Healing Your Relationships to Restore Health & Happiness

Expansion Kit

Class Begins February 26th, 2025

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Transform Your Practice with 54+ Proven Advanced Healing Tools

Including NEW Deep Relationship Healing 12 and Additional Relationship Tools Being Added!

In today's world of increasing challenges, these profound healing tools incorporate advanced techniques and processes that offer more than just clearing and protection - they provide a pathway to lasting transformation. Through sophisticated healing protocols and deep inner work, these tools clear dense and distorted energy patterns from your field and cells, exponentially increasing your capacity to hold light in your body and energy field. This enhanced light-holding capacity creates a natural energetic shield, establishing boundaries that serve at a much higher level than before.

This comprehensive collection of proven healing tools, successfully used by practitioners worldwide since its first release last year, doesn't just help you navigate challenges - it fundamentally transforms your relationship with both your inner and outer environment. As you clear deeper layers of distortion and density, you naturally become more resilient, protected, and empowered in all aspects of your life.

Kimberlie Carlson

A Personal Message From Your Teacher

To my beloved practitioners and students, you already know that creating and sharing these healing tools is more than just my profession – it's my heart's calling and soul's purpose. Your dedication to this work inspires me to continue expanding and evolving these healing technologies, bringing forth new tools that reflect our growing understanding of multidimensional healing.

I see the pure love and light in each of you, and my greatest joy is witnessing you expand your healing capabilities and embrace the brilliance within. Whether you're supporting clients or focusing on personal and family healing, my commitment is to continue developing comprehensive tools that complement your existing practice and support ever-deeper levels of transformation.

These advanced tools represent another facet of our expansive healing system, incorporating complex clearing techniques and accelerated healing pathways. When I witness you discovering new dimensions of your potential and sharing these gifts with others, I know I'm fulfilling my soul's mission to serve humanity's awakening.

As you incorporate these healing technologies into your practice, know that my dedication to supporting your growth and expansion remains unwavering. Together, we continue to elevate the field of energetic healing and create profound transformation in our world.

Your Transformational Journey Begins Here

This immersive 3-week experience is thoughtfully designed to give you mastery of a comprehensive healing toolkit. Each tool builds upon the next, allowing you to integrate these powerful healing technologies at a pace that supports deep embodiment and confident application.

Transform Your Relationships & Life Experience

Resolve Complex Allergies

Clear stubborn allergies and reverse chronic inflammation to restore your body's natural state of health and vitality

Profound Shifts

Experience profound shifts in both personal and professional relationships, creating a more fulfilling life experience

Healthy Boundaries

Develop natural, healthy boundaries that enhance all your connections without effort

Aligned Opportunities

Attract aligned opportunities and experiences that resonate with your authentic self

Authentic Relationships

Build deeper, more authentic relationships while naturally releasing connections that no longer serve your highest good


Transform how you relate to yourself, creating a foundation for lasting positive change in all areas of life

54 Advanced Healing Tools

Over 3 weeks together you will become trained in and given 54 EAH Healing tools to work and play with!

Below you'll find the complete collection of healing tools included in this training. Each one represents a sophisticated healing technology incorporating advanced techniques and multidimensional clearing processes. Take a moment to explore the depth and breadth of what's available to you:

Transform your relationship with your body through this comprehensive healing series, featuring 12 powerful healing tools that combine energetic allergy healing (EAH), spiritual technologies, and sacred light healing tools. This unique and comprehensive approach addresses every major body system while working simultaneously on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.
Each module delivers deep trauma clearing from current and past lifetimes, removes limiting beliefs, and installs empowering new patterns. The series includes targeted pathogen cleansing, system-specific allergy healing, and essential nutrient optimization. Through emotional pattern healing and deep relationship work with each body system, you’ll experience profound transformation and healing.
The series includes specialized modules for your digestive, nervous, endocrine, integumentary, skeletal, reproductive, cardiovascular, lymphatic/immune, respiratory, and urinary systems, bookended by foundational body relationship work and complete systems integration. Whether you’re addressing specific health concerns or seeking overall wellness, this comprehensive healing series offers powerful tools for restoration and revitalization.” before the 12 listed out tools.

The 12 Healing Tools:

  1. Foundational Body Relationship Healing
    • Addresses overall body relationship trauma and programming
    • Clears body shame, disease trauma, and dysfunction patterns
    • Installs positive body connection and acceptance downloads
    • Includes multiple supporting healing tools for comprehensive healing
  2. Digestive System Healing
    • Complete gastrointestinal system support
    • Gut-brain axis optimization
    • Microbiome harmony restoration
    • Includes 7-14 day intensive healing protocol option
  3. Nervous System and Brain Healing
    • Brain hemisphere balancing
    • Neurotransmitter optimization
    • Mental health support
    • Sensory processing enhancement
  4. Endocrine System Healing
    • Hormone balance restoration
    • HPA axis communication optimization
    • Glandular function support
    • Comprehensive endocrine healing
  5. Integumentary System Healing
    • Skin, hair, and nail support
    • Exocrine system optimization
    • Immune barrier strengthening
    • Temperature regulation enhancement
  6. Skeletal System Healing
    • Bone and joint support
    • Structural integrity enhancement
    • Physical trauma healing
    • Foundation strengthening work
  7. Reproductive System Healing
    • Complete reproductive organ support
    • Sexual health optimization
    • Trauma healing and emotional clearing
    • Hormone balance restoration
  8. Cardiovascular System Healing
    • Heart and blood vessel support
    • Circulation optimization
    • Emotional heart healing
    • Deep grief and trauma clearing
  9. Lymphatic/Immune System Healing
    • Immune function enhancement
    • Lymphatic flow optimization
    • Pathogen resistance building
    • Prevention and protection support
  10. Respiratory System Healing
    • Breathing optimization
    • Lung capacity enhancement
    • Respiratory inflammation clearing
    • Air pathway support
  11. Urinary System Healing
    • Kidney and bladder support
    • Urinary tract health optimization
    • Infection prevention and healing
    • Emotional clearing work
  12. Body Systems Integration
    • System synchronization
    • Overall body harmony
    • Complete healing integration
    • Wholistic body relationship restoration

Series Foundation

The Deep Relationship Healing Series builds upon the Relationship Trauma Release (my first relationship healing tool creation) foundation, creating a comprehensive system for healing relationship patterns across time, space, and dimensions. Each tool works specifically with the relationship you direct it to, addressing how past experiences, trauma, and patterns manifest in your current connection. The series systematically clears energetic hooks, cords, and attachments that create negative entanglements between people, as well as oaths, vows, and contracts that may be creating resistance, disconnection, and separation in your relationships.
These tools recognize that current relationship challenges often stem from multiple sources: past life experiences, ancestral patterns, childhood trauma, and energetic imprints. A crucial understanding in this work is that we can literally be allergic to people, with these allergies manifesting as physical symptoms, inflammation, pain, and even disease in the body. These “people allergies” are often created by distorted energy patterns, negative entanglements, and unresolved trauma within relationships.
Physical symptoms, emotional patterns, and relationship difficulties in the present moment may be triggered by unresolved experiences from other times, dimensions, or relationships. The series works to clear these distorted energy patterns, including those bound with conditions, unhealthy expectations, limitations, and obligation. Each tool identifies and heals these patterns where they appear in your current relationships, while simultaneously dissolving the energetic entanglements that keep old patterns locked in place and create physical health challenges.

Core Purpose

This series is designed to quickly clean up energies and patterns creating disharmony, pain, and anguish in relationships. It works on multiple levels to:
  • Dissolve negative energetic entanglements and attachments
  • Clear distorted love patterns and conditioning
  • Release unhealthy oaths, vows, and contracts
  • Transform relationship allergies and their physical manifestations
  • Heal deep core trauma and emotional wounds
  • Restore natural energetic boundaries
  • Support the emergence of pure, unconditional love
  • Clear inflammation and disease patterns triggered by relationship dynamics
  • Transform relationship-based immune responses in the body
Tool Progression
Deep Relationship Healing 1: Foundation Setting & Energetic Integration
This foundational tool works deeply with the thyroid gland and throat chakra system, addressing the profound connection between relationship patterns and our ability to express truth. When relationship dynamics have created patterns of suppression or silence, these manifest physically in the throat chakra and thyroid function. The healing works simultaneously to clear blocked energy, release fears around self-expression, and transform patterns of suppression within the specific relationship you’re focusing on.
Deep Relationship Healing 2: Deep Glandular & Soul-Level Healing
Working with the master glands, this tool addresses soul-level and past-life relationship trauma stored in the body’s glandular systems. The master glands hold past-life relationship patterns, while the adrenals store relationship-based stress and fear, and the thymus carries heart-centered trauma. This tool creates a healing matrix that releases these patterns specifically within the context of your current relationship.
Deep Relationship Healing 3: Death & Loss Pattern Integration
This tool addresses the deep grief and trauma patterns that emerge when souls who have experienced loss together in past lives reconnect in the present. When you’ve lost someone you love in a past life through death, war, or accidents, those memories can create unconscious fears and patterns in your current relationship with them. This healing works to release these historical trauma imprints, allowing for deeper trust and connection in your present relationship.
Deep Relationship Healing 4: Lost Love Pattern Transformation
Focusing on the complex emotional patterns of lost love, this tool heals the deep grief, heartbreak, and separation wounds that can affect current relationships. Whether from past life divorces, forced separations, or unrequited love, these patterns often resurface in present relationships, creating fear of abandonment or resistance to deep connection. This healing transforms these patterns, allowing for new possibilities in your current relationship.
Deep Relationship Healing 5: Sexual Relationship Pattern Healing
This tool addresses sexual trauma patterns that may be triggering challenges in your current relationship. It works with both past and present life sexual abuse trauma, clearing the energetic imprints that can create physical symptoms, emotional triggers, and intimacy barriers. The healing supports both physical wellness and emotional safety within your relationship.
Deep Relationship Healing 6: Power Dynamic Transformation
Working with patterns of power imbalance and boundary violation, this tool helps restore personal sovereignty within relationships. It addresses how past experiences of power abuse may be manifesting in current relationship dynamics, helping to establish healthy boundaries while maintaining connection. The healing supports both individuals in reclaiming their personal power while creating balanced, respectful relationships.
Deep Relationship Healing 7: Ancestral & Birth Pattern Clearing
This tool addresses how maternal and paternal wounding, birth trauma, and womb experiences affect your current relationships. It recognizes that these early and ancestral patterns often get triggered or played out in present relationships, creating unconscious reactions and dynamics. The healing works to clear these deep imprints while supporting new, healthier patterns of connection.
Deep Relationship Healing 8: Mental & Psychological Pattern Release
Focusing on patterns of mental and psychological abuse, this tool addresses how past experiences with manipulation, gaslighting, and narcissistic dynamics may be triggering responses in your current relationship. Whether from direct experience or past trauma being mirrored, this healing works to clear these patterns and support clear, honest communication.
Deep Relationship Healing 9: Physical Trauma Pattern Integration
This tool works specifically with physical abuse trauma patterns that may be affecting your current relationship. Whether from direct experience or triggered memories, these patterns can create physical and emotional barriers to intimacy and trust. The healing supports releasing these trauma imprints while building new patterns of safety and security.
Deep Relationship Healing 10: Spiritual Freedom Restoration
Addressing patterns of spiritual and religious abuse, this tool helps clear how past experiences of spiritual control or religious trauma may be affecting your current relationship dynamics. It supports releasing conditioning around spiritual conformity while fostering authentic spiritual connection within relationships.
Deep Relationship Healing 11: Higher Heart Activation
Working differently than previous tools, this healing focuses on activating your higher heart and emotional heart centers. It anchors pure love frequencies and joy within your relationship, helping to activate and strengthen soul-level memories of unconditional love between you and the person you’re directing the healing toward. This creates a foundation for experiencing higher forms of love in your present connection.
Deep Relationship Healing 12: Multi-Dimensional Chamber Healing
This tool utilizes a unique system of specialized healing chambers – the Relationship Healing Chamber, Physical Recovery Chamber, Emotional Recovery Chamber, and Mental Recovery Chamber. Each chamber creates a specific healing environment: the Relationship Chamber addresses core connection patterns, the Physical Chamber supports bodily healing, the Emotional Chamber processes deep feelings, the Mental Chamber clears thought patterns, and the Protection Orb maintains energetic boundaries. Working together, these chambers create a comprehensive healing space that addresses all aspects of your relationship simultaneously while activating cellular memories of pure, undistorted love between souls.

Integration and Usage

Each tool builds upon the others while maintaining its unique focus, allowing you to address specific relationship patterns as they arise. Tools can be used individually or in sequence, depending on what patterns are most active in your relationship. Regular use supports ongoing transformation and healing, gradually replacing old patterns with new possibilities for connection and love.

This healing is unwinding, clearing and healing trauma, including cellular memories, conscious and unconscious trauma, along with other distorted emotions and programming created from a long list of types of trauma we experience as humans on this planet and me be holding from our direct experiences, past life experiences, or that we have taken on genetically, or perhaps taken on from the collective or Mother Earth herself.

Clearing beliefs, emotions and other energy patterns that are causing you to disconnect from the earth, to feel even an aversion or general resistance to different aspects of our planet, creating the experience of rejecting or cutting yourself off from the abundance and healing she offers you.

When we are in this state we will have allergies to many things that are nature or earth related, like essential minerals, animals, water, the earth’s atmosphere, pollens, vitamins, proteins, microorganisms and more and we also will struggle with getting into our body and getting grounded to which we are fairly educated on the importance of grounding at this day and age.

This is an essential relationship for us all, one that can make our experiences here either easier or harder, of feeling healthy and good energy levels or feeling bad and depleted. Healing and restoring the intricacies of our many connections to Mother Earth is foundational to creating a life that shifts from surviving to thriving.

This healing is working through the layers and complexities so many of us need to heal our relationship with Mother Earth, with Gaia herself bringing peace, harmony, stability, security, healing and balance to our body and life and ultimately opening us up to greater abundance in all the ways we desire.

It also contains Deep Relationship Healing for you with your own mother, for you with your own Mother aspect of SELF, for you with Divine Mother, The Divine Sacred Feminine, your Female ancestral lineage, so your grandmother, great mother, great great grandmother, your grandmother on your fathers side, and her ancestral lineage, your great grandmother etc as our relationship with the feminine, with our own mothers often plays into how well we connect or don’t connect with Mother Gaia.

This healing contains allergy healing for: the earth, for GAIA, for my earth elements, minerals and metals allergy kit, calcium, iron, allergy combinations, environmental factors, radiation, spiritual kit, emotions/feelings kit, people, places and events kit, some parts of the body; organs, the brain, the heart, glands, including the thyroid, nervous system, immune system, vascular system, and the skeletal system

This healing tool has come in to create huge shifts in our body and lives.

It is working to heal our relationship with God/Creator/Source in many different ways.

It’s clearing misaligned or untrue programming about God/Creator/Source, it’s clearing distorted energy patterns within these connections to create flow, to create harmony to open up our communication pathways within these essential relationships.

It’s also accomplishing something else that is crucial for us to thrive, to own our sacred power…it’s healing our relationship, our connections with our own God/Creator/Source/Divine SELF so that we can move forward creating our lives and assisting others from the greatest or highest perspective, intention and Sovereignty.

And we are working with other points of personal power as well, other words that hold meaning that are also vital to be in harmony with or aligned with like, The Divine, God Consciousness, Source of Source, Pure Creation Energy/Iridescent Source Love Light, the Divine Mother, the Divine Father, the Divine Child, the Divine Feminine/Divine Masculine, Sovereignty, Universiversal Intelligence, Cosmic Consciousness, Unity/Oneness Consciousness.

And other words that hold meaning that are also vital to be aligned with like your Divine Aspect of SELF, your Higher Self, all Higher Aspects of Self, your Higher Guidance Systems, your I AM Presence, Sovereignty, Sacred Personal Power, your multidimensional SELF, your Cosmic SELF, your Starseed SELF, your starseed place of origin, your starseed family, and your Soul place of Origin.

All to assist us to expand and increase our ability to EMBODY Sovereignty!

Contains Allergy Healing for: God/Creator/Source/The Divine/God Consciousness, Source of Source, Pure Creation Energy/Iridescent Source Love Light, Sovereignty/Universiversal Intelligence, Cosmic Consciousness, Unity/Oneness Consciousness, The Divine Mother/The Divine Father/The Divine Child, Divine Feminine/Divine Masculine, your Higher Aspects of Self, your own Sovereign Sacred Personal Power, your God/Creator/Source/Divine Aspects of SELF and more…

When we ponder the universe, it often brings us into deep thoughts about who we are, and more importantly what we are.

If we want to live in deep harmony with the universe, and we do if we want to feel good, be healthy, understand our own sacred power, and enjoy our human experience.

To help understand and connect more deeply with this healing, I’m going to start this description by sharing some of my favorite quotes….

The Cosmos is within us. We are made of star stuff.” 

“Everything amazing about the universe is inside of you, and the two are inseparable.” — Carl Sagan

“Everything you’ll ever need to know is within you; the secrets of the universe are imprinted on the cells of your body.” — Dan Millman

“The Universe is saying: ‘Allow me to flow through you unrestricted, and you will see the greatest magic you have ever seen.’” — Klaus Joehle

These quotes about the universe are all about: belonging, unity, connection, wholeness, miracles, hope, and mystery, and they are also about YOU!

This incredible multifaceted healing contains many components to bring healing through for you in many ways, by healing your relationship with the Universe.

  • It is clearing allergies to the elements that make up our planet, Earth’s Atmosphere, our solar system and universe to calm inflammation and heal the body.
  • It is clearing programming, beliefs, trauma, emotions and other low vibrational energies that you are holding that have created resistance within you to elements and other energies that make up our universe.
  • It is clearing starseed trauma, and emotions many carry, like grief, sadness, loss, a feeling of not belonging, a deep longing for a place, a home that you can’t explain.
  • It is bringing in the frequencies and feelings of belonging, unity, connection, wholeness, miracles, hope, wonder, awe and mystery and harmonizing you with these patterns so you can open to the where you need it and begin to live more in these supportive positive states of being.
  • It is filtering out “junk” energies that are around you (I refer to this as the noise of the collective, noise of the universe) to reduce confusion and overwhelm in our body and energy bodies. 

It also clearing resistance and bringing you into harmony with the laws that govern our universe so that you can live with more peace, stability, balance and all levels, emotional, mental, spiritual and physical, like:

The Law of Divine Oneness
The Law of Vibration
The Law of Correspondence
The the Law of Gravity
The Law of Attraction
The Law of Inspired Action
The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
The Law of Cause and Effect
The Law of Compensation
The Law of Polarity
The Law of Gravity
The Law of Time and more

This is the perfect healing partner to Healing Your Relationship with Nature, Healing Your Relationship with Your Home, Healing Your Relationship with Water, and the Environmentals Detox Healing, as it clears common environmental allergies like molds, fungus, parasites, dust, detergents, fabrics and materials, fragrance and perfumes, pollution, plastics/plasticizers, PFA’s, radiation, and other hazardous substances found in our environment and in our body.

When we work with this modality to clear allergies to these substances, it calms down inflammation so the body can heal, it also allows the body to begin releasing stored toxins from our body which also calms down inflammation and allows the body to heal itself.

It’s also clearing allergies to vitamins and minerals that support cellular health and the elimination of toxins like Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and magnesium. This is so important, most people are allergic to these essential nutrients and when we are, we are unable to absorb them properly and we become deficient, often dangerously deficient. Vitamin and mineral levels improve with this work, another reason this modality reduces inflammation and heals diseases and dysfunction.

This healing is clearing commonly held beliefs and trauma connected to energies/things in our environment and bringing in powerful downloads to partner with the allergy healing to align you with the experience of living and being in harmony, peace and balance with your internal and external environment.

This modality is working with many Spiritual Technologies as well to bring deep healing and transformation to our body and life, one way they are accomplishing this in this healing is by creating a filtering-like action, filtering out low vibrational emotions like anger, rage, resentment, unforgiveness, shame, guilt, grief, and unworthiness, to negativity (negative frequencies and patterns) that are in your environment that are coming from sources outside of yourself, other people and objects that are in your environment that you have taken on or that have infiltrated your body and energy bodies.

All to bring you into greater harmony with your internal and external environment.

There are also many allergies being cleared here, including the following:
Dust, proteins, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, magnesium, calcium, iron,molds/fungus, parasites, water, fabrics/materials, detergents, fragrance and perfumes, plastics/plasticisers, radiation, pollution, smoke, and more.

Many people are actually allergic to water and this creates all kinds of health issues as your body isn’t getting properly hydrated when you are allergic to water or flushing out toxins effectively + it’s creating inflammation in the body on top of that.

This healing is clearing allergies to water in general, but also to the oceans and ocean vegetation along with marine life (including seafood, fish and shellfish allergies), along with other planetary bodies of water.

It is also clearing allergies to many earth elements and minerals as this usually goes hand in hand with a water allergy and is essential for proper absorption of water and minerals, detoxification, electrolyte balance, and hydration.

It goes deep into healing ALL KINDS of water-related trauma, connected emotions, programming and other dense energy patterns from those experiences from this lifetime and all past incarnations, timelines, realities and dimensions to heal your relationship, your connection with water.

It clears grief, sorrow and sadness, and other emotions like guilt, anger and unforgiveness that we may be holding from losing people we love in accidents or events that involve water as well.

Includes extensive Allergy Healing for water, the many types of bodies of water that exist on our planet and other related allergens to clear these important allergies around water for people.

This healing tool has most of the same healing as the first of these healing tools with additional healing that focuses on common pathogens found in water.

The allergy healing component of this healing has the following Pathogenic Microorganisms added: Cryptosporidium, Escherichia (or E. coli.), Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Citrobacter, Salmonella Typhi, Salmonella Paratyphi-A, all Salmonella species, Shigella dysenteriae, S. Flexneri, and S. sonnei, Vibrio cholerae; Leptospira SPP, Yersinia enterocolitica; Francisella Tularensis; Escherichia Coli. (specific strains), Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Picornaviruses, Reoviruses, Adenoviruses, Hepatitis A, Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia Lamblia, Cryptosporidium, Entamoeba histolytica, Ascaris Lumbricoides, Roundworm; Trichuris trichiura, Whipworm; Ancylostoma duodenale, Necator americanus, Hookworms, Strongyloides, and Threadworm

And allergy healing for the following diseases from pathogens found in water:
Paratyphoid fever, Salmonellosis, Typhoid fever, Enteric fever, Shigellosis, Bacillary dysentery, Cholera, Gastroenteritis, Giardiasis, Tularemia, and Leptospirosis

Many technologies are working here to clear trauma we are holding from experiences with these diseases and pathogens.

The Deep Relationship Healing is running here with the above pathogens and diseases and also with water.

This healing has just one focus, a necessary and incredibly important focus for healing our bodies and our lives…..cleaning up distorted perceptions and understandings of love. Beliefs, trauma, emotions and other energy patterns that we carry from our experiences tell us love is fear, that love is guilt, is shame, is punishment or abuse and ultimately align us with love in it’s pure, true form and expanding our ability to receive it from others and to give it ourselves…..unconditionally and without judgment.

When the inspiration for this healing came in and I sat down to create it…I was releasing SO much within myself as I was creating it and I was still guided to run this for myself daily for at least a few weeks…and I’ve already done SO much work to heal my relationship with love, so repeat it, allow it work through deeper and deeper layers, this is THE root of our problems, this IS the human journey…to return to SELF, to know thyself, and we ARE love, and LOVE heals all things.

This healing tool made me so happy when I created it as it made a lot of what I do for myself and others for clearing common (and not so common) allergies to things in the home so much easier and faster!

There are countless energies in our home environment that could be “throwing us off”, causing confusion, instability, and various health problems, so we need to do healing/clearing work here!

This healing does that in a big way as it brings in the power of the Sacred Light Purification Healing Tool which purifies and protects us and our homes and combines it with allergy healing for our home (my home allergy kit which contains many things found in our homes that people are commonly allergic to and are contributors to many health issues, like dust, flooring, heating and cooling systems, insulation, paints, roofing materials, radiation, and much more) and continues to go even deeper with specific belief work and downloads to bring you into harmony with your home and the land you live on.

It utilizes many spiritual technologies to keep powerful protection in place for you in your home and that also act as “purifier” for our home environment, working 24/7 to clear out unwanted energies from our home.

You can also use it for other places you stay or spend time in other than your home, like hotels, or relatives homes you visit, so it’s an extremely helpful tool to have on hand! To do this just hold the place you are staying in or that you want this healing to be directed to and it will do just that!

This healing audio contains a combination of EAH Healing Tools all working together to bring healing and support with and around food and eating in many different ways.

It can help to calm emotional food cravings and shift addiction around foods and eating. It will help your body to release toxins from chemicals, metals, pathogens, reducing inflammation caused by specific toxins found in the foods we eat and in water. This healing will also assist you in greater absorption of minerals to begin correcting deficiencies which are often driving food cravings for many people.

These tools are also clearing blocks to being in your body, grounding and connecting to your higher guidance systems which are all essential to creating optimal health, vital energy, stability on all levels; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, and a harmonious relationship with food, eating and our body.

Each of these healing tools at work here contain focused belief, trauma and emotion work as well as allergy healing to accomplish healing in specific areas to create shift, healing and transformation within you.

This healing is a combination of EAH Healing Tools all working together to bring healing and support with and around weight in many different ways.

The tools at work here will help your body to:

  • Process fats
  • Absorb essential fatty acids properly
  • Support and balance your metabolism
  • Release toxins stored in the fatty tissues of the body
  • Heal and cleanse the fat cells in the body
  • Clear allergies to water so your body can utilize it properly
  • Increase self-love and acceptance
  • Heal and open your heart
  • Clear trauma that has made you feel unsafe in your body, and more

Each of the healing tools at work here contain focused belief, trauma and emotion work as well as allergy healing to accomplish healing in specific areas to create shift, healing and transformation within you.

This healing contains allergy healing for all of the foods (over 800) in my allergy kits in one audio for a general clearing that can be very effective at clearing simpler (less complex) food allergies for people.

It will also clear food allergy combinations that haven’t been addressed in the other healing tools contained in my Food Clearing Series since we are working with so many foods at one time here.

It also contains a lot emotional healing support in and around food and eating, assisting you in aligning with the experience of living and Being in harmony, peace and balance with food, with eating, with digesting, with feeding and nourishing yourself and your body and this goes beyond the physical body as this is working for you on all levels, emotional, mental, and spiritual as well.

This healing is focused on clearing blocks to healing, including limited programming, oaths, vows, and contracts, trauma and emotions related to healing to help you open to receiving healing where needed or help you open to healing on deeper levels.

It’s clearing beliefs of unworthiness, or not being allowed to heal, self-punishment and self-sabotage patterns, and much more as well as working with Spiritual Technologies to assist in clearing blockages and creating space for healing light to flow within you.

Includes allergy healing for: healing, energy work, energy healing, EAH, healers, spiritual kit, emotions/feelings, stuck, trapped, blocked, sick, broken, life, living, sacred/spiritual/light codes, geometries, technologies, activations, attunements, Source Light and love

Other Healing Tools running as a group here are: Receiving, Seeing and Understanding the Bigger Picture, Releasing Self Punishment, Releasing Self Sabotage, Activate and Balance your Meridians, Sovereign Freedom, Earth Trauma, Put down your Burden, Neglect Trauma Release, God Love/God Truth, God Wound Trauma Healing, Divine Truth, and Lightworker Trauma

The SL Healing Cocoon, the SL Purify and Protect and the SL Spinning Top are working here to break up, clear and heal blocks to healing within the energy bodies and physical body so that healing light can flow within and SL Filter is working to clear entities that are hooked in and creating blocks to healing.

This healing is clearing trauma, programming, emotions and other limiting energy patterns that are connected to your experiences with money, and about money itself.

When we do allergy healing for money and things relating to money we are clearing resistance, blocks we have with those things and restoring harmony within us with those things.

We live in a reality where money exists and is needed to care for ourselves and our families. It is part of being and feeling abundant and can bring us freedom and reduce stress. It is something we are ALL worthy of having, but there is a LOT of programming and trauma around money and wealth.

Many healers, and others in professions where we are in service to others struggle with this and often suffer and struggle with lack, with not having enough.

As we heal our body, heal and clear trauma, clear stuck emotions, and limiting programming, we naturally come into greater self-love and self-acceptance, and as we do that often our money story begins to improve as well.

When I was first working with clients with this modality, It was fascinating to discover that we can be and often are allergic to money.

So here you are clearing allergies to money and things relating to money.

This healing is also bringing a higher perspective and understanding of money and wealth from your Higher Self and from Creator and aligning you with that so you can begin to heal your relationship with money, so that you change your perspective where you are stuck. Now money, wealth and abundance are BIG topics for healing, that some of us can work a lifetime on healing and feel like we’ve made little progress, but this healing is going to do a lot for you and may be just what you need to open to more financial abundance. And it IS going to calm any inflammation in your body that is being created by allergies to money, so it is a very handy tool.

As so many of us experience stress and a whole gamut of emotions when it comes to money – and that means we become allergic to it later, even if we clear it today, and that is creating problems in our body.

Money is many negative things to many people, it often equates to intense or deeply rooted emotions like hate, fear, shame, judgment, guilt, anger, rage abuse, unforgiveness, aggression, depression, despair, disappointment, misery, misfortune, isolation, humiliation, hopelessness, helplessness just to name a few and this creating problems for us with money, wealth and abundance.

This healing is clearing a long list of these patterns and emotions to help us see money in a new way, to have a fresh start in our relationship with money.

It is also clearing the patterns, habits and addiction to lack, poverty, to financial struggle, to not having enough, to not having enough money, to creating money problems, money stress, and drama in our lives.

We are also working with the high-dimensional Sacred Light Technologies Sacred Light Open Doors, Sacred Light Bounty of the Universe and the Zipper to open you to receiving, creating and having abundance, including financial abundance.

This healing contains many spiritual technologies, belief work and downloads and of course allergy healing to clear trauma, including cellular memories, conscious and unconscious trauma from this lifetime and all lifetimes, realities, timelines, and dimensions where you have experienced a histamine response/allergy/resistance/disharmony with the nature on our planet, with the pollens, the flora, and vegetation on this planet. It will clear these allergies for you that are specific to what is growing and in the air where you live, which may be in your home, your yard, and/or the city/province you live in.

It is also clearing allergies to Vitamin C, proteins, radiation and dust as I often find these necessary for many people to resolve allergies to pollens, flora, fruits and vegetables.

This means this healing is also going to help you with digestion and absorption of proteins and Vitamin C and help you to release toxins in the body from many forms of radiation exposure.

The emotions/feelings of irritation, annoyance, and aggravation are commonly a part of environmental allergies so we are working with those along with other emotions, so this is a good healing to utilize when you are feeling those feelings.

Includes Allergy Healing for: flora and pollens kit, vegetables, fruits, spices and herbs, Vitamin C, proteins, earth element, mineral kit, spiritual kit, radiation kit, the body, allergy combinations, sugars, dust, environmental factors, irritated/irritation, aggravated/aggravation, annoyance/annoyed, anger, confusion, spiritual kit, people, places and events kit.

This could be the perfect healing tool to clear complex allergies to vegetables, nuts, seeds, dust, radiation, molds, fungus, and minerals, or even flora and pollens.

This healing tool clears allergies, trauma, programming, trapped emotions and other energy patterns related to the Fall and Winter Seasons, to the damp and the cold, the fall and winter equinoxes, to the changing of the seasons, weather changes, and to other things related to these seasons like mold, fungus and mycotoxins.

As these seasons are a time of death, of transition, change, releasing and letting go, we are bringing healing and support for these cycles in life as well, clearing related trauma and assisting in moving through these stages, rhythms, transitions and cycles with more ease and flow.

The Sacred Light Satellite Receiver, SL Open Doors and EAH Align to Your Highest Timeline are working to retrieve and activate the parts and aspects of SELF that hold the cellular memories of lifetimes of existence where you lived in perfect peace, harmony and balance with nature, with the decaying leaves, with molds, fungus and mycotoxins, with the natural world/environment during the Fall/Autumn and during the Winter, with damp/wet/rainy climate/weather, with the snow, rain, sleet, cold and freezing temperatures, climate/weather, in my environment and on this planet, and to bring you into alignment and achor you in the timeline that holds the highest perspective and understanding of how to live in perfect peace, balance and harmony with these seasons and their elements.

The SL Filter anchors these technologies and their instructions and working along with the SL Turbine to clear out distorted energy patterns in the way of this.

The allergy healing included here is for: Molds, fungus, mycotoxins, the smell of, sight of, sounds of, touch/feel of, taste, all sensory perceptions of mold, fungus and mycotoxins, dust, radiation, vegetables, nuts and seeds, beans and legumes, flora kit, earth elements, minerals, metals, environmental factors, emotions/feelings, people, places and events, allergy combinations, most body kits, dying/decaying vegetation/flora and leaves, the natural world/environment/climate/air/atmosphere during the Fall/Autumn and during the Winter, damp/wet/rainy climate/weather, snow, rain, sleet, cold, freezing temperatures, cold, freezing climate/weather/air/atmosphere, the smell of, sight of, sounds of, touch/feel of, taste of these things, judgment, judgment day, death, dying, the death process, life review, NDE’s, trauma from death experiences, “death” trauma, the cycles, seasons, rhythms, and changes of life, trauma associated with or connected to the cycles, seasons, rhythms, and changes of life, Winter Equinox, Fall Equinox, falling, dampness, clouds, gray skies, fog, cloud covering, freezing, dropping temperatures, snow, ice, sleet, cold/frozen ground, oxygen, Breath of Life, breathing, life, living, releasing, letting go, transitions, change, Christmas Holiday, and Thanksgiving Holiday, family, your family.

Other Healing Tools running as a group here are: Earth Trauma, Grounding into Gaia, Healing Your Relationship with People, Activate and Balance Your Meridians, Put Down Your Burden, SL Higher Root Chakra, Reclaiming Your Sacred Vessel, and the Microorganisms Detox Healing.

Here we are bringing in healing for Motherhood, with our “Mother” Self and for Fatherhood and our “Father” Self. It is clearing negative programming and trauma we are holding in these parts and aspects of ourselves, along with emotions like guilt which we so commonly experience as parents.

It’s bringing in downloads to shift our perspective on parenting and parenthood where it is distorted, where it is coming through the lens of trauma and other energy patterns that create disconnection and separation, frustration and displaced and sabotaging expectations of ourselves and possibly our children as well so that we can move into harmony and create healthy loving bonds with our children but also with ourselves as a parent.

This healing is healing our relationship with humanity, the human collective.

This healing tool is multi-functional. It’s clearing many types of collective and “people” trauma.

It’s a great tool to utilize to assist you shifting in specific areas where you may be taking on energies that are overwhelming you from the collective. Great for empaths!

It has a lot of belief, trauma and emotional work as well as downloads to clear distorted energies in our field of connection with humanity as whole. Clearing low vibrational energies we have taken on and are holding from the human collective, and to shift us into a place where we are no longer taking on what isn’t ours!

Clearing programming and Oaths, Vows and Contracts to be responsible for other people, humanity, or the collective, to have to fix them, sacrifice ourselves for them. Anywhere that is what it means to love or have compassion for others, for humanity or the collective…and much more.

Includes Allergy Healing for: the human race, all people, the collective, people, places and events kit, spiritual kit, emotions/feelings kit, all trauma and low vibrational energy/energy patterns that are held from being attacked, killed, maimed/wounded, hurt, and/or disfigured, humiliated, rejected, ostracized, abandoned, raped, bullied, abused by humans, by people, by our societies, communities, clubs, religions, families, governments, by those in power on our planet, parasite kit, the blood tissues kit, brain, heart, nervous system, glands and organs kit, skeletal system kit, cell/DNA/RNA kit, inflammation kit, immune system kit, environmental factors kit, all humans/people that the individual receiving this healing has ever been attacked, killed maimed/wounded, hurt, disfigured, humiliated, rejected, and/or abandoned, bullied.

You can direct this healing to any pet, type of animal, a specific animal (that attacked you in the past or that you feel a lot of fear toward that you can’t explain), or even specific insects.

This healing is truly healing our relationship with animals, all animals in the animal kingdom. It is even healing our relationship with our pets, not just the pets we currently care for, but all pets and animal friends we have ever loved and cared for.

This healing tool is multi-functional. It’s clearing animal attack trauma of all kinds, as well as going deep to clear specific types of trauma we may be picking up and carrying for our pets, out to the wider animal kingdom, and all Oaths, Vows and Contracts to live this way.

It’s also clearing distorted energy patterns within our connections to our pets, the animals in our home, and even on our land utilizing the Relationship Trauma Healing Tools of this modality.

Includes allergy healing for: the meat kit, the animal kit, all trauma and low vibrational energy/energy patterns that are in the animal meat we are eating, trauma from being attacked, killed, maimed/wounded, hurt, and/or disfigured, spiritual kit, parasite kit, and people, events and places kit, emotions/feelings kit, the blood tissues kit, brain, heart, nervous system, glands and organs kit, skeletal system kit, cell/DNA/RNA kit, inflammation kit, immune system kit, environmental factors kit, all animals that the individual receiving this healing has ever been attacked or killed by, the pets/animal friends of the individual receiving this healing present, past and future.

Other Healing Tools included here are: Adrenal Gland healing, Death Trauma, and Accident/Injury Trauma

The Deep Relationship Healing is running here for you with the priority animal needed as identified by Creator and/or for your pets/animal friends they love and care for in the present and in the past. (This could even be an animal or insect that we have been attacked by in the past)

A Sacred Light Filter is also coming in here to assist in filtering out trauma, emotions and other energies that vibrate at a frequency that is less than love that we have taken on from animal meat or insects we are or have eaten.

This healing is clearing out past life trauma, along with patterns that are keeping you stuck in the past, at a past age or past life experience. Clearing trauma from our past experiences is key in shifting out of painful, problematic cycles and patterns, reducing cellular inflammation as well as creating loving relationships, and a happy life.

This healing clears programming that the past is easier, better or safer, clearing oaths, vows and contracts to stay stuck in the past, or bound to a certain time in your life.

Clearing anywhere you have to stay in the past to keep love, or to hold onto certain relationships, or missed life experiences, to stay young, to hold onto certain parts or aspects of yourself, or to keep from or avoid growing up, becoming an adult, or to not have to be accountable or responsible for yourself, to avoid responsibility, to avoid the pressures of adulthood, to keep from growing old, to avoid old age, or death,

Clearing anywhere the future is too scary, or terrifying.

Clearing anywhere you have to stay in the past or keep repeating the past until you “get it right”, or are forgiven.

Clearing anywhere you have to stay in the past to punish yourself or to punish others.

Clearing anywhere that you don’t have permission or aren’t allowed to move forward in your life.

Bringing in downloads like:
I know how to heal the past, my past, past lives, past pain, past suffering, past trauma, past life trauma, soul level trauma

I know how to forgive myself, how to forgive the past, to forgive my past, to forgive those who hurt me in the past, I know how to forgive myself for hurting others.

I know how to let go of and release the past
I know how to revisit the past without getting stuck, trapped or bound there
I know how to move forward

And much more!

This healing is bringing so much to you to clear blocks to being present. Being present, and living in “Presence” is the sweet spot, this is where we feel calm, peaceful, balanced, and harmonious. It is where we become aware of the vastness of our being, the power of heart and connect to our own ‘Creator Self”, this is where our body feels best too, and it is what meditation is literally all about, but it can be so difficult to attain, and even when we do, as soon as we go about our day, that switch flips, our nervous system goes into overdrive and that serenity is gone, which lowers our immune resistance.

As we clear trauma and other dense, low vibrational energy patterns from our energy systems and physical body, being present becomes easier to achieve and we can experience living in the present moment for longer periods of time even as we navigate our busy lives.

This tool is designed to partner with the allergy healing work done with the allergy kits, and other allergy healing tools to help you get to this place we call presence faster and stay there longer. It focuses on specific programming, trapped emotions, trauma patterns that can be blocking you from becoming present with yourself, your heart, your truth, your body, your life and even with others you love.

The Sacred Light and EAH technologies are at work here along with powerful feeling downloads to call in, activate, align and anchor the information and understanding you need to call in, activate, align and anchor what you need to become and be more present, to live in PRESENCE, to have trust, hope, faith, and confidence in the present, your present, and how to live in the present without being overly concerned or afraid of your future, or being stuck in the past, past pain and trauma, and to align and anchor the frequencies of hope, trust and faith.

You are also receiving many downloads like:
I have Creator’s definition and perspective of Presence
I know what it feels like to live in the present moment
I know how to be present
I AM worthy of Presence

And much more!

Here we are clearing patterns that create the experience of being so preoccupied with your future that you struggle to be present. It is clearing patterns of stress, fear and anxiety about your future, patterns that make it difficult or even impossible to be present, to live in the present and experience yourself and life in the now moment.

Clearing limiting programming and other distorted energy patterns that create fear of the unknown, clearing trauma from past experiences where you moved forward, made a different choice or decision, took a risk and failed, or lost people or relationships that were important to you.

Also clearing distorted patterns including trauma from past experiences where you moved forward, made new choices, took new actions and succeeded but lost yourself or others you love in the process.

Clearing limiting beliefs like, it’s easier, better, or safer, to stay where you are, to avoid the future, clearing anywhere you are stuck, trapped or bound in the patterns, relationships, and circumstances you are currently in and there is no changing it.

It’s easier, better, safer, to stay where you are, than to venture into the unknown.

I am unworthy of having a better life, or of having a bright wonderful future.

I am unable to trust the future, trust the unknown, have hope and faith in my future, my future self, timeline, reality, or life.

I am not allowed to have a rewarding, fulfilling, joyful, loving, bountiful future.

Many spiritual technologies are at work here along with downloads to call in, activate, align and anchor the knowledge, information, higher wisdom, and understanding you need to have trust, hope, faith, and confidence in yourself, in your choices and decisions, in your future, and in your ability to create a safe, bright, loving, abundant future for yourself, and to activate, align and anchor the frequencies of hope, trust and faith.

You are also receiving many downloads in this healing packet like:
I know how to move forward in life without fear
I am always safe
I am safe to move forward in my life
Things are always working out for me
I am always protected, cared for and supported

And much more!

Bonus Energetic Allergy Healing Tools Included In this Course

This healing goes deep into dissolving and healing the complex energy patterns we hold from Medical Trauma all kinds, trauma, including cellular memories, conscious and unconscious trauma from this lifetime and all lifetimes, realities, timelines, and dimensions where we have experienced an acute or life-threatening symptom/pain in the body, a medical emergency, medical procedure, shocking or painful diagnosis/medical evaluation of a condition or disease, surgeries/operations, from removal of organs, glands, or other body tissues, blood transfusions, dental work, in-utero experiences, birth trauma, misdiagnosis, surgery, medical treatments, devastating fear, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual pain, vaccine damage, prescription toxicity, any trauma resulting in painful or debilitating experiences, including death. It clears and dissolves the trauma itself, and the embedded emotions, negative belief programming and entities taken on as a result of the experience.

This healing also addresses the stress and trauma of being a caregiver to loved ones, or in your profession, including PTSD.

It contains deep relationship healing for you with the priority Dr.’s, surgeons, nurses, hospitals, Dr.’s offices and hospital rooms involved with the trauma that is being cleared through this healing, and the parts of the body that were injured, operated on or removed in surgery or medical procedure of the individual receiving this healing as identified by Creator.

Includes Energetic Allergy Healing for: the medical industry, medical insurance companies and systems, pharmacutical companies/industry, medical and surgical instruments and equipment, surgery/operation, ambulances, emergency rooms/clinics, hospitals, hospital room, hospital bed, radiation kit, heating and cooling system, emergency room, doctors, nurses, surgeons, fire trucks/engines, Iv’s and IV fluids, all ingredients, energies that make up the IV fluids administered to the individual receiving this healing, needles, adhesives and glues, bandages, bandaging, wraps, plastics, ports, implants, pacemakers, stints, burn shock, pain, trauma, shock, drama, terror, panic, worry, anxiety, fear, stress, overwhelm, grief, sadness, sorrow, unforgiveness, anger, rage, resentment, anestesias, pain killers, medications/drugs, anesthia/antibiotics (all anesthia’s, medications/drugs, and antibiotics, all ingredients, properties, energies that make up the anesthia’s, medications/drugs and antibiotics, and pain killers administered, ingested, or injected for the individuals receiving this healing including Chemotherapy drugs and toxins, radiation, vitamin C, Vitamin D, herbs, healing, any and all entities that have been taken on from the hosipitals, Dr’s offices, others in the hosiptials, the DR’s, nurses, or medical staff, or that have hooked in due to the trauma the indivual is experiencing or has experienced from surgeries, medical procedures, diagnosis, organs kit, glands/hormones kit, skeletal system kit, brain kit, heart kit, vascular system kit, the head kit kit, immune system kit, nervous system kit, cells/DNA/RNA kit, metabolic/digestive kit, allergy combinations kit, environmental factors kit, people/places/events kit, feelings/emotions kit, and spiritual kit

This healing is similar to Medical Support Healing, but it is dental-focused.

the teeth, gums, mouth, cavities, dental materials, including implants, gum grafts, braces, tarter, plaque, and common bacteria that cause tooth and gum-related infections.

It’s also clearing trauma related to dentists, the dentist office, dental work, oral surgery, tooth, gum, and mouth disease and more.

It contains allergy healing for: dentists, hygienists, dentist office, dental equipment and tools, the mouth and teeth, implants, crowns, fillings, bridges, dentures, braces, retainers, cavities, root canals, root canal trauma, bone grafts, gum grafts, gum disease, common bacteria that cause cavities/infections, medications, anesthesia, antibiotics, pain medications as well as nutrients your body needs for healthy teeth and gums so that your body can absorb and use them properly.

It clears many emotions along with trauma related to all of things as well, like fear, terror, panic, and anxiety associated with doctors, hospitals, the dentist and dental work.

This healing contains belief and trauma healing work for travel, all forms of travel and transportation, including the places we need to travel, like airports, terminals and stations of all kinds, the hotels, resorts and places we are staying when we travel.

It brings in powerful protection for you when traveling, filtering out low vibrational energies from the people we are traveling with, as well as the places we are visiting or staying.

Helping you sustain your energy when it may otherwise be drained by these things. This healing can be helpful for calming anxiety and overcoming fears of flying or other modes of travel.

Can help with Jet lag as well.

It also contains some immune support which includes allergy healing for nutrients essential for good immune health like Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Zinc so that you are absorbing those nutrients properly.

Includes allergy healing for: The Body, terror, panic, fear, stress, anxiety, worry, concern, grief, anger, rage, trauma, unforgiveness, resentment, hate, the transportation kit, motels, hotels, resorts, airports, space stations, terminals, stations, docks, shipyards, roads, space, oceans/seas, driving, flying, sailing, biking, the people you are traveling with, the people you are staying with, the docking stations you are visiting, they city, Island, place, state/province, country, geographical location you are traveling to or visiting, jet lag, time zones, movement, motion, motion sickness, time travel, portals, star gates, wormholes, energy vortexes, time travel machines/mechanisms, high altitudes, barometric pressure, traveling or moving at high speeds, high velocity, centrifugal force, exploration, adventures, vacations, trauma from experiences connected to transportation/being transported from one place to another, or transporting Self and others from one place to another, spiritual kit, emotions/feelings kit, people, events and places kit, the environmental factors kit, allergy combinations, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc, and radiation.

These are powerful healing tools that are part of a series that are in the form of a short journey to go into deep emotional pattern clearing and healing.

They consist of some of the most common emotional patterns that have come up in private sessions with clients and are each working with specific groups of emotions and emotional patterns that bring complexity to the healing.

This is a specific channeled process that takes you through an unwinding process of emotional patterns that will very effectively work through deep layers and levels in just a few short minutes. Each section of the journey is encoded with many of the Sacred Light Technologies that I work with, along with allergy healing and other tools of this modality.

Each of these tools are also working to heal the parts and aspects of SELF we have fragmented off from due to the emotional patterns and all trauma we have incurred and are holding onto from them, bringing those parts and aspects of Self back in for full merge and integration.

They are also healing your relationship with yourself as within each of these healing tools you are also receiving Deep Relationship Healing for you, your SELF for the times you made choices and decisions that brought these emotional patterns into your life experience and relationships.

So these tools are also bringing our power back and healing our relationship with SELF and others.

The 3 that will be a bonus for this course are:

  1. Deep Emotional Pattern Healing Series for – hopelessness, helplessness, and depression
  2. Deep Emotions Pattern Healing Series for – irritation, aggravation, frustration, and annoyance
  3. Deep Emotional Pattern Healing Series for – conflicted, torn, uncertainty and indecisive

This healing tool is multifunctional, but as practitioners working with spiritual technologies, light frequencies and codes, we need a “maintenance” tool. I provide this in this course primarily to use as on a maintenance basis to clean up the light technologies that are outdated, no longer needed or in resonance, as well as any dense energies you may be holding from your past teachers and mentors. And to update technologies that are still needed with the highest light available.

This is an EAH spiritual technology, a multidimensional energetic structure layered with other technologies and tools to amplify it to heal your relationships!

Its uses are MANY! You can use it to bring healing and support to any connection that you feel guided to bring it in for. From people to pets, to parts and aspects of yourself, to a part of the body, a pathogen, a cell, an insect, an injury….

You can also further individualize the healing this technology offers by running other healing tools into it for additional healing, clearing and support for the relationship you are working with.

It includes Sacred Light Open Doors along with EAH Align to your Highest Timeline to locate/open the door to the most optimal timeline that holds the information needed for the highest healing, that holds the highest level of harmony in this connection, the highest perspective of this relationship and align you with that and anchoring them into that timeline.

Sacred Light Golden Orb of Protection along with the Hermetic Seal to in effect, up the level of security of the chamber, so it is working without outside influence or interference, creating a harmonious, safe space for healing to yield the highest outcome.

The Relationship Trauma Release Healing runs into the chamber to deepen and expand the healing. 

Finally, the Sacred Light Filter assists with anchoring in the Relationship Trauma Release, as well as in filtering out discordant energies in the chamber as you process and integrate healing, and to anchor the relationship healing chamber itself for the individuals receiving the healing in the highest and best way.

The Power of This Advanced Toolkit

As EAH practitioners, you already know the power of allergy clearing. This comprehensive collection of 54+ advanced tools not only restores alignment, resonance, and harmony within your relationships at both macro and micro levels - from cellular connections to universal forces - but helps you maintain this state daily amidst our chaotic and challenging environments.

These practical tools can be used every day to keep yourself centered, aligned, and in harmony. Whether facing physical toxins, collective emotional turbulence, or information overload, you'll find yourself naturally more centered, clear, and harmonious in your relationship with both inner and outer environments. Working with them develops natural energetic protection that grows stronger over time, increasing your capacity to maintain higher frequencies and creating powerful energetic boundaries.

Using this suite of advanced healing tools that combine allergy healing, deep trauma, belief, and emotional clearing — plus sophisticated light-encoded healing technologies — you'll facilitate profound healing in minutes, release pain, alleviating symptoms, restoring body function, freedom, and quality of life you and your clients seek."

Special Bundle Offer

Complete Healing Mastery

Transform your healing abilities by combining this course with the Advanced Food Allergy Clearing & Body Detoxification Expansion Kit.

Save 30% $500 OFF when you purchase both courses together

For EAH Practitioners Ready To

  • Master advanced tools for complex digestive, immune, and whole-body system healing
  • Transform healing connections from cellular to universal levels—for accelerated restoration of harmony in mind, body, and spirit
  • Access 115+ comprehensive healing tools to quickly resolve complex, long-standing patterns in all areas of life
  • Evolve your innate healing abilities while deepening your EAH mastery

This Powerful Bundle Delivers

  • Deep healing technologies that work through the digestive system gateway to influence all body systems
  • Advanced energetic and relationship healing tools that create profound transformation
  • Live training and mentoring to develop your unique healing gifts
  • A complete suite of tools that partner perfectly to take your EAH practice to the next level

Exclusive Bundle Bonuses

"Breathe Easy with Energetic Allergy Healing" Program

  • 10 healing audios focused on environmental allergies
  • 21 days of additional healing
  • Perfect for personal and family support

Clearing Buried Childhood Trauma Call

  • 90-minute intensive healing session
  • Address deep-rooted childhood patterns
  • Transform generational patterns

Healing Your Relationships to Restore Health
& Happiness Expansion Kit


$ 897
  • SAVE $500
Best Value


$ 328
  • 3 Monthly Payments


$ 164
  • 6 Monthly Payments
Credit Cards       30 Datys Money Back Gurantee       Secure Checkout

Bundle To Save 30%

Receive this course + Advanced Food Allergy Clearing & Body Detoxification Expansion Kit

The regular price for both classes is $1794 (save $500)


$ 1256
  • One-time Payment
  • Regular $1794
Best Value


$ 460
  • 3 Monthly Payments
  • Regular $621


$ 230
  • 6 Monthly Payments
  • Regular $310

Special Bundle Pay in Full Bonus Gift

Receive access to "Breathe Easy with Energetic Allergy Healing." This is a healing program I created for Darius' You Wealth Revolution community earlier this year and it's packed full of healing! It combines my Breathe Easy Series of 10 healing audios that focus on environmental allergies and the respiratory system + 21 days of additional healing where I tuned into our group and brought through healing for what was optimal each of those days. WOW, what a powerhouse of healing! This package offers so much and is an incredible value!

PLUS! If You Pay in Full, You Will Receive All Bonuses from Each Course

With the bundle, you'll also get these incredible bonuses:

    1. Immediate access to a 90-minute healing call from my Miracle Healing Sanctuary—"Clearing Buried Childhood Trauma to Heal Your Body and Life", and

    2. 3 Brand New Deep Emotional Pattern Healing Tools—These are powerful healing tools that are part of a series that are in the form of a short journey to go into deep emotional pattern clearing and healing. They consist of some of the most common emotional patterns that have come up in private sessions with clients and are each working with specific groups of emotions and emotional patterns that bring complexity to the healing. This bonus will be delivered live.

Credit Cards       30 Datys Money Back Gurantee       Secure Checkout

My Vision for Your Journey

My deepest goal for you in working with these tools is to support your evolution into greater wholeness, personal empowerment, and freedom. These healing technologies are designed to help you experience more joy, love, and authentic power in your life while expanding your capacity to create profound transformation for others.

As you integrate these tools into your practice, you'll discover new pathways to freedom, deeper connections with your inner wisdom, and expanded abilities to manifest positive change in all aspects of your life. This isn't just about healing - it's about stepping fully into your power and experiencing the joy and freedom that comes with true wholeness.

If you haven’t taken Energetic Allergy Healing Certification (EAHCC) which is the prerequisite for these new EAH MASTERY SERIES: BEYOND CERTIFICATION courses you can purchase all 3 courses as a special bundle
(and save $1000)

This Energetic Allergy Healing Bundle is a unique 3-course package that gives you full access to the essential teachings and knowledge you’ll receive in the The Energetic Allergy Healing Certification Course.

PLUS the incredible tools and training you’ll get with these brand new EAH Expansion Courses!
The Certification Course includes my proprietary Allergy Kits (there’s nothing else like these Kits anywhere!), and I’ll show you how to use them to perform allergy healing at the highest level. You’ll learn to clear and release over 8000 allergies using the Kits, reverse inflammation, and dissolve physical and emotional pain and trauma not just for yourself and your loved ones but for healing clients.

With the Certification Course you’ll have everything you need to become a confident, in-demand healer and if you’re already working with clients, the Energetic Allergy Healing modality is a valuable addition to your healing toolkit (in fact seasoned healers have told me that Energetic Allergy Healing is their #1 go-to healing modality!)


$ 2990
  • One-time Payment
  • Regular $3,990
Best Value


$ 658
  • 5 Monthly Payments
  • Regular $877


$ 329
  • 10 Monthly Payments
  • Regular $438
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FREE Webinar: Living Allergy and
Inflammation Free

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Energetic Allergy Healing + HeartMath: Compassion Meditation

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The Magic of Allergy Healing: Become your own Master Allergy and Inflammation Healer

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FREE Masterclass: Healing the Thyroid, Adrenals and Endocrine System

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FREE Webinar:
CoCreating Sacred Union in 2019

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FREE Webinar: Creating your energetic foundation so that You Can Have It All

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