EAH Pathogen Package

Heal Your Body and Reclaim Your Health

Releasing Pathogens and Pathogen Patterns
with Energetic Allergy Healing (EAH)

This package contains 9 potent audios to work deeply with your body, your immune health and literally hundreds of pathogens across all pathogen groups: Viruses, including Epstein Barr & Covid, Bacteria, including Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Borrelia (Lyme), E-Coli, Salmonella, Pneumonia, & Turburculinum to name a few, Yeast including Candida, Mold/Fungus, and Parasites!

I am very dedicated to healing work that focuses on clearing allergies and inflammation in the body…the deeper I have gone into this work, one thing has become very evident: Pathogens play a huge role in chronic inflammatory diseases, in fact they are at the core of most health challenges we are experience!

I’m finding in client sessions over the past few years dormant viruses and bacteria in the body are being activated as we are experiencing so much unrest, confusion, fear, turmoil, and inner conflict on a global scale and it’s triggering the places within us, the unhealed wounds we hold that need to heal.

These wounds are deeply connected to pathogens. And they are stirred up at what feels like an all time high across the world.

EAH is incredibly powerful and the best way I know to not only to clear and release pathogens from the body, but also to heal cellular inflammation, create protection or immunity against pathogens, and to recover faster from active infections.

The healing tools of this modality often get bacterial, virtual infections under control quickly, often in just a day or two! Some have reported feeling better in just minutes!

The healing tools that are part of this package are also focused on powerful support for healing on all levels with Lyme disease, Epstein Barr Virus, and other “chronic fatigue” viruses, all Herpes Viruses, food poisoning bacteria, respiratory disease and illnesses including asthma, ear infections, UTI’s, Strep and Staph infections, common colds and flus, and yes even Coronaviruses including Sars CoV2, all mutations of that virus, and much more.

This work has a preventative or immunity effect, helping us stay healthy when exposed to these pathogens in the future.

To work even more deeply in releasing pathogens and healing the body, we also need powerful healing tools to assist us in releasing toxins from our body like metals, environmental toxins/chemicals, radiation, food and water chemicals as these are very connected to our pathogen patterns, so you will be receiving healing within this package to assist you releasing these toxins and the cellular inflammation caused by them as well.

As we work with healing pathogens/pathogen patterns and other toxins with EAH, we are healing on so many levels…we are not only healing our body, but our life as pathogens and toxins in general are connected to low vibrational emotions, programming and trauma.

This means as you are clearing pathogens and other toxins you are also clearing complex layers of emotions and emotional patterns like guilt, shame, unworthiness, grief, anger, resentment, regret, self punishment, self sabotage, avoiding, hiding, confusion, criticism, unforgiveness, hopeless, helplessness, depression, to name just a few and thousands of negative or limiting programs along with the trauma that are connected to these pathogens and toxins.

This work is TRANSFORMATIVE on all levels: Spiritual, Emotional, Mental and of course Physical!

They are yours to keep and use for all time so that you can repeat them to go deep on healing your body, supporting and strengthening your immune system, strengthening your boundaries, your natural protection for your body and healing your life!

The audios are downloadable to make listening to them easy, AND you pull them out and run them anytime you are feeling like you are coming down with something to bring you out of that quickly, or help you recover faster from illness.

Each audio contains multiple Energetic Allergy Healing (EAH) Tools to deliver deep healing. Here is a quick reference list of the Healing Tools that are in each audio. This list contains descriptions of each of the healing tools.


The left side, which is our feminine side, that divine feminine, is our receiver…when we have issues receiving we may notice or experience physical symptoms in the left side of our bodies. When we have trouble receiving we end up out of balance in our feminine and masculine. 

This imbalance is so important to work on as it is commonly at the root of autoimmune diseases and disorders as well as many of our more challenging life patterns.

This is bringing in deep healing for the Divine Feminine, bringing you into balance with your DF and DM, activating the receiving points in your cells and in your energy bodies, resolving and dissolving limiting programming around and with receiving…bringing in the worthiness of receiving so you can receive love, joy, abundance and all high-frequency states of consciousness, and your ability to do this without guilt, shame or punishment.

Includes Allergy Healing for: Cells, DNA/RNA, Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine, the heart, the brain, the nervous system, receiving, love, wealth, freedom, respect, Self Worth, pleasure, joy, happiness, fulfillment, unworthiness, abundance, and healing.

This healing grounds and anchors you instantly into our 5th Dimensional Earth, Gaia! This Healing Tool came in for Kim’s young son to help him get in his body and get grounded.

As this energy comes in, light begins to shoot directly from the heart down through the chakras, through the feet and into the Earth Star Chakra and as it does this, you may see your Earth Star Chakra appear like a big tree root ball that is platinum in color as light shoots out from it like a huge tree root system down into Gaia where it spreads out anchoring you into the 5th dimensional Gaia Grid and deep into her heart Chakra.

This Healing Tool also clears fear and trauma around being human, of being in our body, and being on this planet so you can continue to get more and more grounded each time you run it!! 

Includes an allergy healing for: Gaia/Earth, the 5th Dimension, the 3rd Dimension, the 12th dimensional grid system, your Soul Grid/Soul Akash, reality, minerals and metals, grounding, being in your body, all pain bodies present, past and future, earth star chakra, root chakra, sacral chakra, navel chakra, solar plexus chakra, and heart chakra, and high heart chakra.

This healing activates an instant connection and flow of Source Love Light as you connect into Source, The Divine, Creator, Universal Consciousness, pure Creation energy, then taking you into an even deeper expansion into Source of Source! 

You may notice or sense a ball of light within your heart space that shoots up through your higher chakras, expanding you into your I AM/Higher Self and connecting and anchoring you into the piercing Iridescent light of Source. 

You may feel yourself expand even further as this energy is assisting you to expand even further into Source of Source.

This healing tool also dissolves some common fears that can hinder this connection. Fear of God, programming to fear God, trauma of abuse and suffering for God, in the name of God, religion, or other spiritual tradition, dissolving anywhere we are too lowly, imperfect, or unworthy of connecting to God, dissolving anger at God, blame and resentment towards God, guilt and shame from self judgement of being unworthy of God’s love and care. 

Includes an allergy healing for: all parts and aspects of God, The Divine, Source, Creator, Universal Consciousness, God Consciousness, God the Father, Your Self, all parts and aspects of you including your Divine Aspect, your I AM Presence, your Higher Self, your chakras and subtle bodies, love, connection, connecting, unworthiness, blame, shame, guilt, fear, anger, rage, resentment, the brain, nervous system, blood, skeletal system, cells/DNA/RNA, and heart.

This activates the 40,000 neurons in the heart that “think” independently of the brain.  Rather than thoughts, they think in positive emotional states such as complete knowing (highest levels of intuition), self-confidence, positive self-image, compassion, gratitude, and self and other love.  There is no negative self-talk or negative self-image.  All possibility exists in this space with access to the same level of knowledge as the Creator and your higher self.

Release and healing for grief, sadness, fear, that is stored in the tissues, cells, and magnetic heart field, or heart energy center….so that you can live and love from deep in your heart- living a heart-centered life with more ease and joy!

Includes Allergy Healing for: the heart, heart tissues, love, acceptance, joy, peace, grief, sorrow, sadness, terror, panic, fear, and the sacred/emotional heart.

Ignites your passion, and connects you to loving fiercely, and being fiercely loved, bringing in the frequencies of courage that are required to fully feel and acknowledge the love you feel for another, and act on it! To pursue your dreams! The passion, courage, and bravery brought in this activation is great for your divine purpose work you are here to do as well!

Viruses resonate at the frequency of unworthiness. Bacteria resonate at the frequency of guilt, and I find that both viruses and bacteria often also resonate at the frequency of shame which is the lowest emotional frequency on the scale of consciousness.

Both viruses and bacteria are also drawn to the energy of trauma that we hold so we’ll start with some of the programming around these energies to open us up more to releasing and healing trauma.

This healing is packed with healing on so many levels, coming at these patterns from so many angles to assist us in shifting out of bacterial and viral patterns. I’m only going to be able to share about a sliver of what all is being addressed and healed with this package of energy. 

One of the ways it is assisting us is by clearing common programming like:

I have a weak immune system

Bacteria and Viruses are: dangerous, a threat to me, a threat to the planet, unsafe, kill me, make me sick, infect me, destroy me

I am under attack, I am being attacked

I get sick/infected when exposed to others who are sick/infected

I get sick/infected 2 times a year (or whatever their pattern is, could be once a month)

I get sick/infected when the weather or seasons change

I get sick/infected when I travel

I get sick/infected when I eat

I have a weak immune system

I catch everything that goes around

I am always sick

I am weak

I have a weak immune system and many, many more.

It’s also clearing trauma we are holding from our experiences in this lifetime and all lifetimes of the pain and suffering of being sick/infected, devastated, wiped out, have died from bacteria and viruses, infections, or witnessing our loved ones destroyed from them, or witnessed whole families, communities be devastated by viruses and bacteria.

Clearing trauma from pandemics, experiences of being devastated by pandemics, trauma from loss of life, loss of loved ones, loss of income, loss of our ability to provide for ourselves and our families, loss of home, loss of livelihood or jobs, our ability to make a living, to provide food and shelter for ourselves and our families.

Healing and clearing fear, stress, terror, panic, anxiety, worry, overwhelm, anger and confusion that we are holding from these experiences, anywhere we have picked up these energies from the collective, humanity, Gaia/Earth, clearing Oaths, Vows, and Contracts to take on these energies for others, for the collective, our ancestors, humanity, or Gaia/Earth.

Clearing anywhere we use viruses and/or bacteria to punish ourselves or others, to stay small, to stay dim, to hide, or to distract ourselves from your higher goals, desires and purposes, to avoid change, or to not look at a situation or relationship that is challenging.

Includes allergy healing for the priority bacteria and viruses that are in the body of the individual receiving this healing as identified by Creator and/or the healer running this healing tool, or that this healing tool is being directed to, the cells, DNA, RNA, body tissues, organs kits, gland kits, brain, heart, blood/vascular system kit, skeletal system, nerves kit, immune system kit, inflammation kit, spiritual kit, emotions/feelings kit, people, events, places kit, unworthiness, guilt, shame, punishment, grief, environmental factors kit.

We have and have had SO MANY experiences where these emotions are a central part of our relationships with others, and mostly in our relationship with ourselves, that it takes time and dedication to work through all of the many complexities, the many layers and dimensionality of these stories, AND the trauma that they actually form into when we experience them deeply and for prolonged periods of time. 

These emotions are on the bottom of the consciousness scale – meaning they are the lowest frequency or vibrational emotions we experience as humans.  (David R. Hawkins – The Map of Consciousness Explained: A Proven Energy Scale to Actualize Your Ultimate Potential) 

These are also the main vibrational frequencies of viruses and pathogenic bacteria which are drawn to us because of the energetic match, meaning the more of these energies we hold/carry, the more these pathogens are drawn to us and we will deal with in our body…..really they are showing us that we need to heal these emotions and emotional patterns within ourselves.

This healing is dissolving and resolving these emotions and emotional patterns within our physical body, DNA, subtle bodies, chakra bodies, from all parts and aspects of SELF in complex ways, utilizing a SL Filter to continuously work 24/7 for us in dissolving these energies and patterns in level after level that we hold them.

Clearing programs like: I am to blame for other people’s pain, suffering, illness, anywhere other people’s pain and suffering is our fault.

Dissolving Oaths, Vows, and Contracts to be stuck in these emotions and patterns and/or to take them on for others that we are connected to, including our parents, our children, our families, our mates, the collective, the planet, and our ancestors.

Giving you permission to move out of those and move into higher vibrational emotional states.

It’s also working with a handful of the main pathogens that I see and work with a LOT in client sessions, and are important and necessary to work with when on the Self healing journey. Pathogens like viruses and bacteria vibrate at the frequency of guilt, unworthiness and shame and very much a part of our Self Punishment patterns. So this healing will support you with healing, releasing and transforming the following pathogens: Epstein Barr, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes Viruses, Lyme bacteria, Babesia, Candida Albicans, and Corona Viruses.

Includes Allergy Healing for the Self, all parts and aspects of the Self, God, all parts and aspects of God, people, the human race, the collective, guilt, condemnation, unworthiness, self-criticism, self-punishment, and shame, the organs in the body, for glands and hormones, the brain, heart, the cells, DNA and RNA, (the cell kit), blood/vascular system, the nervous system, skeletal system kit, ears, eyes, sinuses, throat, and mouth, immune system kit, emotions/feelings kit, bacteria, viruses, pathogens, Epstein Barr, CytomegaloVirus, Herpes Viruses, Lyme bacteria, babesia, Candida Albicans, Corona Viruses, aluminum, mercury, arsenic, lead, oxygen, protons, neutrons, electrons, atoms

When this healing came in, I was shown energy patterns that I heard were shadow fragments. I was shown that these shadow fragments are karmic echoes from other incarnations that come with us into each lifetime. They are echoes of unhealed, unresolved anger, resentment, regret, fear, remorse, guilt, shame, grief, trauma, shock, and other low vibrational energies. I was shown that they cause inner battle, inner conflict, a war in each of us between the light and dark. They inhibit or interrupt the flow of love through our bodies and hold us in the fight or flight experience.

I was shown this battle is behind many challenging issues, like addictions, allergies, and struggles with yeast overgrowth, bacterial and viral patterns, fungus and parasite issues. 

This activation heals those shadow fragments, those echos from our core lives, DNA and ancestry, our past lives and all timelines, realities, and dimensions. Clearing out those negative emotional states along with them. Assists you in stopping that inner war, bringing more peace, love, and balance to your life and your body. This assists us in getting a handle on yeast, fungal, bacterial, and parasite patterns in our bodies and our energy centers.

Includes allergy healing for: Shadow Fragments, karmic echoes, past lives, unresolved anger, resentment, regret, fear, remorse, guilt, shame, grief, trauma, shock, and other low vibrational energies that you are holding that have become shadow fragments, spiritual kit, people, events and places kit, emotions/feelings kit, environmental factors kit, immune system, brain, heart, blood, nervous system, Cells/DNA/RNA, skeletal system, lymphatic system, glands kit

This healing is resolving and dissolving many common beliefs that we carry that keep us trapped in endless cycles of punishment, including the patterns of feeling or being punished by others, or a need within us to punish others. 

Clearing Oaths, Vows and Contracts made through all lifetimes to be punished for the sins of others, including our ancestors, our parents, children and family members. 

Clearing out the beliefs, punishment patterns, and guilt we are carrying in the present for things we have done in the past that we cannot change. 

Clearing genetic/ancestral programming that we carry in our DNA like, I am a sinner, and the price for sin is death. 

Clearing trauma from all experiences of being punished by our mother, father, our children, grandparents, families, mates/spouses, the law, the government, the government leaders and officials, and world leaders, by God, by religious leaders and religion, society leaders, schools and education systems, school and education system leaders and teachers, or the leaders or people that belong to any other organization or community, clearing all of this from our DNA, Cells, nervous system, brain, organs, glands and body tissues, energy bodies and energy fields.

This healing is dissolving and resolving the emotion and emotional pattern of punishment as well as others closely associated with it, like retribution, vengeance, spite/spitefulness, revenge, vindictive, remorse, guilt, shame, unworthiness and regret within our physical body, DNA, subtle bodies, chakra bodies, from all parts and aspects of SELF in complex ways, utilizing a SL Filter to continuously work 24/7 for us in dissolving these energies and patterns in level after level that we hold them.

This healing works on healing the relationship we have with SELF and our ability to forgive ourselves and others.

It’s also working with a handful of the main pathogens that I see and work with a LOT in client sessions, and are important and necessary to work with when on the Self healing journey. Pathogens like viruses and bacteria vibrate at the frequency of guilt, unworthiness and shame and very much a part of our Self Punishment patterns. So this healing will support you with healing, releasing and transforming the following pathogens: Epstein Barr, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes Viruses, Lyme bacteria, Babesia, Candida Albicans, Corona Viruses.

Includes an Allergy Healing for punishment, punished, punishing, Self punishment, Karma, the Karmic Wheel, Self punishment and punishment trauma, retribution, vengeance, spite/spitefulness, revenge, vindictive, remorse, regret, guilt, shame, unworthiness, spiritual kit, people, places and events kit, environmental factors kit, the organs kits, for the glands/hormones kits, the brain kit, heart kit, the cells, DNA and RNA, (the cell kit), blood/vascular system kit, the nerve kit, skeletal system kit, the head kit, immune system kit, emotions/feelings kit, bacteria, viruses, pathogens, Epstein Barr, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes Viruses, Lyme bacteria, Babesia, Candida Albicans, Corona Viruses, aluminum, mercury, arsenic, lead, oxygen, protons, neutrons, electrons, atoms

This healing is clearing out many belief systems and patterns of self sabotage, which really swirl up chaos and drama in our lives! All those records that play and chant “I am not enough, I am not good enough, I’ll never be enough, something is wrong with me, I am a bad person”, it’s time for those to go! 

This healing is bringing in many powerful downloads, like “I know what it feels like to live without sabotaging myself, my body, my life, and my relationships, I know what it feels like to be enough, I know what it feels like to be whole and complete, I am worthy and allowed to have good life, to create healthy loving relationships and experiences for myself” to name a few,  along with other energies to shift you into greater Self love, Self Worth, and Sacred Power and OUT of Self Sabotage!

This healing is clearing is incredibly detailed and thorough for clearing slavery and enslavement programming that we carry with many different types of people, beings, situations, and relationships, including foods, parts of our own bodies and our body as a whole, our own desires, the wants, needs and desires of others, to pathogens and the many microorganisms in our bodies and on this planet, and so much more!

Resolving beliefs, Oaths, Vows and Contracts as well as trauma we are holding from many types and forms of slavery, servitude, and bondage programming that keep us stuck in unhealthy patterns and relationships of all kinds!

Deep relationship healing is happening for you with the priority person, place or thing being cleared that has slavery, enslavement, or bondage patterns EACH TIME YOU RUN IT. Going deeper in healing these patterns every time!

It also brings in powerful downloads to deepen and expand your connection to your own Sovereignty and assist you in creating greater freedom from that place of Sovereignty as well as bringing in forgiveness for ALL involved in these Slavery experiences so that we can expand into greater love and Sacred Power.

This healing contains a LONG list of Allergy Healing for many types of slavery/enslavement trauma, and the people/beings that have been part of these experiences, brain, heart, nervous system, skeletal system, blood, immune system, cells/DNA/RNA, organs, and glands.

This is healing earth trauma, clearing trauma as well as shock, terror, panic, confusion, and chaos that you are holding from death, injuries and high stress that you have experienced due to many different types of earth trauma you’ve experienced in this lifetime, past lifetimes, other timelines, realities and dimensions as well as trauma you are holding from losing others that you love due to traumatic, apocalyptic, or cataclysmic earth events, from experiencing and witnessing the death and devastation of others, of your family, of villages, communities, cities, kingdoms, and civilizations.

Trauma from death, loss or injury in lifetimes of being buried alive as a form of murder, buried alive by others knowingly and unknowingly, trauma from being swallowed up by the earth in earthquakes, sandpits, and sinking mud, trauma from being buried alive in snow avalanches, trauma from volcanoes and volcanic eruptions, from being buried alive in volcanic debris, from the smoke and toxic volcanic gasses, from being caught and buried in lava flow, from being caught in desert storms, from being buried alive in sand.

Trauma from death, loss or injury in lifetimes of being buried alive in Silo’s full of grain, or seed.

Trauma from death loss or injury from all life experiences of working in mines, salt mines, coal mines, gold mines, diamond mines, from all precious gem, and metal mines that exist on this planet.

Trauma from death, loss or injury from wind storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, being caught in and/or drowning in storms out at sea, falling down waterfalls, from drowning in the oceans, rivers, lakes, or hurricanes, from being hit by falling trees, being struck by lightning, or caught in forest fires or fires in our homes. 

Trauma from death, loss or injury from earth radiation, toxic earth gasses, or radiation poisoning, radiation exposure, from nuclear gasses and nuclear fallout.

Trauma from death, loss, injury or sickness from drinking contaminated water, or poisonous foods or from contaminated foods. 

Trauma from being bit, killed, and attacked by animals, reptiles, and insects, dying, injury, disease and pain from these attacks.

Trauma from death, loss or injury from slipping and falling off cliffs, jumping off cliffs intentionally to run or flee from wild animals, people or Beings and falling to your death, death from falling while climbing mountains or large hills, hiking trails, crossing mountains, mountain trails, from being driven off the road.

Trauma loss or injury from droughts, loss of crops and animal stock, death from cold, from freezing to death, starvation, and poverty.

Trauma, loss or injury from heat stroke, being burned or baked alive in the sun, from sun radiation.

Trauma from grief, fear, loss of life, home and security and livelihood.

Includes Allergy healing for: all traumatic Earth events, all Earth trauma, Mother nature, earth, earth elements, minerals and metals, fungus, molds and mycotoxins, salt, salt mines, mineral mines, coal mines, 3rd dimension, 4th dimension, death, shock, terror, panic, confusion, grief, sorrow, sadness, rage, anger, anxiety, worry, stress, resentment, chaos, fear, anxiety, unstable, instability, insecurity, unsafe, safety, anxiety, unforgiveness, overwhelm, and trauma, earth radiation, toxic earth gasses, radiation poisoning, radiation exposure, nuclear gasses and nuclear fallout, animal kit, insect kit, smoke kit, radiation kit, pollution kit, organs, glands/hormones, heart, brain, nervous system, skeletal system, blood/vascular system, immune system kit.

Our relationships are our biggest mirrors and our biggest triggers. 

This Healing Tool cleans up the trauma we have experienced in our relationships. 

This healing tool clears abuse, loss, abandonment, rejection, and other relationship pain patterns across all time across all time, all lifetimes, realities, and dimensions. Resolving and dissolving unhealthy contracts, oaths, vows, and obligations we have made to experience this with specific people, like our partners, our children, our siblings, our parents as well as any relationship you direct this healing to. It is dissolving hooks, cords and attachments that are creating entanglement, confusion, inflammation in the body, and draining our energy. 

But it goes even further than that! We are connected to everyone and everything through the field of connection, although this is a deep topic that is fascinating to explore, put simply and in a way that can help you understand the vast ways you can use this healing tool.….we are in a relationship with and to everyone and everything!

Run this healing to heal the relationship between two or more people, or between an individual and a part of the body (organ, gland, cell, etc.), or between an individual and an object, food, or traumatic event, a pathogen…there are many uses for this potent healing tool!

This healing includes Sacred Light Healing Tools, Sacred Light Technologies, the whole Sacred Light Reclaiming Your Power Series and Forgiveness; Forgiving the Unforgivable to dissolve those negative attachments, entanglements, and other distorted energies in our relationships AND to heal the parts of SELF that we’ve fragmented off from in our relationships, bringing us into wholeness, expanded personal sacred power, and bringing in deep forgiveness for all involved to powerfully heal our relationships!

Includes an Energetic Allergy Healing for the individual receiving this healing and the priority person/being/relationship/things needed as identified by Creator and the individual receiving’s Divine Aspect, The Self, God, Mother, Father, husband, wife, lover, your Ex’s, boyfriend/girlfriend, our children, siblings, family, relationships, love, trauma, loss, confusion, abandonment, rejection, heartbreak, grief, sorrow and sadness, shock, trauma, chaos, and drama, anger, hate, resentment, guilt, shame, unforgiveness, the heart, blood, DNA, RNA, brain, nervous system, people, events and places kit, spiritual kit, emotions/feelings kit.

It also includes a Sacred Light Filter which is attuned to the energies and frequencies of the person/place or thing this healing is focusing on to filter out any energies that vibrate at a frequency that is less than love.

I was shown the inside of a clock, every part working together in perfect harmony, functioning so perfectly it keeps time so to speak–the saying “like clockwork” came to mind. We just expect it to work and keep perfect time.

Then I was shown an instrument – Instruments sound so harmonious, putting off frequencies through sound that heal. 

This Healing resolves and dissolves shock and trauma from all lifetimes of experiencing failing health, a failing body, from the aging process, of disappointment in your body, of physical, mental, and emotional suffering and pain, acute and chronic.

It clears programming that our bodies don’t work right, they break down, they let us down, they are faulty and brings in beautiful downloads to restore communication of our cells, our glands, organs, hormones, brain, and heart, all dancing together, communicating, harmonious, balanced, we can count on our body, and the communication of all parts of our bodies to make beautiful music.

It is assisting you in healing your relationship with your body.

Includes Allergy Healing for: the SELF, your body, organs kits, glands/hormones kit, brain kit, heart kit, the cells, DNA and RNA, (the cell kit), blood kit, nerve kit, skeletal system kit, digestive enzymes, immune system kit, communication, harmony, resistance, hate, resentment, guilt, anger, rage, dislike, irritation, confusion, balance, peace, and love.

Many of us have had early experiences in life that strip away our boundaries and without them, we are open, too open, to everyone and everything. We will struggle with relationships, pathogens, emotions, trauma, programming and other low vibrational energies of those around us, the collective, and the planet and beyond. We become overwhelmed, confused, and stressed….

The good news is, the more we heal, the more we create boundaries that naturally protect us and honor the Divine Expression of the Source that each of us are.

This healing is bringing in NEW energetic structures to create the foundation for new boundaries, to create new boundaries, and to strengthen existing boundaries that are serving you.

This healing is also bringing in a new level of discernment so that you aren’t easily tricked by lies and deceptions which will assist you in making choices that are healthy and for your highest good. Helping you to align with energies, people and situations that are in alignment with you as a Sovereign Being, and assisting you in releasing the people and things that are not.

There are many reasons that something happens in our bodies and in our lives most of the time. There are reasons that are Divine, experiences of higher realms and dimensions, and/or what I consider to be “Divine Timing”: choices we made to have specific experiences, including people to connect with, before incarnating to activate or acquire certain virtues, to balance Karma, (yes, we are moving out of the karmic pathway, but most of us aren’t there yet, we’ll call it a work in progress) AND reasons from the opposite polarity, or what is commonly known as the shadow. It’s important to see both sides or polarities in order to have a higher understanding. 

As we become better and better at this, our ability to stay neutral on all levels during challenging events that we are experiencing in our own lives, or witnessing on larger collective and planetary scales. 

This means we will experience more peace, harmony, and happiness and be able to stay in those frequencies longer, even when life and people around us are not able to do this for themselves. 

The result is a body that continues to get healthier and stronger, you become more and more balanced on all levels (this includes hormones, PH balance, and brain chemicals), your reality (since you are constantly creating it) will begin to reflect more and more of what your heart and soul longs to experience…love, Sovereignty, and abundance!

This healing is resolving and dissolving the programmes that there is only one truth, only one reason, and/or only one way of doing or being which will not only help you see the bigger picture of what is going in your body, your life, and beyond. It will help you be more flexible and increase your ability to live your life in flow. The benefits of this ability are numerous!

It’s also downloading that there are many truths, many reasons that one thing occurs and the understanding that when we can embrace this we are then freed and can come into harmony within SELF about it.

It’s clearing fear, hatred, and rejection of our own shadow Self, humanity’s shadow, bringing in the ability to look within the darkness or shadow that is within Self, the shadow Self of another human, to look upon the truth of both the light and the shadow. This allows us to live our lives without being triggered all the time, to look at what we have the power to change, positively influence, as well as to know what isn’t ours to “fix”, take positive action where we can, and stay in balance and harmony when we can’t change something. 

When we reject the shadow, judge the shadow, we are instantly in battle mode, instantly in resistance. When we say “I want nothing to do with that, or something is so awful or horrible, we can actually amplify the magneticity of that frequency pattern which creates more of the thing that we don’t want to experience! We are giving it power! This is what we will do as long as we are in resistance to it! What assists us is to understand the entire reason, or at least as much as we can about why this is occurring in our body or our life. 

This healing is increasing our ability to rise above a problem and above our fear and look at it with a wide lens so we can see the truth of it. 

Bringing in the cosmic wisdom, courage, strength, discernment and wisdom required to see all sides, the dark and the light, to look at, accept and love the shadow, this is how we heal it! This is alchemy!

This healing is dissolving and healing the pain body that is our God Wound. It is dissolving the programming, trauma, and other low vibrational energies we are holding from lifetimes of believing and feeling we are separate from God, separate from love, disconnected from God, cut off from God, cut off from love, that God has abandoned us, that God has let us down, that God doesn’t exist, that God is cruel, unjust, angry and judgmental.

Dissolving beliefs that God punishes and that God is spiteful, and vengeful, dissolving beliefs and trauma that God has failed us or rejected us, resolving disappointment from feeling prayers are unanswered, unheard, dissolving beliefs and trauma of believing and feeling unimportant, or not important enough to have God’s attention, love, affection, or favor. 

This healing contains many layers of healing tools and technologies to assist here along with the allergy healing to not only heal any God wound you are holding, but to also expand you into greater SELF LOVE, SELF ACCEPTANCE, AND SOVEREIGNTY.

Allergy healing included for: God wound, God wound trauma, God, all parts and aspects of God, The Divine, Source, Source of Source, Creator, Universal Consciousness, God Consciousness, God the Father, Your Self, all parts and aspects of you including your Divine Aspect, your I AM Presence, your Higher Self, love, connection, connecting, disappointment, let down, failure, forgiveness, joy, unworthiness, punishment, disconnected, judgement, compassion, blame, shame, guilt, fear, anger, rage, resentment, the brain, nervous system, blood, skeletal system, cells/DNA/RNA, and the heart.

This healing is bringing in clarity with your high self “knowing”, your soul knowing, and your own divinity where you can see clearly what truth is your own and that is in line with those divine highest parts and aspects of you, and being able to be confident, solid in your divine truth, in harmony with these truths even if others you are connected to are unable to share or understand your divine truths, even if they have truths they live by that differ from yours…allowing you peace and deep harmony with Self.


Yeast overgrowth/imbalances are so commonly an underlying cause for the many different types of health challenges we deal with, from weight issues, mental disorders, skin problems, digestive diseases and disorders, and cancer, to compromised immune health and that is just naming a few. 

We struggle with yeast overgrowth when we aren’t allowed to have boundaries for ourselves growing up, or when we are stuck in patterns steeped in resentment and anger. When we are in relationships or circumstances where we feel unable to ask for what we need, where we feel overlooked, and unimportant, or where we are repressed, suppressed, manipulated or controlled. Where we feel we have to sacrifice who we are or what we need for others.

This healing is clearing out these patterns, trauma we are holding from these experiences, and dissolving deep hidden resentment and anger that are causing yeast to take over.

It brings Source love/light in to shine into the dark places that yeast thrive, transforming the yeast so it can be more easily released from the body, restoring balance and creating harmony in the interdependent relationship between you and the yeast that your body needs to thrive.

Includes allergy healing for Yeasts, including Candida, molds, fungus and mycotoxins kit, sugars, cold, heat, dampness, resentment, anger, guilt, insecurity, bitterness, frustration, irritation, hatred, rage, helplessness, regret, low self worth, low self esteem, remorse and shame, the organs, for the glands and hormones, the brain, heart, the cells, DNA and RNA, blood/vascular system, the nervous system, skeletal system, the head kit (ears, eyes, nose/sinuses, throat, mouth), immune system kit, bacteria, viruses, pathogens, Epstein Barr, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes Viruses, Lyme bacteria, Babesia, Coronaviruses, aluminum, mercury, arsenic, lead, oxygen, protons, neutrons, electrons, atoms

EAH is incredibly powerful and the best way I know to not only release pathogenic microorganisms like yeast, fungi and parasites and their related toxins from the body, but to also calm down inflammation in the body that is caused by them, and to create protection or immunity for our body with them, as well as to assist the body to come into harmony and balance with the microorganisms that are beneficial and necessary for our body to live and thrive.

This healing goes deep into dissolving negative programming, Oaths, Vows and Contracts and trauma that feed the feeling/emotion of resentment which is the frequency that harmful yeast and fungus resonate at. To permanently release our struggle with these microorganisms we need to focus healing on the causes of the resentment that is at the root of these yeast and fungal patterns. 

This, along with deep work on parasitical patterns which are connected to victim mentality/belief structures are the focus of this healing. Clearing out heavy vibrational energies that create patterns of being/feeling taken advantage of. Bringing in powerful downloads to shift you more and more into your power, and out of resentment patterns, activating your true power that is connected to your Sovereignty through your heart!

Bringing in downloads like:

I know how to live my life without resentment

I know how to forgive myself

I know how to forgive others

I know how to live without resenting my body

I know how to live without resenting my parents, my family

I know how to live without resenting my friends

I know how to live without resenting God

I know how to live without resenting my mate/partner

I know how to live without resenting my Ex’s

I know how to live without resenting others

I know how to live without resenting my job/work/coworkers/boss/managers

I know how to live without resenting school/classmates/peers/teachers

I know how to live without being sucked dry 

I know how, and when to say NO in the highest and best way

I am allowed to and am safe to say NO

I know what it feels like to live my life without allowing others to take my energy

Just to name a few.

Also bringing in the energy and frequency of forgiveness and pure Source/Creator Love into every cell, into every part and aspect of each individual receiving this healing AND all Yeast, Mold, Fungus, and Parasites that are in your body to assist in transforming these microorganisms into a harmless form for easy release, healing and our to bring them back into balance.

This healing includes the necessary allergy healing for parts of the body most often affected by molds, fungi and parasites, Candida Albicans and other yeasts that people commonly have issues with. We are clearing an extensive list from my allergy healing kits of molds, fungus, and parasites, yeasts, and a handful of emotions that these microorganisms resonate at like resentment, regret, remorse, anger, hatred, procrastination, avoiding, hiding, grief, boundaries and more.

You are also receiving a Download and Activation of the properties and frequencies of the vitamins and minerals and specific homeopathic to assist you in releasing parasites, yeasts and fungus, support detox and higher immune function.

Bringing in a new, higher perspective and understanding of forgiveness and compassion to give you the ability to forgive those that have harmed you, across all lifetimes, including yourself. Forgiveness releases us from negative bonds with others that are created from the trauma and pain we’ve experienced from and with others which helps us stay out of victimhood. Unforgiveness and Victimhood cause dysfunction in our bodies and our lives. 

Resolving and dissolving unforgiveness, grudges, anger, hurt, devastation, guilt, shame, and bitterness, bringing in pure Source lovelight and the frequency of forgiveness to wash through you cleansing these low vibrating emotions from every cell of your body, your chakras and subtle bodies, from all aspects and parts of you.

This healing includes an allergy healing for: forgiveness, forgiving, unforgiven, grudges, emotions/feelings kit, the people, places and events kit, spiritual kit, heart, brain, nervous system, skeletal system, blood kit, Cells/DNA/RNA.

This healing shines a light on the heavy metals we are storing in our bodies, in our cells and tissues, to dissolve, clear release and the metals and any parasites in these areas and to heal the body where it has been compromised. It is dissolving and resolving programming that is attracting these metals and causing our bodies to store them.

Includes downloads to rewire the brain and body so it knows how to create and have a good emotional foundation and a healthy emotional structure. 

Assists you in releasing toxic metals and parasites with ease and in multiple ways.

It’s clearing trauma held and stored from metal poisoning and toxicity. Trauma from death, loss, disease, or injury from all life experiences of working in mines, salt mines, coal mines, gold mines, diamond mines, from all precious gems, copper mines, iron mines, and all metal mines that exist on this planet. 

Contains specific beliefs and trauma work for lead and mercury poisoning and toxicity.

Includes allergy healing for: metals including mercury, lead, arsenic, fluoride, aluminum, the earth elements, minerals and metals kit, salt, spiritual kit, the blood/vascular system, brain, nervous system, glands and organs kits, skeletal system kit, cell/DNA/RNA kit, the head kit (including the mouth and dental materials/fillings), inflammation kit, immune system kit, and parasites kit.


This healing is working with clearing allergies to ALL levels of your environment and atmosphere: spiritual environment and atmosphere, metal environment and atmosphere, emotional environment and atmosphere, and physical environment and atmosphere. Having all of this in a healing tool makes this a great tool to use when you are feeling out of balance, irritated, overly emotional, in addition to using it to heal hay fever, asthma, chemical sensitivities, and other environmental allergies.

It goes deep into dissolving the toxic programming that we can be carrying that are a magnet for attracting toxins into our body and storing them in our cells and tissues.  Along with clearing trauma from all lifetimes of illness, disease, pain and death from metal poisoning, chemical poisoning, radiation poisoning. 

Dissolving all shock and trauma from all lifetimes, timelines, realities, and dimensions where we have died slow painful deaths from cancer, from radiation poisoning, from toxins, chemicals, fires/smoke.

This is clearing out the trauma from the times you have experienced these things yourself AND the trauma you are holding from seeing/witnessing others suffer from these types of experiences, and from losing ones you hold dear from these types of experiences.

Dissolving trauma we may be holding from others misuse and abuse of chemicals, metals, radiation or any other toxic substance that have hurt us and other people, the planet and life on it, or from anytime we have misused and abused those energies ourselves across all timelines, realities and dimensions. 

Bringing in powerful downloads to create new cell receptors and neural pathways to teach your brain and body how to release toxins including toxic emotions with ease and in ways that are harmless to the Self and others. Teaching you the difference between your thoughts, feelings and emotions and other peoples and how to release what isn’t yours. Teaching you and your physiology to manage and move through your emotions without getting stuck in them. Bringing in forgiveness for Self, God, and others. Teaching you what it feels like to live in peace, balance and harmony with and in this planet’s environment.

Also bringing in the energy and frequency of forgiveness and pure Source Love into every cell, every part and aspect of each individual receiving this healing, transmuting, dissolving and/or transforming all toxic agents in each individual receiving this Healing into a harmless form that is easily released from the body.

Includes allergy healing for a group of energies that are common for people that hinder proper detox function, like the organs and body systems that play the largest role in removing toxins, along with some of the most common environmental energies people are storing in their bodies, and/or reacting to like: minerals, toxic metals, radiation, plastics, adhesives and glues, pollution, water and food chemicals, dust, the “air”, “atmosphere” and your “environment” and the emotions, unsupported, anger, rage, unforgiveness, love, supported, connected, and grounded.

You are also receiving a Download and Activation of the properties and frequencies of the vitamins, minerals and homeopathics to support your body in it’s detox process for environmental agents like chemicals, metals, and radiation.

This healing is the first in a series of 4 healing tools that are focused on healing allergies to the environmental agents: molds/fungus/mycotoxins, dust, pollution, dogs, cats and other animals (the animal kit), radiation, and pollens

Along with the following pathogens:  Epstein Barr Virus (Herpesvirus 4), Herpes Simplex 1 and 2, Varicella-Zoster Virus (Herpesvirus 3), Cytomegalovirus (Herpesvirus 5), Herpesvirus 6 (HHV6), Herpesvirus 7 (HHV7), Human Herpesvirus 8 (HHV8), Candida Albicans, Tuberculinum Species, Pneumococcinum, Klebsiella Species, Klebsiella Pneumonia, Klebsiella Oxytoca,  Borrelia Species Bacteria, Rickettsia Species Bacteria, Babasia, Streptococcus Bacteria, Staphylococcus Bacteria, Beta Strep Bacteria, Mycoplasma Bacteria, and  E-Coli Bacteria Species

Other allergies being cleared here are:

Brain Body Function, proteins, vitamin C, Acids, Bases, oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, trapped, suppression, repression, control, manipulation, confusion, fear, anxiety, panic, terror, resentment, irritation, aggravation, anger, rage, guilt, shame, punishment, grief, sadness, sorrow, unworthy, unworthiness, avoiding, hiding, procrastination, disappointment, trust, faith, harmony, peace, balance, hopelessness, helplessness, fatigue, depression, environmental factors kit, and most body allergy kits that I work with.

This healing is the second in the Breath Easy Series and is focused on healing allergies to environmental agents: water, detergents/cleaning agents, skincare, cosmetics, the home kit, pollution kit, smoke kit, radiation kit, geographic stress, pollens, fragrance and perfumes, “other environmental agents” kit, phenolics, fabrics and materials, and plastics 

Includes allergy healing for the following pathogens:  Epstein Barr Virus (Herpesvirus 4), Herpes Simplex 1 and 2, Varicella-Zoster Virus (Herpesvirus 3), Cytomegalovirus (Herpesvirus 5), Herpesvirus 6 (HHV6), Herpesvirus 7 (HHV7), Human Herpesvirus 8 (HHV8), Candida Albicans, Tuberculinum Species, Pneumococcinum, Klebsiella Species, Klebsiella Pneumonia, Klebsiella Oxytoca,  Borrelia Species Bacteria, Rickettsia Species Bacteria, Babasia, Streptococcus Bacteria, Staphylococcus Bacteria, Beta Strep Bacteria, Mycoplasma Bacteria, and  E-Coli Bacteria Species

Other allergies being cleared here are:

BBF, proteins, vitamin C, Acids, Bases, oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, the spiritual kit, people, places, events kit, trapped, suppression, repression, control, manipulation, confusion, fear, anxiety, panic, terror, resentment, irritation, aggravation, anger, rage, guilt, shame, punishment, grief, sadness, sorrow, unworthy, unworthiness, avoiding, hiding, procrastination, disappointment, trust, faith, harmony, peace, balance, hopelessness, helplessness, fatigue, depression, environmental factors kit, and most body kits.

This highly versatile activation will quickly clear, dissolve and transmute disharmonious and discordant energies that are creating pain or other physical, mental and emotional disturbances.


Instructions: Run when coming down with a cold/flu or dealing with an infection, or when around others who are sick using it to create immunity for flus/colds, or when you feel like you are “coming down with something”, or running daily during flu season, run 2 to 3 times a day until symptoms abate, and then to run it once a day for 2 or 3 days after symptoms are gone.

This healing is part of a series to bring in a high-energy level of support for the immune system and immune health. 

This healing tool accomplishes this in several ways. One, by downloading and activating the properties and frequencies of the vitamins and minerals and other nutrients essential and supportive of immune function as well as homeopathics to support immune function and to help you release some specific viruses and bacteria that commonly create health challenges for people. 

Another is by downloading, activating and healing the whole body with pure compassion, Divine Creator/Source love, and forgiveness.

This healing is also using Spiritual technologies to amplify the healing effect with specific viruses and bacteria.

And most important in healing the immune system: Healing allergies to those critical nutrients needed to create a healthy body, healthy immune system, and the parts of the body, and emotions needed to accomplish this as well, AND healing allergies to viruses and bacteria themselves.

Energetic Allergy Healing is the best way I have found to assist the body with absorption of the nutrients our body depends on. Most people are actually allergic to vital nutrients like minerals, vitamins, healthy fats, and proteins and just aren’t aware of it. But when we are, we are unable to use or absorb these nutrients and our immune health declines over time as it spirals from lack of proper nutritional support, often becoming severely deficient even when taking vitamin and mineral supplements.

Energetic Allergy Healing is also the best way I have found to assist the body with releasing pathogens like viruses and bacteria and calming down the inflammation and pain they can cause. It’s pretty mind-blowing to discover how many of our pain patterns and health issues have bacterias involved and miraculous to see all the health challenges that heal when we identify the pathogens involved and heal them as allergies the way this modality does.

Includes Energetic Allergy Healing for: Stomach, mouth, throat, ears, eyes, sinuses, (the head kit), nervous system, brain, heart, blood kit, skeletal system kit, body tissues, organs kits, thymus gland, lymphatic system, inflammation kit, immune system kit, Cells/DNA/RNA, masks, all vaccines in my kits including Covid vaccines, vaccine ingredients, vaccine trauma, astroviruses, arenaviruses, enteroviruses, parainfluenza type 1,2,3, and 4, Influenza type A, B, and C (all from allergy kit), Coronaviruses, MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, all strains, all variants that exist now and in all future timelines, Beta strep A, Beta Strep B, Beta Strep C, Beta Strep D, Mycoplasma H, Mycoplasma O, Tuberculinum Burnetti, Tuberculinum Bovinum, Tuberculinum Avis, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Streptococcus Gordonii, Streptococcus Mutans, Streptococcus Scarlatina, Herpes 1-8, Babasia, Borrelia Bacteria, Candida Albicans, grief, sorrow, sadness, fear, panic, terror, anxiety, overwhelm, anger, hatred, rage, confusion, control, manipulation, suppression, repression, guilt, unworthiness, shame, and resentment.

This healing tool is often all you will need to quickly shift a UTI, as it contains Candida along with the most common bacteria and viruses that cause UTIs and other inflammatory patterns in this body system, as well as the emotional aspects like rage, anger, suppression, repression, control, resentment to name a few and common allergies that are often behind these infections as well as other disease and dysfunction.

This healing is going deep to support and heal the whole urinary system for women and for men. It is also clearing out trauma, belief systems and other low vibrational energies that create blocks and issues around our own sexuality, sex and even bringing in healing for the reproductive system as well.

It is downloading and activating the properties and frequencies of the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, along with homeopathics that are essential and supportive for the urinary system and in assisting the body in releasing candida and bacteria that commonly create infections and other health challenges for people in this system of the body. 

It is also downloading, activating and healing the whole body with pure compassion, Divine Creator/Source Love, and forgiveness, and doing deep relationship healing work for the parts of your body that make up this system, and utilizing Spiritual Technologies to amplify the healing effect with the bacteria and other pathogens we are working within this healing.

And most important in healing the immune system: Healing allergies to those critical nutrients needed to create a healthy body, healthy immune system, and the parts of the body, and emotions needed to accomplish this as well, AND healing allergies to viruses bacteria themselves.

Energetic Allergy Healing is the best way I have found to assist the body with releasing pathogens and calming down the inflammation and pain they can cause. It’s pretty mind blowing to discover how many of our pain patterns and health issues have pathogens involved and miraculous to see all the health challenges that heal when we identify the pathogens involved and heal them as allergies the way this modality does.

Includes allergy healing for: the nervous system kit, blood kit, immune system kit, kidneys, bladder, vagina, vaginal tissues (body tissues kit), urinary tract, urethra, uterus, testes kit, glands kits, large intestine, small intestine, skin kit, organs kits, the head kit, skeletal system kit, brain, heart, spiritual kit, inflammation kit, your lover/sexual partners saliva, your sexual partners sweat, your sexual partners pheromones, your sexual partners DNA/RNA/genetic materials, your sexual partners body fluids/vaginal fluids, your sexual partners vagina, your sexual partners sperm/semen, your mattress, your bed, all bedding, your bedroom, toilet paper, paper kit, tampons, diva dups, menstrual pads, kotex, all feminine hygiene products, underwear, cotton panty liners, fabrics and materials, condoms, all forms of birth control, sex toys/sensual lifestyle products, lubricants, laundry detergent, heat, E-Coli Species bacteria, Bacteriodes Gardenerella, Gardenerella Vaginosis, Herpes Simplex 1, Herpes Simplex 2, all Herpesaviruses, Klebsiella Pneumoniae, Enterobacter, men, women, Father, Mother, spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, partner, lover, Ex spouse, Ex boyfriend/girlfriend, Ex partner, Ex lover, sex/sexual trauma, kidney trauma, bladder trauma, vaginal trauma, penile trauma, sex, relations, intercourse, masterbation, sexual pleasure, sexual desire, pheromones, intimacy, vulnerability, anger, rage, pissed off, unforgiveness, love, forgiveness, shame, unworthiness, resentment, frustration, irritation, guilt, heartbreak, disappointment, overwhelm, stress, fear, rejection spiritual kit, people, places and events kit, emotions/feelings kit, envrionmental factors kit.

This healing is part of a series to bring in a high-energy level of support for the digestive system.

It is downloading and activating the properties and frequencies of the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients essential and supportive of digestive function as well as the energies of specific homeopathics to help you release bacteria like E coli, H-Pylori and Salmonella that are often playing a role in digestive problems and we often aren’t aware of it.

It is also downloading, activating and healing the whole body with pure compassion, Divine Creator/Source Love, and forgiveness, and doing deep relationship healing work for the parts of your body that make up this system, and utilizing Spiritual Technologies to amplify the healing effect with the bacteria and other pathogens we are working with in this healing.

And most important in healing the digestive system: Healing allergies to those critical nutrients needed to create a healthy body, healthy digestive system, and the parts of the body, bacteria/pathogens, and emotions needed to accomplish this.

Energetic Allergy Healing is the best way I have found to assist the body with absorption of the nutrients our body depends on. Most people are actually allergic to vital nutrients like minerals, vitamins, healthy fats, and proteins and just aren’t aware of it. But when we are, we are unable to use or absorb these nutrients and our immune health declines over time as it spirals from lack of proper nutritional support, often becoming severely deficient even when taking vitamin and mineral supplements.

The healing this modality offers is also the best way I have found to assist the body with releasing pathogens like bacteria and calming down the inflammation and pain they can cause. It’s pretty mind blowing to discover how many of our pain patterns and health issues have bacteria involved and miraculous to see all the health challenges that heal when we identify the bacteria (and other pathogens involved) and heal them as allergies the way this modality does.

Includes Energetic Allergy Healing for:  The stomach, mouth, throat, small intestine, large intestine, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, the emotions: stress, tension, overwhelm, abuse, trauma, fear, nervousness, anxiety, the digestive system, digestion, eating, nourishment, chewing, mastication, cells/DNA/RNA, stress, tension, overwhelm, abuse, trauma, fear, nervousness, anxiety, emotions/feelings kit, spiritual kit, environmental factors kit, radiation kit, All E coli Species bacteria, all Salmonella Species bacteria, Beta strep A, Beta Strep B, Beta Strep C, Beta Strep D, H – Pylori Bacteria, Candida Albicans, Epstein Barr, All Herpesviruses, Borrelia SPP., E Coli, Salmonella, Clostridium Botulinum, Clostridium Difficile, Listeria, Fusarium, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Yersinia Enterocolitica, Klebsiella, aluminum, mercury, arsenic, lead, oxygen, protons, neutrons, electrons, atoms


NOTE: This healing is very supportive and healing for those with Lyme bacteria, food poisoning bacteria, Streptococcus and Staphylococcus bacteria. 

This healing is focused on healing our relationship with a handful of bacteria groups that I see most often, including the most common Lyme bacteria, and it has specific beliefs work for Lyme disease.

EAH is incredibly powerful and the best way I know to not only release bacteria, and bacteria related toxins from the body, but to also calm down inflammation in the body that is caused by them, and to create protection or immunity for our body with bacteria.

It is designed to give people powerful support for healing on all levels with Lyme disease bacteria, and has a preventative or immunity effect, helping us stay healthy when exposed to these bacteria in the future.

This healing goes deep to dissolve negative programming and emotions commonly found when we struggle with bacterial patterns…beliefs about being alone, that grief, anger, guilt, sadness, suffering or pain are our lot in life, are all we are worthy of, and much more.

With this healing we are also dissolving trauma from times we have been sick, devastated, wiped out, died from bacteria or witnessed our loved ones destroyed from them, or witnessed whole families, communities devastated by bacteria or disease.

It dissolves programming that we have to heal others by taking on their bacteria, their illness, or disease, or their pain. Resolving all oaths, vows and contracts, and curses to heal others by taking on their bacteria.

Resolves and dissolves oaths, vows and contracts to take on your Mothers, your Fathers, your children’s guilt, your families, your spouses/partners shame, remorse, regret, hatred, anger, fear, to take on the fear, guilt, shame, anger, hatred, regret, remorse for the planet, for the collective, for those you love, and your ancestral lineage. 

And this all only a part of what all is clearing from you with this healing that can be causing bacterial imbalances and struggles. 

Includes allergy healing for BBF, organs kits, glands kits, heart, brain, nervous system, blood/vascular system kit, skeletal system kit, Cells/DNA/RNA, immune system kit, tics, Lyme Disease, the following bacteria: Borriella Afzelii, Borrelia Garinii, Borrelia Hermsii, Borrelia Parkeri, Borrelia Miyamotoi, Borrelia Mayonii, Borrelia Burgdorferi, Borrelia Recrentis, Rickettsia Typhi, Rickettsia Prowazeki, E-Coli Species Bacteria, Salmonella Species Bacteria, Staphylococcus Species Bacteria, Streptococcus Species Bacteria, Babesia, guilt, shame, remorse, regret, hatred, anger, and fear.

You are also receiving a download and activation of the properties and frequencies of some vitamins, minerals, and homeopathics to strengthen your immune system, and support and quicken healing with food poisoning bacteria, Lyme bacteria, streptococcal, and staphylococcal bacteria.

You can run this healing when you feel like you are coming down with something or feeling under the weather to pull you out of those symptoms quickly. 

We tend to think of viruses when we have cold or flu symptoms, but so often I find it’s more bacterial than viral. 

EAH is incredibly powerful and the best way I know to not only release bacteria and bacteria related toxins from the body, but to also calm down inflammation in the body that is caused by them, and to create protection or immunity for our body with bacteria.

It contains allergy healing for all of the bacteria this modality has available to it, over 200 of the most common bacteria that create health issues for people. There is also an extensive list of emotions that are commonly linked to issues with bacteria included in this allergy healing, and the parts of the body that make up our immune system, which has many benefits as you are working to heal, release and balance bacteria in your body.


Epstein Virus is one the most common underlying causes of fatigue. Studies show this virus affects more than 90% of the population in the USA as well as Canada, however, I find it over and over again when working with private clients all over the world to resolve fatigue, along with health challenges of all kinds. This healing gets this virus under control quickly when repeated daily until feeling better. Often in just a couple of days! 

EAH is incredibly powerful and the best way I know to not only deactivate Epstein Barr, all other Herpesviruses and releasing viruses, but to also calm down inflammation in the body that is caused by them, and to create protection or immunity for our body with Viruses.

This healing is focused on healing your relationship with Epstein Barr Virus along with the 7 other members of the herpesvirus family, and several other viruses I commonly find at the root of so many health issues, which now includes Coronaviruses. 

It is a BIG one, it goes deep dissolving negative programming commonly found as the magnetic or velcro for Epstein Barr Virus, the Herpes Virus family, and other fatigue-causing viruses.

It’s clearing programming like I am unforgivable, everything is always my fault, I am always to blame, life is struggle, life is pain, life is exhausting, relationships are struggle and pain, emotions, mine and other peoples are painful and exhausting, and so much more!

This healing also goes into resolving and clearing oaths, vows and contracts we may be carrying to take on these viruses, the battles and illness for others, and brings through powerful new programming to help us to create healthier boundaries and have greater Self Love and permission to create joy and love in our lives.

Includes allergy healing for Epstein Barr Virus, all Herpes Viruses, Mononucleosis, Cytomegalovirus, Haemophilus Influenzae, Coxsackievirus, Corona Viruses including Sars CoV2, the emotions: stress, overwhelm, unworthy, unworthiness, worthy, boundaries, powerless, power, helplessness, hopelessness, depression, fatigue, shame, guilt, and many parts of the body.

Many people are actually dealing with EBV/Herpesviruses and Lyme all at once and they just don’t know it. This healing tool works with all of those at one once along with several other common pathogens to go deep into pathogen combinations and allergens to free people who are still having issues with these pathogen patterns, fatigue, fibromyalgia, autoimmune diseases, or chronic aches and pains.

It contains allergy healing for the following pathogens:  Epstein Barr Virus (Herpesvirus 4), Herpes Simplex 1 and 2, Varicella-Zoster Virus (Herpesvirus 3), Cytomegalovirus (Herpesvirus 5), Herpesvirus 6 (HHV6), Herpesvirus 7 (HHV7), Human Herpesvirus 8 (HHV8), Candida Albicans, Tuberculinum Species, Pneumococcinum, Klebsiella Species, Klebsiella Pneumonia, Klebsiella Oxytoca, Borrelia Species Bacteria, Rickettsia Species Bacteria, Babasia, Cryptosporidium, Streptococcus Bacteria, Staphylococcus Bacteria, Beta Strep Bacteria, Mycoplasma Bacteria, and  E-Coli Bacteria Species, Coronaviruses, Sars CoV2 ( all variants), Retroviruses, Haemophilus Influenzae, Coxsackievirus, Infectious Mononucleosis, Retroviruses, and the Measles Virus

It is also working with the Sacred Filter and Sacred Light Pathogen Filter with each of these pathogens, and any energies that are connected to them (emotions, entities, implants, trauma, etc)

You can run this healing when you feel like you are coming down with something or feeling under the weather to pull you out of those symptoms quickly. 

EAH is incredibly powerful and the best way I know to not only deactivate and release viruses, but also to calm down inflammation in the body that is caused by them, and to create protection or immunity with pathogens and this includes viruses! 

It contains allergy healing for all of the viruses this modality has available to it, over 250 of the most common viruses that create health issues for people. There is also an extensive list of emotions that are commonly linked to issues with viruses included in this allergy healing, and the parts of the body that make up our immune system, which has many benefits as you are working to heal, deactivate and release the viruses that are in your body.


This is an incredibly deep and layered healing created by me and my best friend and fellow healer Elysia Hartzell, Creator of Sacred Soul Alignment. It will be part of Sacred Light Practitioner Level 4 that we will be teaching together next summer (2022). It’s brand new and we haven’t yet put an official description together. It is a combination of healing tools from Energetic Allergy Healing, Sacred Soul Alignment, and Sacred Light Practitioner (which we have created and taught together) to clear the pathogens and other energy patterns that cause deep fatigue which could be chronic or acute.


This healing is a perfect partner for the Covid Vaccine/Vaccine Trauma Release Healing as it brings in support and healing for Covid itself in other ways, directly and indirectly, addressing deeper complexities that have come to light regarding the longer implications of Covid, the after-effects of Covid in the body that come from a histamine response to the Covid spike proteins along with the activation of other pathogens in the body like Epstein Barr Virus, other Herpes Viruses like Varicella Zoster which causes chicken pox and shingles, Infectious mononucleosis, Haemophilus Influenzae, Coxsackievirus, and other Coronaviruses, like SARS and MERS, as well as fungus, and Candida yeast.

Our detox pathways like the lungs, liver and skin become bogged down and compromised. 
What does this mean? 

It means people are experiencing new: allergies, new illnesses, more or lingering deep fatigue, brain fog, heart-related issues like low blood pressure, or racing, arrhythmia (erratic heartbeat), dizziness, bloating, rashes, Hives and/or eczema, headaches or migraines, unexplained itching, itchy eyes/runny nose/congestion, premenstrual cramping or headaches, diarrhea, flushing, wheezing, runny nose, watery eyes, Swelling of face/hands/lips, and/or heartburn.
This is also the cause of lingering Covid or Long Covid.

For this healing the main components are allergy healing for a long list of things that assist us in calming down this immune/histamine response, support lung, liver and skin repair and function, and help to begin releasing these toxins and support our immune system all delivered into the respiratory system, and body, even into the cells through a Spiritual Technology that came initially to help us support our own bodies and health and to then share it with others and Elysia was guided to use this technology as a focused energetic delivery system for accelerated healing and support.
Includes Energetic Allergy Healing for:
SARS CoV2 and all variants, Coronaviruses, SARS CoV2 Spike Proteins, Mast Cells; Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), Proteins, Histamines and Histamine Receptor H2, Proteasomes – ubiquitin-mediated degradation (proteolysis), SARS CoV2 Proteases (PL Pro), SARS CoV2 Cellular Substrates; ubiquitin (found in all Eukaryotic Cells) and interferon Stimulated Gene 15 (ISG15), Ubiquitination, Diamine Oxidase (breaks down histamine), SARS CoV2 and all variants, Epstein Barr Virus, Cytomagalovirus, Interferons, Viral Infections, Viral Infection Trauma.

Along with the following foods that are high in histamine or are histamine triggers: Fruits, Vegetables, Nightshades, Spices and Herbs, Nuts, Alcohol, Coffee, Chocolate, tea, Dairy, Grains, Shellfish and Seafood, Sugars, and Meats allergy healing kits.

And finally, the other factors included in allergy healing: Radiation, Dust, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Candida Albicans, Yeast Kit, Molds/fungus


This audio contains many facets of healing using all of the healing tools Elysia Hartzell and I have channeled and created across all of our healing modalities, including my modality, Energetic Allergy Healing, Sacred Light Practitioner, the modality we have created together, and Sacred Soul Alignment, Elysia’s modality. 

This healing is incredibly thorough (it’s based on roughly 100 hours of research and work with clients), going beyond what we are sharing here, but these are the main benefits:

  • Creating immunity and prevention for Covid itself and includes the variants/mutations of the SARS CoV2 Virus.
  • Brings in support and healing for your immune system, increasing your immune function.
  • Assists your body in detoxing COVID-19 vaccine toxins and includes all vaccines that are available today.
  • Reduces “reactions”, and risk of reaction to the vaccines.
  • Provides protection against the toxic effects of the vaccine.
  • Assists in clearing potential toxins or toxic effects from the vaccines that are in our environment.
  • Clears vaccine trauma held in the body and cellular memory from this lifetime, through all lifetimes, timelines, realities and dimensions.
  • Clears trauma around and with masks, control, and being “silenced” which is getting triggered for so many. Contains healing support for the throat Chakra, and your ability to express your truth.
  • Clears low vibrational emotions connected to Covid and the vaccines like fear, anger, confusion, stress, anxiety, any emotions you are holding in your body and energy bodies that are part of all that has been going on with this in the collective.   
  • Assists in de-activating, releasing and calming down the inflammation from pathogens in the body that are being activated by the SARS Viruses as well as the Covid Vaccines which has been and continues to dramatically comprise the immune health of so many.  Viruses like Epstein Barr, bacteria that are the cause of Lyme disease, and other pathogens that generally compromise the lungs, throat, and sinuses like the Tuberculinum and Pnumoniacococcnum bacteria, to name a few of the ones we are most commonly seeing.   
  • Clears allergies to all vaccines that Kimberlie Carlson has available in her very extensive allergy healing kits. So you can use this healing tool to heal the body, release toxins and calm down inflammatory patterns that are a result of other common vaccines.   

I’m Ready to Upgrade My Immune Health!


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Hi! My name is Kimberlie Carlson and I am the Founder and Creator of Energetic Allergy Healing. 

As a multidemensional healer and teacher who is passionate and driven to help and support people in creating the health and wellness that is their Divine right, I am very dedicated to bringing through powerful healing that focuses on clearing allergies and inflammation in the body as this is KEY to creating vibrant health.

The deeper I have journeyed into this work, working with thousands of clients over the past several years, one thing has become very evident…..illness, inflammation, and all matter of pain and health issues very often have pathogen patterns that are part of that story AND we can work with pathogens, resolving pathogen patterns effectively on the energetic level…..

The work that I do using the spiritual healing tools that make up my modality, Energetic Allergy Healing, specifically act as a healing agent for illness, pain and disease on many levels and pathogens are a BIG focus of this modality.

This modality has helped to free so many from their battle with their health do to Lyme bacteria and also with viruses like the infamous Epstein Barr, and so many other pathogens, that it is a perfect way to also address the Coronavirus is affecting people across the globe. 

What has also become undeniably evident is that those that I work with who have various immune health challenges….HEAL…

This package combines my 20 + years of knowledge and experience with energy work as well as my studies of allergies, the immune system itself, nutrition, homeopathy, pathology, anatomy, physiology and more.

Energetic Allergy Healing Testimonials

I was really happy to have the Miracle Healing Program as I was dealing with covid last week. It helped me greatly to hardly get sick. In just 4 days I was well again! 💜🌈✨(She used the Immune Support RX healing for this which is in this package)
~Maria Abrahamsz
This work has helped My daughters stay healthy during the school year when Viruses and Bacterias are flying around, or if they do pick something up, they recover much faster and we never need to go to the Dr.!

I love Kimberlie and I love this modality!
~Jen Carder
I just wanted to sing Kimberlie’s praises! I reached out to her last week when I had food poisoning (I was SO sick!) and she did a remote session with me ( I was at DisneyLand on a family vacation) and I felt 100% better when I woke up the next day! I love working with Kim and I think her modality is pure magic!
~Stacy Spain
Thanks Kim! I forgot to tell you that my gums healed up without antibiotics from the healing recording you made for me!
~ Lisa Liacobitti
Thank you so much for offering these healing energies! I have been sick all week and purchased the EAH Immune RX Attunement (Immune Support + Energetic Immunity for Covid Package). This has been a powerful support this week and I am recovering in record time! I know it will be super-helpful for many in the days ahead! Thank you again for the amazing healing work you're offering! I'm so grateful to work with you! 💕❤💕
~ Ann Baber Fleenor
I listened to this last night and felt an instant change in my usually always inflamed sinuses! I could actually breathe better! Thank you! ❤ (Jayne had just listened to the Environmentals Detox Healing)
~ Jayne Dietrich
After listening to your allergy clearing for environmental agents I can work in the yard. I cut all the blackberries that came in, I came back in for lunch, and nothing! No allergy symptoms whatsoever!
~ Nicole Sanchez
"I want everyone to know how much I use and love Kimberlie's programs! The EAH is my "go to" whenever I feel out of sorts or went overboard with things I should not have done or eaten! I am a single lady 71 years young and only use it for myself, but absolutely know all of Kim's work has kept me happy and healthy! The programs are so advanced and no stone is left unturned with the work! I am sooooo blessed to have found Kim and grateful everyday! You can't go wrong working with Kim!
~ Cynthia Marshall

I’m Ready to Upgrade My Immune Health!


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$ 135
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FREE Webinar: Living Allergy and
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Energetic Allergy Healing + HeartMath: Compassion Meditation

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The Magic of Allergy Healing: Become your own Master Allergy and Inflammation Healer

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FREE Masterclass: Healing the Thyroid, Adrenals and Endocrine System

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CoCreating Sacred Union in 2019

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FREE Webinar: Creating your energetic foundation so that You Can Have It All

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