used with clients)

Plus as it is a healing AND a training course, you will receive powerful, tangible healing that goes deep into the body to resolve many allergies, and cellular inflammation and deep healing for your body, working with you all on levels; emotional, mental, spiritual and physical for deep shifts and transformation in all areas of life.

We all have spiritual gifts and abilities, it’s who we truly are! Our intuition is the communication between our spiritual self (soul) and our physical self (body). Your intuition is how you discern the “unseen”.

We all have healing abilities too. Some of us have more healing abilities that are activated, or that we are aware of, and some are more drawn to energy and healing work than others, but we can all activate these abilities, and learn and hone our healing skills.

If you have ever found yourself saying “My heart goes out to her/him, or feel a deep sense of love and compassion for people, animals or our planet…chances are good you are meant for this work!

I have found that many of those who find themselves on my training course pages on my website and who feel drawn to this work, are healers themselves (even if they don’t fully know it yet). So if you made it this far on this page, you can be pretty confident you have healing abilities. 🙂 And they will be more deeply activated, anchored, focused, and honed as you move through this course.

If you feel it is necessary for your partner to be on board financially or otherwise, my suggestion is to sit with why you are excited to take this program and how you feel it will benefit you. Write it out so you are really clear.

Then when you begin the conversation, you can ask them if they would support you in this and share why it is important to you sharing how you feel it will support you.

I find when you come from this open honest space of asking to be supported versus going into it afraid they will resist the financial commitment and just not “get it”, you will likely be pleasantly surprised by their response.

I understand the concerns that come from a religious background, as I grew up in a deeply religious family and community myself. My own journey of healing really began with heartfelt prayer, asking for help to heal from traumatic experiences that deeply affected me. It was during this period of great personal turmoil that my gifts started to unfold.

For a long time, I grappled with the fear of embracing my spiritual path, worried about the notions of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ as perceived by my loved ones. However, I have found that embracing my unique spiritual journey has profoundly enriched and transformed my life. If you’re feeling a similar call, this healing path might resonate with you too, regardless of your religious background.

My team and I are available to answer your questions and help you make the best decision for you. The best way to reach us is to email

Absolutely! This course is primarily designed and created to give you tools for self-healing. However, the healing tools you learn in this course can be used to support your family, friends, and even your pets. (animals respond so well to this work).

These tools are not for client work in a practice or business setting, as more EAH training is required for that and is provided in my Energetic Allergy Certification Course, as well as my EAH Advanced Certification Course. If you are seeking certification for client work, you will find a bundle offer that includes this course along with my Energetic Allergy Healing Certification course available on this page. It’s an incredible value!

Our live weekly classes are on average 2.5 to 3 hours depending on how many questions students have. It isn’t mandatory to be live, you can move through this course at your own pace and spread these hours out through the week as time allows in your schedule.

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FREE Webinar: Living Allergy and
Inflammation Free

Enter your details below to join us for this free event.

Are you a practitioner or lightworker?

Energetic Allergy Healing + HeartMath: Compassion Meditation

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The Magic of Allergy Healing: Become your own Master Allergy and Inflammation Healer

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FREE Masterclass: Healing the Thyroid, Adrenals and Endocrine System

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FREE Webinar:
CoCreating Sacred Union in 2019

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