- Soul Trauma Healing – This healing: Clears trauma and wounds from trauma, cellular memory of trauma, old trauma, soul level or past life trauma. We tend to carry this type of trauma in the master glands in the brain, but it can affect any part of the body and be creating allergies and inflammation in unique ways for different people. Brings in beautiful healing light to calm and heal the places and parts of you where the trauma patterns are being cleared.
Resolving and Dissolving anywhere you have to hold trauma, keep it, bury it, store it, anywhere you aren’t allowed to release Soul Trauma, past life trauma and let it go, including all Oaths, Vows and Contracts to live this way, believe this way or feel this way.
Downloading that you are worthy and allowed to release soul trauma and past life trauma and that you know how to do that in the highest and best way.
Includes Allergy Healing for soul trauma, past life trauma, love, the Self, God, grief, emotional, mental, physical and spiritual/soul wounds, forgiveness, and all beings involved with the trauma stories being healed here through all time, the hypothalamus, pituitary, and pineal glands, the brain, heart, and nervous system.
- Inner Child Allergy Release – This healing: Clears trauma at specific ages, the priority age where trauma is trapped/stuck and clears the trauma, programming and stuck emotions from those experiences, and heals allergies to yourself at those ages.
It then brings in an integration of the inner child to create wholeness.
Clears one age/trauma at a time, so listen once a week and repeat several times over several weeks or as often as you feel guided.
Includes allergy healing for: the people, events and places kit, the spiritual kit, all parts and aspects of the Self, the inner child at the age that the trauma is being cleared from, and all involved with the trauma being healed here, the brain, heart, nervous system, Cells/DNA/RNA.
- Sexual Abuse Trauma Release – This healing: Clears trauma, shock, pain and suffering from sexual abuse on all levels, from the DNA, from all Parts and Aspects of the individual receiving this healing.
It also resolves oaths, vows, and contracts to learn, grow, or spiritually evolve from sexual abuse, resolving the shame, guilt, unforgiveness, hatred, anger, resentment, regret, remorse, grief, sadness, sorrow, blame, heartbreak, confusion, dislike, unworthiness, depression, hopelessness, helplessness, low self worth, and all other low vibrational emotions stored from these experiences.
Resolving all oaths, vows, and contracts to take on, hold and process sexual abuse trauma for your mother and your female lineage, for your father and your male lineage, for the collective, for women as a group or as a whole, for men as a group or as whole, or for children as a group or as a whole.
Clearing these energies and patterns within your DNA, your ancestral lines.
This Healing also provides deep relationship healing with the individual/s receiving this healing with all who have sexually abused the individual receiving this healing.
Includes allergy healing for the Self, God, the abuser/s, sexual abuse, including rape trauma, molestation trauma, sexual slavery trauma, sexual entrapment trauma, prostitute/prostitution trauma, sexual manipulation trauma, sexual repression trauma, sexual suppression trauma, sexual control trauma, sexual ownership trauma, sexual experimentation trauma, anger, rage, confusion, love, joy, humiliation, condemned, resentment, shame, guilt, unforgiveness, hatred, regret, remorse, grief, sadness, sorrow, blame, heartbreak, confusion, shame, guilt, dislike, unworthiness, depression, hopelessness, helplessness, and low self worth, sex, all parts of the female and male sexual organs/parts of the body, orgasm, ejaculation, pleasure, desire, fear, receiving, tension, anxiety, sexual tension, sexual frustration, sexual anxiety, sexual stress, sexual confusion, sexual overwhelm, sexual fear, sexual anger.
Relationship Trauma Release – This healing:
This healing tool is clearing abuse, loss, abandonment, rejection, and other relationship pain patterns across all time across all time, all lifetimes, realities, dimensions.
Resolving and dissolving unhealthy contracts, oaths, vows, and obligations we have made to experience this with specific people, like our partners, our children, our siblings, our parents as well as any relationship you direct this healing to.
It is dissolving hooks, cords and attachments within these connections that are creating entanglement, confusion, inflammation in the body, and draining our energy.
But it goes even further than that! We are connected to everyone and everything through the field of connection, although this is a deep topic that is fascinating to explore, put simply and in a way that can help you understand the vast ways you can use this healing tool.….we are in relationship with and to everyone and everything!
You can direct this healing specific relationships between two or more people, or between an individual and a part of the body (organ, gland, cell, etc.), or between an individual and an object, food, or traumatic event, a pathogen. Just hold the person, place, thing or event in your mind as you are listening to this healing.
This healing is layered with spiritual technologies to assist in dissolving those negative attachments, entanglements, and other distorted energies in our relationships AND to heal the parts of SELF that we’ve fragmented off from in our relationships, bringing us into wholeness, expanded personal sacred power, and bringing in deep forgiveness for all involved to powerfully heal our relationships!
Includes an Energetic Allergy Healing for the individual receiving this healing and the priority person/being/relationship/things needed as identified by Creator and the individual receiving’s Divine Aspect, The Self, God, Mother, Father, husband, wife, lover, your Ex’s, boyfriend/girlfriend, our children, siblings, family, relationships, love, trauma, loss, confusion, abandonment, rejection, heartbreak, grief, sorrow and sadness, shock, trauma, chaos, and drama, anger, hate, resentment, guilt, shame, unforgiveness, the heart, vascular system, DNA, RNA, brain, and nervous system.
- Battle and War Trauma – This healing:
Is resolving and healing lifetimes of battle and war programming, anywhere we have to be on high alert, ready to defend our life or the lives of loved ones at any given moment. Dissolving the trauma from lifetimes of battle and war, trauma from terror, panic, fear, of being in high stress, of witnessing carnage, suffering, mass destruction of human life, and the trauma from dying in battles and wars, from losing loved ones in battle and war.
Resolving Oaths, Vows and Contracts to sacrifice ourselves for church and state, our governments and world leaders, and/or for God, to fight their battles, and again, all trauma we are holding from all times we have done this.
This healing is also clearing trauma we are holding from conflicts, and fights or feuds within your family.
It includes deep relationship healing work between you and your family members where this is happening or has happened in the past.
Clearing trauma and other energies around being in the middle, being the peacemaker, being responsible for keeping the peace in the family.
It also includes deep relationship healing work for you with your own SELF, the parts and aspects of self you have fragmented off from, that have been wounded and traumatized from these types of experiences, healing and bringing these parts and aspects of self back for integration, wholeness, and expansion of sovereignty.
It is also clearing trauma from our own inner battles, inner war between our own thoughts and feelings, our own brain and heart, our own emotional and mental bodies, or from being in a state of constant inner turmoil and conflict.
Includes Allergy Healing for all parts and Aspects of Self that have been wounded, traumatized, distorted and fragmented off from Self from experiences of battles and wars fought in all timelines, realities, dimensions, through all time and in between time, battle, war, conflict, overwhelm, stress, sorrow, grief, guilt, sadness, loss, anger, rage, unforgiveness, love, forgiveness, trust, unworthy, fear, terror, panic, shock, hatred, prejudice, the adrenal glands, the brain, heart, nervous system, cells/DNA/RNA, skeletal kit, organs kits, glands kits.
- Death Trauma – This healing is:
Clearing trauma from pain and suffering experienced during the death process, dissolving shock, panic, terror, grief, anger, rage from all cells, organs, glands, nervous system, heart, brain, chakras, and subtle bodies from all lifetimes, timelines and dimensions for our own death experiences, and also for losing a loved one in death, or the trauma from witnessing a death.
It includes deep relationship healing for you with the person/s, place or thing you have lost in death or are mourning that is unresolved in this lifetime, and/or another lifetime, reality, dimension, timeline.
You can run this for any death, or death process you are mourning or holding trauma from, a pet, a plant, a tree, a nation, a country, even a divorce, or loss of someone or something that you love that may be for another reason, but feels like a death. Just hold that person, place or thing in your mind as you are receiving this healing.
Includes allergy healing for death, the death process, death and death process trauma, spiritual kit, people, places and events kit, all trauma, emotions, and energies that vibrate at a frequency that is less than love that is being held from your own death experience, and/or from losing others in death or witnessing death and the death process, for the people, place or thing we feel we have lost in death, the brain, heart, nervous system, cells/DNA/RNA, skeletal kit, organs kits, glands kits, metabolic enzymes/digestive enzymes, blood tissues, the head kit, funerals, funeral homes, graveyards, graves, tombstones, burial grounds, cremation, caskets, tombstones, cremation, priests, pastors, religion/s, God, churches, and burial.
- Accident/Injury Trauma – This healing is:
Assisting you and your body in recovery from accidents and injuries on all levels; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Releasing you from the patterns that can and often do create these types of experiences in your life.
Clearing the cellular memory of pain that you are holding from these experiences from your nervous system and body.
Resolving and healing all trauma, shock, panic, chaos and drama from accidents and injuries we experience from falls, collisions, wrecks, drowning, or any accident that caused injury, pain, and suffering in our body and life dissolving shock, panic, terror, grief, anger, rage from all cells, organs, glands, nervous system, heart, brain, chakras, and subtle bodies from all lifetimes, timelines and dimensions.
This healing also contains deep relationship healing for you with the person/s, place or things involved in the accident and injury being cleared each time this healing is run.
It’s also clearing klutz pattern and programming like I am Clumsy/a klutz, anywhere I am accident prone, anywhere I am an idiot, I am dumb, incapable, inadequate, unworthy, or stupid, anywhere I am unteachable, I am unlovable, anywhere bad things always happen to me, I am cursed, or will never learn, I hurt myself, I hurt other people, I am bad, wrong, evil, can’t do anything right, anywhere I am unforgivable and more.
Includes allergy healing for accidents, injuries, pain, suffering, accident trauma, injury trauma, spiritual kit, people, places and events kit, emotions/feelings kit, klutz, clumsy, dumb, stupid, idiotic, wrong, accident prone, transportation kit, the home kit, animal kit, insect kit, all trauma, emotions, and energies that vibrate at a frequency that is less than love that we are holding from our own accident and injury experiences, and/or from witnessing accidents and injury of another, the brain, heart, nervous system, cells/DNA/RNA, skeletal kit, organs kits, glands kits, metabolic enzymes/digestive enzymes, vascular system, the head kit (ears, nose, throut, mouth).
- Neglect Trauma Release – This healing is:
Clearing trauma that you are holding from experiences of neglect, or from the absence of being recognized, from being seen, heard, nurtured, loved and cared for.
Clearing trauma and programming of feeling neglected, overlooked, like you don’t matter, of feeling unimportant, or like you don’t even exist, or from being a latch key kid, having to grow up before it was time, and patterns of unworthiness that often come from these experiences.
Clearing programming like – I matter less than everyone else, I am invisible, I am unlovable, I am unworthy of love, of nourishment, care, compassion, kindness, nurturing, recognition, forgiveness, respect. I come last, I am a sacrifice, I am a burden, I am disposable, I am not good enough, or enough, everyone else is more important than me, is better than me, is more worthy than me. Anywhere I am hated, cursed, bad, wrong or evil, anywhere I am unwanted, undesirable, unlikable, untrustworthy, guilty, I am eternally punished, I am left out, I am alone, I am ignored, I am an outsider, and/or I don’t belong and more.
It’s also bringing in deep relationship healing for those who have been or are part of these neglect experiences, who have made you feel this way, and it’s also healing your relationship with yourself, the parts and aspects of SELF that we fragmented off from because of these experiences to bring you back into wholeness and sovereignty.
Includes an allergy healing for: neglect, love, unloved, emotional pain, mental pain, physical pain, spiritual pain, suffering, neglect trauma, malnourished, spiritual kit, people, places and events kit, emotions/feelings kit, environmental factors kit, all trauma, emotions, and energies that vibrate at a frequency that is less than love that we are holding from our neglect experiences, the brain, heart, nervous system, cells/DNA/RNA, skeletal kit, organs kits, glands kits, metabolic enzymes/digestive enzymes, blood tissues, the head kit.
- Psychological Abuse Trauma – This healing is: Clearing trauma from gas lighting experiences, narcissism, crazy making, and all forms of psychological abuse, mental abuse, mind control and mind manipulation we have experienced in all relationships in this lifetime and all lifetimes, realities and dimensions.
Clearing programming created or taken on from these experiences, and trapped emotions that are being held from these experiences and restoring or rebalancing of the brain and mental body.
Dissolving Oaths, vows and Contracts to attract these types of experiences and relationships to learn, grow or spiritually evolve.
Healing the mental body and brain where injury has occurred due to psychological abuse, and is also assisting in balancing your brain chemicals.
Includes relationship healing between those we have experienced this with, and includes entity healing as well, as we will often take on entities from people like this when we are in relationship with them, and can still have them with us even after the relationship has ended.
Includes a Sacred Light Filter that is attuned to the abuser/narcissist and any entities that they are connected to bring in powerful purification and protection for you on all levels extending out and around your biofield.
Includes allergy healing for narcissism, narcissistic behaviors, narcissism trauma, the narcissist and/or abuser that abused the individual receiving this healing, brain trauma, mental trauma, mental abuse trauma, mind control trauma, mind control abuse, psychological abuse, psychological trauma, mental body, mind, brain and brain tissues, guilt, shame, fear, terror, panic, resentment, anger, hatred, rage, and unforgiveness, spiritual kit, people, places and events kit, emotions/feelings kit, environmental factors kit, all trauma, emotions, and energies that vibrate at a frequency that is less than love held from psychological and mental abuse experiences, the heart, brain, nervous system, cells/DNA/RNA, skeletal kit, organs kits, glands kits, metabolic enzymes/digestive enzymes, the head kit.