Thank you for registering for Advanced Food Allergy Clearing & Body Detoxification Expansion Kit!
Get ready for a unique, powerful healing experience to heal and eliminate allergies, inflammation, pain, disease and dysfunction in your body.
You will receive an email from with all of the event details within the next 15 minutes.
NOTE: “Your first healing gift is right here in this short video. This healing will:
Prepare you energetically and physically for what you will be receiving as part of the masterclass event.
Clear allergies to heavy/toxic metals so you can begin to release these from your body.
Clear and heal blocks to getting in your heart and body so you can get grounded and connected to your higher guidance systems.
Clear allergies to vital minerals so your body can begin to utilize and absorb them.
The classes will include a healing experience, teaching and a Q&A every day. I’ll be teaching live in our Facebook Group and the replays will be made available within 24 hours.
I invite you to join Miracle Healing with Kimberlie, which is my beautiful community on Facebook. You’ll see that it’s one of the most supportive, loving communities online (you’ll be surrounded by kindred spirits holding sacred space so you can heal, learn and grow!)
Please check your inbox (and spam folder) for a confirmation email for this Masterclass Series. Look for and make sure to add me to your Contact List.
For Gmail Users you can also click on the star next to my email and then drag it to your primary folder.
Copyright © 2017-23 · Kimberlie Carlson
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Yes, I’d love to join this FREE healing experience!
Yes, I’d love to experience this FREE healing series!
Yes, I’d love to experience this FREE healing series!
Yes, I’d love to join this FREE healing experience!